问题标签 [maximo]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jython - 从 maximo 自动化脚本中的 init 启动点保存 mbo?




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maximo - 需要对工作流程进行故障排除

我正在进入一个现有的 SCCD 项目,并且在服务请求和事件表单之间维护了一个自定义字段。问题是该领域没有被正确地转移。我怀疑这是工作流程中的问题?是否有适当的方法来调试或搜索此问题区域?到目前为止,我一直在为每个服务请求和事件对象探索 500 多个工作流项目。

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ibm-mobilefirst - 无法登录 Maximo Anywhere Work Approval 应用程序

我安装了 Maximo Anywhere。我们有 Worklight。我在 Worklight 控制台上收到以下错误。按照 IBM 知识中心的说明,我已经更新了 web.xml 中的 Maximo OSLC Web 资源。我很感激任何帮助

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1397 浏览

maximo - maximo 将如何标识哪个用户退出管理模式?

如果一次有 10 个用户登录,并且我将数据库更改为以下设置:


maximo 如何识别哪 5 个用户保持登录状态。

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eclipse - Eclipse BIRT report multiple pages issue

I've created a BIRT report to be used by Maximo and when I preview my results I get several pages (one for each record). However when I run the report from Maximo using the same where clause it only generates one of the pages. I did another similar report and it's working. Does anyone have an idea why it's not working for one?

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maximo - Maximo - 使用 CLASSSTRUCTUREID 上传 MxLoader 分类

我能够将分类上传到 Maximo,除了CLASSSTRUCTUREID列,MxLoader 的过程完成没有任何错误,但类结构字段获取 Autokey 值。

我试图从集成对象结构中删除 Restricted 选项(强制检查 Override),但在第三行出现此错误:


错误 500:嵌套异常是:psdi.util.MXRequiredFieldException:BMXAA4195E - 类结构字段需要一个值。”

前两行在 Maximo 上成功更新,但其他行在分类路径中获取分类 id 并清空父分类(附截图)



马克西莫: MxLoader:4.7.2

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maximo - 在 maximo 7.5 中描述关系

用包括后端数据库进程在内的所有细节描述 maximo 7.5 中的关系。

假设我在 maximo 7.5 资产管理中创建 owner_group 和 person_group "owner_group=:person_group" 之间的关系,那么这个查询的实际含义是什么。我对此感到很困惑。


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java - Web服务方法列表 parameter

I want to be able to receive a list of Injured objects in my web service method. Below is the java bean created for the object:

public class Injured implements Serializable
    private String

I want to be able to receive a list of Injured objects in my web service method. Below is the java bean created for the object:

Then in my web service class I'm just replacing a set of String parameters (the fields used in the java bean) with a List. However, when I compile the new web service class and re-generate the XSD file it doesn't show the new parameter but it removed the replaced String parameters. Is there an annotation I'm missing somewhere? Because it seems it's not recognizing it. The WSDL and XSD files are generated by the enterprise application if that helps clear things.

CRM 2011 - Catch events of subgrid when a new record is inserted or an existing record is modified

I have a subgrid in the CRM 2011 form.

While adding a new record to the subgrid, I want to catch the new record event, or while changing data inside any record, I want to catch it by event.

I see that it is possible to catch the refresh event - but it occurs only if somebody is clicking on the refresh button or by deleting a record.

Why its event is not fired when adding a new record or when modifying an existing record?

I see that the subgrid has events as follows: oninsertnewrecord, onrowupdated, but those events are not fired or cannot be overridden...

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java - 尝试从 java 代码获取 maximo 中的资产详细信息时遇到“system#unknownerror”

在这里,我试图在简单的 java 中获取资产详细信息





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database - 如果我的用户帐户没有权限,如何创建 DB2 数据库?

我正在安装 Maximo 7.5 Admin Workstation。我在第 3 部分(共 3 部分),我正在安装 Maximo Asset Management。我正在使用具有本地管理员权限的 Windows 域帐户。



当我查看 CTGInstallTrace00.log 时,相关部分是:

C:\Windows\Temp>"C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\bin\db2" create db 'maxdb75' ALIAS 'maxdb75' using codeset UTF-8 region US pagesize 32 K

SQL1092N “MYUSERACCT”无权执行请求的命令或操作。


  • 我尝试使用 DB2 命令行将 DBADM 权限分配给 Windows 域用户帐户?以具有管理员角色的域用户身份登录,我转到开始 > IBM DB2 > DB2COPY1(默认)> 命令行工具 > 命令窗口 - 管理员。我试图运行db2 grant DBADM to MYUSERACCT——我只是返回到命令提示符。
  • 我还尝试以 local\db2admin 身份登录并尝试将 DBADM 权限授予域帐户。我不知道我的语法是否错误,或者其他事情没有正确完成。如果我输入db2 grant DBADM to user MYUSERACCT然后我得到这个错误:

DB21034E 该命令被作为 SQL 语句处理,因为它不是有效的命令行处理器命令。在 SQL 处理期间它返回: SQL1024N 数据库连接不存在。SQLSTATE=08003
