问题标签 [nintex-workflow]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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sharepoint-2010 - 我的 Nintex 自定义操作未在 SingleLineInput 的工作流变量中读取

我编写了一个自定义工作流操作,它接受多个值,主要使用 SingleLineInput 控件。

当我分配文字值时,我没有问题,但是当我尝试分配工作流变量时,我没有得到变量的实际值,我得到文字文本 - 类似于 {WorkflowVariable:XmlValue} - 假设我的变量是名称 XmlValue。



用于从 SingleLineInput 检索值的 javascript




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sharepoint - 找不到已发布的 Nintex 工作流程

我使用 NWAdmin 在我的网站上发布了 Nintex 工作流程:


当我转到Site Actions> Nintex Workflow 2010>Manage site workflows时,我看不到我刚刚尝试添加的工作流程。


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nintex-workflow - Where to find documentation for Nintex Workflow web service?

Where do I find documentation for Nintex Workflow web service?

The webservice can be found under http://myservername/MyNintexSite/_vti_bin/nintexworkflow/workflow.asmx, but the methods require parameters and I cannot find description, what those parameters are.

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sharepoint - 导入/导出 Nintex Workflow InfoPath 任务表单

我在我的开发环境中创建了一个 nintex 工作流,该工作流有一个带有自定义 infopath 表单的 flexi 任务,但是当我将我的工作流导出/导入到暂存环境时,infopath 表单没有被导出。



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sharepoint - 如何从自定义列表中签出/签入项目?

我想用 nintex 创建一个库类型的应用程序。我希望能够签出/签入“书籍”,并有列说明它是否可用于签出。我希望它还包含结帐日期。

现在,我很确定我想要一个自定义列表,但是在检查它时遇到问题,因为它没有让我选择从“结帐来源:”下拉列表中说出“当前项目”。(如手册中所述:http: //nintexdownload.com/sl/supportfiles/NintexWorkflow2007UserManual.pdf)。我用谷歌搜索了这个,发现一篇关于你如何不能从自定义列表中签出项目的帖子。我会以错误的方式解决这个问题吗?


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visual-studio-2010 - 在 Visual Studio 2010 中添加 Nintex WorkFlow 2010 操作?

如何在 Visual Studio 2010 中添加 Nintex WorkFlow 2010 操作以创建自定义工作流?它在线搜索。但除了 Nintex WorkFlow 2010 操作,其他人正在获取。还是想在 VS 2010 中手动创建?


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sharepoint-workflow - 使用 Nintex 工作流程中提供的用户数据更新 sharepoint 2003 列表

为这个问题的天真道歉,但我对在 Sharepoint 中使用 Nintex 工作流程是全新的。

由于没有在 Nintex 手册或在线找到示例,我希望执行的简单任务是向用户发送任务以提示他们更新 Sharepoint 列表中的特定字段。


为我希望更新的每个字段创建一个单独的表单似乎很冗长,在 Nintex 2007 中,我正在努力了解如何从运行工作流的数据列表中合并现有字段。


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sharepoint-2010 - Sharepoint Nintex 工作流在只需要一个时发送多个通知

我在使用 Nintex 工作流程时遇到问题。当它触发它时它应该只发送一个时发送多个通知。我想要实现的是一个电子邮件通知,当表单提交日期过期时,它会发送电子邮件,表单填写者。

工作流程名称:PIF 逾期审核

使用的主要逻辑是[todaydate]等于“当前日期”的工作流变量和[Due Date]用户在表单填写过程开始时填写的列表字段。

'todaydate' 工作流变量的设置: todaydate 工作流变量

一次[todaydate]大于[Due date](并且只要 [Issue Status]= 'Assigned' 或 'Investigated');我想向几位经理([Responsible Manager][Attention of]经理)发送一封电子邮件,并将填写的列表[RAG](红色。Amber.Green)更改为“RED”。


我的 Nintex 流程图如下所示:

我的 Nintex 流程图如下所示:

步骤 1) 设置条件:

当前[Due Date field]项目上的 大于变量[todaydate],并且[Issue Status]当前项目上的字段等于“已分配”或[Issue Status]当前项目上的字段等于“已调查”。


步骤 2) 结束工作流程


步骤 3) 设置字段值


步骤 4) 发送通知



todaydate 工作流变量

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regex - 使用正则表达式解析单词后的值 [Nintex]






编辑:我正在 http://regexpal.com/上进行测试

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forms - SharePoint 2013 Forms

I am working on SharePoint 2013 Public Facing site which has few complex forms for user input. there are approx 20-30 fields on each form with requirement to display data in table/grid , some repeating data elements on form etc. Also there are few complex validation requirements on the forms.

What are the options available in SharePoint 2013 for developing this kind of application with forms?

  1. If Icreate web parts/visual webpart in SharePoint 2013 which holds all this logic and we store data in SQL database , than there is not much benefit which we will get from SharePoint platform.

  2. If I use Business Connectivity Service and store data in external list , we have to develop the front end forms as .net user control, i don't see much value from SharePoint platform in this scenario.

  3. If I consider infopath 2013 forms, as an option for developing forms,i was not able to find any official reference on msdn or technet which explains that info path is good for public facing site and i haven't seen one example of PUBLIC FACING SP2013 site using info path forms on public facing.

  4. If I consider Nintex forms, I think Nintex forms are not there yet for public facing as the level of CSS control, validation which they provide is very limited at the moment and Nintex forms are very difficult to manage once you have more fields on form, more importantly i don't see Nintext forms used on any PUBLIC FACING SP2013 SharePoint site , even Nintex site itself is not using NINTEX forms on public facing.

  5. If i consider K2 smart forms, it has similar limitations as mentioned in point 3 & 4.

Any thoughts or suggestions for having for developing forms for SP2013 (PUBLIC FACING) other than .NET forms?