问题标签 [mobilefirst-qa]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
https - Worklight 质量保证 https 设置
我最近在 Worklight Quality Assurance 虚拟设备上设置了 https。我按照 IBM Knowledge Center 上的说明提供了由我的 CA 签名的证书:
并将设备配置为仅接受 https 连接(我通过防火墙配置向导禁用了端口 80)。
但是,当我尝试在 https 上连接时,浏览器检索到的证书是设备颁发的默认证书。
smtp - Worklight QA 发送邮件
我正在使用 Worklight QA,但在尝试使用 SendGrid 发送邮件时出错。错误出现在用户的发送激活链接上。
了 SendGrid 信息,SendGrid 帐户已配置并准备好发送邮件。
我还尝试在考虑本地防火墙问题的服务器上禁用 iptables,但它得到了同样的错误。
我不知道 Sentry 的这个速率限制错误是否与它有关。
ibm-mobilefirst - 为什么错误、反馈和会话详细信息中未识别新的 WQA 应用程序构建?
最近,在 WQA 中对 iOS 应用程序构建进行了一些更新,并且成功分发了新构建。预计在收集的数据中会有新的/更新的应用程序构建版本,但是,WQA 错误、反馈和会话详细信息中没有捕获新的应用程序构建版本。
ibm-mobilefirst - IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance 6.3 integration with Rational Team Concert is not working for IBM DevOps Service
I have been using Worklight Quality Assurance(WQA) (renamed as IBM MobileFirst Platform Quality Assurance in 6.3 release) and had set up the Rational Team Concert to automatically create work item for bugs and crashes. In my RTC setup, I had used IBM DevOps service project (JazzHub) for automatic creation of work time for the bugs and crashes reported from the instrumented application. This integration has stopped working after I update to WQA 6.3 (IBM MobileFirst Platform Quality Assurance 6.3)
ibm-cloud - MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component does not appear to work
I am using MobileFirst Platform 6.3 with Eclipse Luna. I have downloaded the MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component (MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc) file and confirmed that in Eclipse the Download Folder for the Templates and Components is /User/KenAtIBM/IBM/Templates and that indeed the SDK is in that folder.
When I attempt to Add/Remove Application Components I get the following in the console:
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Component = MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found component.wcp
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found Image
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] imagePath
The problem is that there is no component listed (see attached screen shot).
I have been following the instructions with no success as of yet. So my question is, what am I missing?
I have tried rename the file to have a zip extension, same out come as above.
I have tried un-archiving the zip, no success.
I have restarted eclipse numerous times and even went so far as to reboot, still nothing.
Is the SDK that is downloaded from here compatible with MobileFirst Platform?
xcode - 在 XCode 中归档应用程序后 MQA 失败
日志版本:我有一个混合工作灯应用程序,功能齐全,归档工作得很好,直到我添加了 MQA 并且我正在使用 iOS。
版本为:Worklight 6.2、MQA 6.3、Xcode 6.1 和 iOS 8.1.2
现在我按照此处的步骤添加了 MQA 。我已将框架复制到我的项目目录中,并在 other_linked_flags 中为其添加了强制加载。
我还添加了几行代码以使其按照相同的说明工作。当我从 xcode 运行它时,基本上一切正常。当我运行 xcode 在 iphone 上部署的应用程序时,该应用程序运行正常,MQA 也可以工作。
当我这样做时,在询问我应该在 MQA 上使用哪个用户之后,iPhone 屏幕仍然是黑色的。它似乎可以加载 webview 但无法加载 html 应用程序。
ibm-mobilefirst - mobileFirst Quality库集成技术架构概述?
MQA 库是如何集成到主移动应用程序中的,它一般是如何工作的?我在哪里可以找到详细的技术架构概述?(特别适用于 xCode 和 iOS)
ios - 如何在 iOS 应用程序中使用 MQA setReportOnDoubleSlideEnabled?
在启动 iOS 会话文档主题[[MQALogger defaultSettings] setReportOnDoubleSlideEnabled:false]
ibm-mobilefirst - MQALogger – 库和文档不一致
在文档[[MQALogger defaultSettings] setReportOnDoubleSlideEnabled:false]
ibm-mobilefirst - mobilefirst-qa 将所选用户存储在哪里?