问题标签 [node-debugger]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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node.js - Node debug - undefined error

I was exploring node debugger and I am stuck at the problem. I have a debugging.js file with following content

Note that there is an mistake on line 5. This is done intentionally to debug the problem. Now I tried running node using node debug debugging.js. While this didn't gave any error. Calling setBreakpoint(5) resulted in following error.

Environment : Debian Linux3.2.0, Node JS - V0.13.0-pre

Can someone tell me, what should be done to resolve this?

I found post, which seems to have similar problem, but it seems to be a year old post and I am not sure whether the fix is available in the node version, I am using.

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node.js - “node-debug index.js”和“run node-inspector, then node --debug index.js”有什么区别








我使用 mac osx 10.10.2

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node-inspector - node-debug 如何在未捕获的异常上禁用中断

我是 node.js 的新手,特别是我正在尝试调试一些繁重的任务。在尝试使用 node-debug 进行调试时,我遇到了一个烦人的问题。

情况是它在未捕获的异常上中断,并且以某种方式尝试使用不同的路径获取 js/json,这会在真正输入我的代码之前导致异常。



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node.js - 使用 npm run 运行 node-inspector 和 node-debug

如何一次运行两个脚本npm run?首先,我知道 grunt 或 gulp,但我想在没有其他 js 模块的情况下实现它。为了做到这一点,我有这个脚本:

我想运行,npm run ins但它只会触发节点检查器。 在此处输入图像描述

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node.js - 无法从无头服务器远程调试 nodejs

我正在从无头 ubuntu 服务器运行节点,并且无法从外部浏览器访问节点检查器。

我可以在我的另一台具有旧版本节点或节点检查器的服务器上执行此操作,方法是导航到此链接并将 localhost 交换为服务器 ip:

我刚刚配置了一个新服务器并在其上安装了节点,但 node-debug 现在显示这种格式:

我似乎无法再通过交换 IP 地址来实现这一点。转发任何东西是否需要额外的步骤?

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node.js - 节点调试,无法保存文件更改




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node.js - 节点调试器闯入了什么文件?

我有一些在调试模式下运行的代码。据我了解,这通过标准node.js 调试器运行它。


有时我在其他文件上有断点,但它们总是给出绝对文件路径,但在这种情况下它只是文件名。我找不到具有该名称的文件,其内容列于 上line 77,也找不到有关调试器如何工作的解释。


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javascript - Node debugging with WebPack and Feathers

I joined a group building a product with Node, Webpack, TypeScript and Express/Feathers. Other developers know what they are doing, but I have only used JavaScript on a client until now and have literally only a few hours of Node under my belt. Trying to figure out how to go about debugging. Specifically, my first task is to fix some failing API tests.

Tests are executed with:

My package has:

The routine is to compile typescript into ES6 then babel to ES5 compatible with Node.

I tried doing:

When this node-debug invocation runs, the results are not the same as with npm. Please share your experience.

Thank you

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node.js - 节点调试铬/铬中未显示对象属性

在 chrome/chromium 中运行 node-debug 和翻转对象时,我可以看到对象属性下降到第一级。但是,如果我尝试通过单击下拉箭头来扩展这些属性之一,则不会发生任何事情。我试图扩展的对象属性并不大,有时只是几个数字的数组?

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node.js - node-debug 不会中断并且不显示代码

我正在尝试使用node-debug调试我的 CLI 节点脚本。根据我读过的所有内容,我应该能够简单地运行我的脚本node-debug,这将启动脚本--debug-brk,然后打开我的浏览器到node-inspector页面。

这一切似乎工作正常。我看不到我的脚本的输出(这表明 --debug-brk 正在工作),我的浏览器打开,它连接到node-inspector,如果我 kill node-debug,检查器显示它已断开连接。



