问题标签 [modulus.io]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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node.js - 模数服务器上的分段错误是什么意思?



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node.js - 当数据库从 v2.6 更改为 3.0 时,Node.js 服务器停止工作?

我有一个 node.js 服务器,我使用的是 Mongodb v2.6。今天我已经将它升级到 Mongodb v3.0 并且应用程序已经停止响应,但它仍然响应 v2.6。有想法该怎么解决这个吗?Mongolab 会将所有数据库升级到 v3.0。

我也尝试在模数.io 上实现它,但没有任何结果。我将 Mongoose 与我的 node.js 应用程序一起使用。

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javascript - NPM Error: Cannot find module 'are-we-there-yet'

We use Codeship for continuous integration and Modulus for hosting our projects. Code was running properly until last week, now I'm getting the following error.

Here is the package.json file

Note- The project was working perfectly fine a week back. Now I'm facing this issue.

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node.js - 我的 Meteor 应用程序出现服务器错误?

嗨,我目前正在使用 Modulus.io 来托管我的流星应用程序,但它一直在崩溃。



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meteor - 通过 Meteor Up 或 tmux meteor 部署 Meteor 应用程序

meteor与复制 Meteor 应用程序、启动 tmux 会话并运行以在服务器上启动应用程序相比,Meteor Up(或其他 Meteor 应用程序部署过程,如 Modulus)是否做任何花哨的事情,我有点好奇。提前感谢ins!

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mongodb - 自定义流星帐户包仅在部署在 Modulus.io 上时才会引发错误


如您所见,异常的堆栈跟踪从不触及任何文件,除了accounts_baseandddp包中的文件,这两个包都是由 Meteor Development Group 开发的。再加上我的本地机器上一切正常,这让我相信错误来自modulus.io配置方式,而不是我自己的代码。

我的问题似乎与这个 Meteor GitHub 问题有关,有人遇到了和我一样的错误。不同之处在于他们正在处理一个已经有用户的数据库。我设置的modules.io MongoDB数据库完全是空的,只保留了rolesmeteor包使用的一些条目。查看我的帐户包,我从不手动添加对象作为用户 ID,这也会导致项目无法在我的本地计算机上运行。


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meteor - 找不到 npm 模块 'meteor-deque'

我正在尝试在 Modulus 上部署我的流星应用程序,但我在控制台上收到这些错误

我的节点版本是 0.10.4 我的流星版本是 1.2.1

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meteor - Meteorjs - 部署时路由不起作用(Modulus.io)但在 .meteor.com 和本地很好

嗨,我很困惑,可能犯了一个愚蠢的错误,但是对于我的生活,当部署到 Modulus 时,我无法让我的 Meteorjs 应用程序正常工作。

在本地主机上并部署到 Meteor (*.meteor.com) 它工作得很好,但是当部署到 Modulus 时,我收到标准的 Ironrouter 错误消息(哎呀,看起来客户端或服务器上没有用于 url http的路由://xyz )

在浏览器控制台中,我还收到一条错误消息:'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ServiceConfiguration' of undefined'




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javascript - 将 Meteor 应用程序部署到 Galaxy 的步骤是什么?

当前部署到 Modulus 的生产和开发应用程序需要部署到 Galaxy,并且 CNAMES 切换。在不打扰现有用户的情况下,正确的步骤顺序是什么?与二进制 NPM 包、SSL/CNAMES 相关的步骤是什么?

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templates - Login and template errors deploying meteor to Digital Ocean / modulus.io

Apologies if this question is not asked correctly but I actually can't pinpoint the problem. Hence the lack of code in the question itself. I'm struggling with this error so please go easy on me....

I was developing a meteor app locally without too much difficulty. It seems to run well on localhost. But then I decided to deploy it and have been running into some problems as outlined below. I have deployed the app "successfully" using both mup/DO and modulus.io (with compose hosting the DB in both instances) and whole thing sort of works, but...

  1. You can register fine but when you try to log in the button doesn't work...press it again and you login but the usename and password are in the URL... how does this happen?

  2. When you login you can begin by creating a supplier, then create products for that supplier. Only thing is the suppliers are saved to the DB and they are in the product count but they are nowhere to be seen in the middle section page.

  3. Once you create a new supplier, the add new products for the existing suppliers is no longer accessible.

I am so confounded that I don't know what code to put up so I'm giving access to my codebase - it's on github here and this is the modulus site here. Go ahead and register and you can see for yourself.

You will easily be able to see the errors in the console when you start trying to log into the site so there is no point in posting them here.

Many, many thanks in advance guys.