问题标签 [newsletter]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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html - html 通讯模板的标准尺寸

我想创建一个 html 通讯模板以通过电子邮件发送出去,但是,我不确定它的标准尺寸。800w会好吗?还是我应该去一些更小的东西?

对于网页,我的标准通常是 970w,但不确定 html 时事通讯的最佳做法是什么。


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html - 按表格设计时事通讯的最佳方法是什么?



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jquery - Fancybox 确认窗口

我有一个时事通讯注册表单,我希望确认信息出现在 Fancybox 窗口中。麻烦的是,我不知道该怎么做!我用什么代码来调用窗口 onSubmit?不使用时,我将窗口的代码放在哪里?它应该是它自己的网页吗?


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email - 自动回复 Drupal 7 替代品

我正在寻找 Drupal 7 的模块,它可以做类似于Drupal 6 的Autoresponder所做的事情:

我想在用户订阅后向他们发送不同的电子邮件通讯。第 1 天 - 电子邮件 #1 等等。并且该模块应该预先设置电子邮件模板(比按需发送电子邮件的 Simplenews 模块更复杂)。

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php - (最佳实践)如何发送时事通讯?

使用 PHP 向 5.000 人发送电子邮件的最佳解决方案是什么?

一个简单的循环就够了吗?我应该将它们拆分并每 5 分钟添加一个 cron 吗?


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mysql - How Do I Achieve Mailchimp List + External Database List Status Synchronization?

I'm new to the world of MailChimp and custom API integrations so please bear with me. I'm also an internet marketer (not a developer),

so please bear with me even more ;)

The Situation:

We have a platform with user accounts, data etc. Currently this platform utilizes custom, on-platform newsletter system and list management. This on-platform system doesn't work...at all :(. So,

we're migrating the whole system to MailChimp.

The Problem:

We need to make sure that our newsletter list is updated both on our site (LAMP stack) and MailChimp.

Essentially, we want the following to happen:

  1. If a user subscribes/unsubscribes/updates their newsletter subscription from within their profile on our platform, that MailChimp receives this information
  2. If someone subscribes/unsubscribes/updates their MailChimp Subscription from merge tags in emails or self-hosted form items, that this information gets pushed back to our database

Simply, both lists would remain equal, independent, and updated.

We have 3 newsletter types in 3 languages each. In order to create filters for each of these newsletters we will 1) create three groups and 2) create segments within each of these groups based on user language preferences, which come from our database. We use Zoho CRM to

import into MailChimp

The Question:

How do we do it? (Kidding...) What are the necessary API calls that we need to make to ensure that we can synchronize our platform's MySQL columns that pertain to list management with MailChimp?

What is the best way to provide form elements on MailChimp that users can use to administer their subscription statuses from within our platform. (We have three newsletter types, and as soon as a user updates something on our site, we want that not only to 1) go to mailchimp (the easy part), but 2) come back to our website and update our own MySQL database columns.

What would be the most seamless and least-hair-pulling way to make sure that we can keep Zoho CRM, our site and MailChimp updated with the most recent subscription data. I was thinking:

  1. Export from our site into Zoho
  2. Import from Zoho Into MailChimp
  3. Pull data from MailChimp back into our website (just the status of newsletter subscriptions)

My idea is that we would iterate this process weekly or so. Is this ok or just way off the mark?

Many, many thanks in advance and I'm happy to clarify anything.

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php - 如何创建时事通讯应用程序?

我需要创建一个时事通讯 php 应用程序,它将模板电子邮件发送给所有订阅的系统用户。我们目前正在使用 PostgreSQL,因此如果 PhpList 不能与 PostgreSQL 一起使用,它就无法为我们工作。




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email - 如何使用 ar_mailer_rails3?

对不起我的英语不好,我是法国人。我正在尝试为 prestashop 制作时事通讯解决方案,这是一种 ruby​​ on rails 解决方案。

要进行群发邮件,我想使用 ar_mailer_rails3 但是当我按照 git hub 上的 Ar_mailer_rails3的说明进行操作时 ,出现错误:

有谁知道如何使用 ar_mailer_rails3 或者已经解决了这个问题?


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php - 基于 CakePHP 的应用程序在需要 Cache-Class 时抛出 500 服务器错误

我正在尝试运行基于 CakePHP 的应用程序。就是这样:Newsletter Mailer v1.1


但正如您所看到的,我收到的只是 500 内部服务器错误。

我将此错误跟踪到文件中:cake/libs/cache.php第 203 行

其中第 203 行是:require $path;

为了追查这一点,我在这条线之前 die()d,并得到了我的 die() 消息。
在此行之后的 die()ing 导致了 500 错误,但在该所需文件 ( cake/libs/cache/file.php) 中的 die()ing 也给了我 500。

我正在运行 Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64Bit,PHP 5.2.4(作为 apache 模块,而不是 fast-cgi)




PHP Fatal error: Class 'CakeLog' not found in /var/www/vhosts/dasministerium.com/subdomains/mailer/httpdocs/cake/libs/cache/file.php on line 83




它是一个 CakePHP <-> eAccelerator 问题.... 已解决

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javascript - 使用 Mootools 的时事通讯注册表单,无需重新加载页面

我一直在寻找一个好的 mootools 脚本,用于一个带有单行输入字段 + 发送按钮的简单时事通讯注册表单。


  • 无需重新加载即可提交表单
  • 我不想使用 jQuery 或 Protoype 或 Mootools 之外的任何其他库(我已经为网站的其他部分提供了 Mootools,我认为向其中添加更多库会造成太多混乱?)
  • 试图找到一个效果很好但简单的效果(比如发送时旋转的“加载”图像......但到目前为止只为 jQuery/Prototype 找到了这个)
  • 我正在使用干净的 url:.htaccess 将 URI 发送到 index.php,然后它会解析 URL 并确定要包含哪些 php 文件来创建每个页面。换句话说,我不确定是否有办法在不弄乱 URL 的情况下对 mysql 进行验证/插入条目?
