问题标签 [methodnotfound]

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php - Laravel Excel 导入 - MethodNotAllowedHttpException

在我的 Laravel 项目中,我从 Excel (.CSV) 导入数据。当我上传少量数据(15 或 10)时,它会导入,但上传超过 200 条数据时,它会返回(1/1)MethodNotAllowedHttpException。我使用Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel包上传数据。



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powershell - 方法调用失败,因为 [System.ComObject] 不包含名为“IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName”的方法

我遇到了一个问题,即使经过一些疯狂的谷歌搜索,我也无法弄清楚。我的 PowerShell 脚本会打开一个网站,输入登录凭据,然后在该网站上选择一个可点击的链接。这是我遇到问题的可点击链接。

以下行在我的 PC (Windows 10) 上有效,但在我的服务器 (Server 2012) 上失败:




我已确保在服务器上安装了 .NET 4.5。任何想法或建议都非常感谢!即使是要改变我完全选择可点击链接的方式:)

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java - 找不到Android changeBackground方法

Android Studio:所以我非常简单地尝试通过单击此“Stream Page Main”活动中的按钮来更改我的活动活动“Stream Page Main”的背景图像,这不是我的主要活动。这应该是一行代码,但是,无论我尝试什么,我都会得到一个 Method not Found Exception。即使我尝试更改背景颜色,它也不起作用。


代码中没有来自android studio的评论。我认为它与定位约束布局/活动有关,但我不明白,为什么是“这个”。没有做的伎俩...


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c# - Overloaded method not found

The setup is as follows:

  • a .NET Standard 2.0 library
  • a NUnit test project for it, targeting .NETFramework 4.6.1

Latest VS 2017, latest NUnit.

I've been working on the project on weekend from home, uploaded my work to git and today started working from work (I've already worked from both places before). Only now I found that something was wrong with the project (I don't remember very well what was wrong at the start, but it seems the problem was the same as I have now, described later).

After fiddling around to unrepairable state with it, I wholly deleted it and cloned the git repo anew.

The project compiles fine, but at runtime tests throw "Method not found" exception. A bit of poking around showed that the problem only manifests on one overload of the following method:

The one without parameters is fine, the one with is not. Deleting and adding library as a reference to tests, deleting and adding both test and library project. Other solutions for similar situations I found on the internet all pertain to ASP.NET MVC, which is not my case, though this question did lead me to checking overloads and finding that one of them actually works.

At home everything still works fine, though I have yet to try to delete and reinstall the project as I did at work. This leads to 2 possible sources for problems: environment, though I haven't managed to find a meaningful difference, or git, though I use a "stock" git ignore for VS (this one), so there shouldn't be problems there. The basic setup for my projects didn't change during weekend and worked before, so something broke from recent fiddling.

Also, if I add a console application(.Net Framework 4.6.1) to solution and try calling the problematic method from it, it actually works fine.

If that would help, my github for the project is here

I've been asked for calling examples in the comments. Basically, I have 2 Test Fixture classes with different setups - one for real API calling for ease of debugging actual use, and one with faking it, as per good test practices. Works:

Throws exception:

Some poking around shows that my problem is quite likely related to System.Net.Http versioning discrepancy with .NET Framework and .NET Standard, that is quite a widespread problem if you google it. However none of the examples I dug up exhibit my particular symptoms, and I'm not yet sure what to do. And why everything works fine on my home PC.

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java - jsf 方法未找到异常,尽管它在那里,javax.el.MethodNotFoundException

我得到了以下 JSF 构造:


bean.java => 用于视图和 DataBaseController 之间的 bean


现在,当我启动视图并单击按钮时,会出现异常。不幸的是,这对我来说似乎不合逻辑,因为 bean 中有准备调用的函数。


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php - Laravel AJAX NotFoundHttpException

我一直在尝试在我的 laravel 项目中使用 AJAX,但它总是返回错误,

NotFoundHttpException on RouteCollection.php", "line": 179

我在 web.php 中的路线是


我使用的 Ajax 调用是

并将元标记内容用于 csrf_token



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c# - 在使用 Fody Costura 和 Topshelf 和 Ninject 的特定机器上缺少参考

我已经构建了一个在客户端机器上运行的小型 Windows 服务,连接到本地数据库并将该数据发布到 Web 服务。我将 Topshelf 与 Ninject 一起使用,代码本质上是样板文件,直接来自模板。我添加了 Fody Costura 以使其易于部署,并已成功将其部署在许多客户端计算机上。但是,在我正在使用的一台客户端计算机上,当我尝试运行应用程序或安装服务时,我收到以下错误:

由于某种原因,这台特定机器(Windows 7、.NET 4.6.2)找不到包含缺失方法的所谓嵌入式 Topshelf.Ninject.dll。我尝试在多个位置添加 dll,删除并读取了引用,并将应用程序剥离到最低限度,但这台机器仍然存在问题。在这台随机机器上错过了这一随机参考会发生什么情况?

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android - dalvik 找不到方法,尽管它们存在于 classes.dex 中

在设备上启动我的 android-apk,dalvik 抱怨没有找到一些方法,尽管所有这些方法都包含在 classes.dex 中以查看使用 apkanalyser dex 包....这些方法来自平台基础 android.jar


背景:这个 apk 是使用没有 gradle 的命令行工具构建的。(基本了解流程)平台是 android-25 正好 25.3.1 build_tools_version="27.0.3"


但包含在 classes.dex 中:

我不期待这样的警告,因为这些方法列在 classes.dex 中

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elasticsearch - 弹性搜索客户端找不到请求类

我使用带有spring boot的elasticsearch 6.3.2 java客户端,错误是Request class is missing。



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php - Post 方法的 MethodNotAllowedHttpException .Get 和 Head 支持

我在 web.php 中将我的路由定义为 Post 方法。并且 csrf 令牌也添加到 form 中。Route:list 命令运行良好并显示该发布路线。但是当我提交表单时,它显示此路线不支持 POST 方法。支持的方法:GET、HEAD。

@csrf 添加到表单标签。php artisan route:list 工作正常,显示已定义的发布路由。



预期结果是重定向到带有消息的 url 但得到 MethodNotAllowedHttpException 此路由不支持 POST 方法。支持的方法:GET、HEAD。