问题标签 [neo4j-plugin]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - Neo4j 插件递归

我正在尝试为 neo4j 创建自己的函数,该函数递归地遍历图形并返回连接到长值大于 100 的边的任何节点和边。

我知道有一个简单的 CYPHER 查询,但是通过这样做,我可以知道如何自己处理更复杂的事情。


  1. 从关系类型为“TypeExample”的节点匹配 Id 中获取所有关系。
  2. 如果关系具有长属性“Count”并且 Count > 100,则转到 1。
  3. IF 5 个节点深,停止。返回具有接口 IPath 的节点和边列表。

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docker - 如何在构建阶段将插件添加到 Neo4j Docker 容器,而不是在容器运行时下载插件?

我需要我的 neo4j 服务来使用一些插件。我的 Neo4j Docker 构建文件是:

那个部分ENV NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc", "graph-algorithms"]'




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neo4j - 用户定义的过程超时

如何为我的neo4j 用户定义过程实现超时机制?




org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.ThreadToStatementContextBridge$BridgeNotInTransactionException: 请求的操作无法执行,因为它必须在事务中执行。确保您将操作包装在适当的事务样板中,然后重试。

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maven - Neo4j DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder not working in Maven

I am trying to create a user defined procedure (plugin) that involve querying Neo4j 4.x Enterprise. I'm using Maven as suggested by Neo4j.

My pow.xml dependencies are:

This java file gives me errors at the step where it tries to instantiate the data management service, e.g.: DatabaseManagementService managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder( databaseDirectory ).build(). I have not yet added the query/result code.

public class personQuery {


Somehow, the required dependency is not loading properly.

How do I fix this?