问题标签 [matplotlib-widget]

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python - 如何在 python matplotlib 中处理 costum 创建的按钮单击事件?

我有一系列图像,我试图使用 matplotlib 中的图形/绘图来显示它们。此外,我希望允许用户通过单击我使用创建的按钮next在图像之间导航。这是我的代码:previousmatplotlib.widgets


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python-2.7 - How do I refresh MatPlotlib embedded in PYQT4?

I'm trying to make the PYQT embedded Matplotlib plot redraw when new data is selected. It draws the first plots perfectly. I've tried variations of many things that I've seen online to no avail. Any help is much appreciated.

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python-2.7 - Python(x,y) Matplotlib 小部件。情节很好,但我如何让它刷新?

我正在使用 Python(xy) 包和 QT 设计器。Python(xy) 有一个用于 QT 的内置 MPL 小部件,这是我正在使用的。对我来说很好,直到我重新绘制:有没有办法让当前设置(pyplot)重绘?


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python-2.7 - 如何刷新嵌入在 PyQt4 小部件中的 Matplotlib 图中的子图

早些时候有人建议我调用 fig.canvas.draw() 用新数据刷新我的绘图。它在主图上效果很好,但是我在图表中也包含了子图。子图正在重新绘制,但是旧的子图以及轴和其他项目没有被清除。有谁知道我重新绘制时如何摆脱旧的子图曲线和其他项目?

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python - 如何刷新使用 Python(x,y) QT Designer Matplotlib Widget 创建的子图?

I am using the MPL widget that comes with QT in the Python(x,y) package. I am attempting to refresh or redraw my plot with new data. The method fig.canvas.draw() refreshes the main plot only. The subplots are where my issue lies. The previous subplots and everything associated with them (axes scale, annotations, etc) are left on the chart. When I refresh, new subplot data are plotted over the old data, creating quite a mess. Everything associated with the main plot gets redrawn correctly. I have tried everything that I know to try, including clf, and cla. How does one refresh subplots with the QT MPL Widget that is included in Python(x,y)?

Here's my code:

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python - 3d 交互式图表不会更新


然后我尝试通过简单地将轴更改为 axes3d 来修改它以创建交互式 3d 绘图。我添加了如下所示的导入语句,并将“fig”和“ax”的定义替换为如下所示的定义,成为 3d。

剧情不再更新,我不知道为什么。似乎 fig.canvas.draw_idle() 函数不适用于 3d 图形,但我没有其他更新图形的方法。



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python - 使用 tkinter/FigureCanvasTkAgg 一次保存多个 supblots

我正在尝试开发一个 GUI,它允许我从子文件中绘制数据并直接在 GUI 中显示它并将所有绘制的文件保存在一个文件中。显示绘图工作正常,但是当我尝试保存整个图时,只保存最后绘制的子图。



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matplotlib - Embedding "Figure Type" Seaborn Plot in PyQt (pyqtgraph)

I am using a wrapper of PyQt (pyqtgraph) to build a GUI application. I wish to embed a Seaborn plot within it using the MatplotlibWidget. However, my problem is that the Seaborn wrapper method such as FacetGrid do not accept an external figure handle. Moreover, when I try to update the MatplotlibWidget object underlying figure (.fig) with the figure produced by the FacetGrid it doesn't work (no plot after draw). Any suggestion for a workaround?

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python - 如何更改 matplotlib 按钮中的文本大小?

我在 matplotlib 中有一个按钮,即


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python-2.7 - 在 matplotlib 小部件中单击按钮时提取/打印滑块值(Python 2.7)

我正在使用 Matplotlib 滑块小部件的模板。我正在使用这个模板。如何更改“重置”按钮下的脚本以打印出 Amp 和 Freq 滑块的值?