问题标签 [mongoose-populate]

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node.js - Mongoose 填充选项和查询时间

我正在一个平台上工作,我在所有查询中使用 mongoose .populate 次数,我打开 mongoose 调试模式,发现查询执行时间几乎没有差异(现在 100 个文档,将有 100000 个文档将来)使用填充和不使用填充。

我知道基本上填充也在内部进行 finOne 查询,我的问题是,使用.populate会增加我的查询时间,或者如果记录数量达到数百万,它是否会影响我的性能。还有我可以选择的任何替代方案来提高性能吗

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mongodb - Mongoose not populating previously saved document with reference to newly saved document


I am writing a MEAN stack application, using Mongoose (4.0.6) with Node/Express to interface with MongoDB, and I am running into difficulty populating saved documents when I later save new documents that the existing document should have a reference to. Specifically, in the app I have a user create an instance of a company before creating their admin account for that company, so when the user registers him/herself as an admin, I'd like the company document to populate its users array with the new user.

Here are my schemas for company and user:



Here is the code in my controller:

The company (e.g. TEST53) saves to the database correctly with an empty users array:

Then when I create the user, it saves correctly:

And I can see that the correct ObjectId prints to the console for user.company:

But the company's users array doesn't populate with the user's id, and the console.log inside the .exec function prints 'TEST53's users now includes '.

I have tried several ways of wiring this up, with just 'users' instead of { path: 'users' }, writing a function that pushes the user into the array, using .run instead of .exec, but so far without success.

Is there something obvious I'm missing? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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node.js - 在 post find mongoose hook 中修改结果





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javascript - Mongoose - 使用时不填充记录,否则为记录数组

我正在学习 MeanJS,但我对 Mongoose 有疑问。我有两个模型:



甚至当我计算像 {{ category.articles.length }} 这样的记录时,类别中的文章数量也很合适,我什至可以在视图中打印 ObjectIds。但是当我像这样添加 .populate('articles') 时:

长度返回 0,ObjectIds 消失,我无法访问文章属性,就像类别中没有文章一样。任何想法为什么会发生这种情况?


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javascript - 填充嵌套引用的更好方法 mongoosejs



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node.js - lean() inside populate in mongoose

I am populating a user collection in mongoose and want to set a flag if the user is signed up using social accounts. So I am selecting that fields in populate. But due to security concerns I don't want to pass it in response. So I converted it into plain object using lean() and set the values as null. But once a values are set null for a particular user then it set that values null for that user_id. How set them null or how to hide them from response.

Thanks in advance

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node.js - Mongoose 填充错误模式尚未注册模型。使用 mongoose.model(name, schema)

嗨,他们是我的 Mongoose 模型:



MissingSchemaError:未捕获的错误:尚未为模型“模型”注册架构。使用 mongoose.model(name, schema)

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node.js - 未达到 aync 回调,响应挂起

我遇到了一个问题,我不确定要采取什么步骤来解决它。现在所有数据都被正确检索但是 responseCallback 永远不会触发,因此我没有使用响应数组到达 res.json 调用。这里的任何指导将不胜感激!谢谢。

为澄清起见,问题在于 aysnc.each 回调。


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node.js - Mongoose:使用搜索查询在架构中设置字段


因此,当我使用查询搜索俱乐部时,我希望填充 playMatches 字段。现在我使用一种“单例类型方式”来填充playedMatches字段,如下所示:


MatchSchema 如下所示:


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arrays - MongoDb 子文档数组填充(通过 Mongoose ORM):调用填充时是否保持数组顺序

假设我在 Mongoose 中有 2 个 Schema,如下所示:


数组中元素的顺序会保持不变吗?这里的目标是允许用户维护他们电影的播放列表顺序。如果在“填充”方法触发时,电影对象 ID 的数组顺序没有得到维护,那么这将不符合我的目的。因此,我想我会问在这方面知识更丰富的人。

如果这可行,那么我还有另一个任务是允许用户更改播放列表中电影的顺序,这应该是直接的,允许在数组中交换电影对象 id 索引。
