问题标签 [matlab-uitable]
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matlab-figure - 在 Matlab 的命令窗口中显示 Uitable 数据
我正在使用 UITABLE 来显示一些数据。显示表格后,我想在命令窗口中以矩阵形式获取数据进行计算并再次以表格形式显示结果。任何1请。帮我..
matlab - Programmatically save changes of an editable uitable
I created an UItable in Matlab which I fill with various values and options. It looks like:
the corresponding code is the following:
So I run the code and the figure is open. The underlying script has therefore finished. When I now edit the table my uitable object is changed and after I finished I can get my final configuration with:
But the thing is I need manually type this line, because my script has already finished. If I put this line at the end of my script, I get an error.
So I thought about using the following loop, to detect when I close the table and to store the last configuration
And I tried everything to put inside the loop, the whole script, just the set
command including the celleditcallback
, and other things, but nothing worked. Either my script get stucked inside the loop or the display of my table is not updated when I edit a value. I also tried drawnow
at different positions. How one handles this situation? How can I automatically store my final results?
I assume "closing the window" is the best action to detect, as I don't think I could implement a "save" button. I also tried to create a gui using GUIDE
but got completely lost, I hope to solve it without.
Edit: I was now able to implement a "save"-button and tried the callback as follows:
also I implemented a custom CloseRequestFcn
as suggested by Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. But then I have either one of the following problems:
I define everything as a script, everything works fine, but I need to define functions like @saveConfig
(actually my favorite) or @my_Closefcn
as a unique function-file in my workspace and I have a hard time to pass the right parameters as dat
always remains the same, even though it actually gets changend.
(The example from the mathworks site works! But it doesn't need additional parameters.)
2) When I use
I can implement @saveConfig
or @my_Closefcn
directly (nested) and I guess the passing of the parameters would work fine. But the editing of my table does not work anymore, throwing the following error:
Error using handle.handle/get
Invalid or deleted object.
Error while evaluating uitable CellEditCallback
How to solve that?
Now that I know that I can even add buttons to an uitable I REALLY like to avoid GUIDE
My code above is executable, so I'd be glad if you try it to see what my actual problem is, as it is hard to describe.
matlab - 是否可以防止弹出一个合适的弹出菜单?或者:如何通过单击单元格来获取回调,返回行和列索引?
. 用户在第一列中选择选项A、B 或 C,第二列中的子选项取决于第一列中选择的内容,A.1,A.2 或 A.3或B.1,B.2或 B.3或C相同
该表的代码可在附录 A中找到。
for column 1并重置ColumnFormat
for column 2来实现的。(附录BmodifySelection
(在附录 B中),该函数通过选择进行检查,在第 1 列中选择了哪个选项以再次为第 2 列提供正确的子选项。但是当这个回调对选择做出反应时,我需要选择两次,一次触发CellSelectionCallback
有没有办法阻止第 2 列中的弹出菜单弹出,直到它发现相应第 1 列的内容是什么,所以它立即提供有效的选择?
我已经在搜索所有可用的属性,但没有找到任何有用的东西。也许可以使用 做某事ButtonDownFcn
附录 A/B
赏金:为什么只是+50?- 我想这是不可能的,或者答案很简单,一旦一个人有了正确的初步想法。我不是在寻找使用 java 对象属性等的复杂解决方法。提前谢谢你!
- 在第一行中选择主要选项 A。
- 第一行中的子选项则包含选项 A.1、A.2 和 A.3。
- 选择第二行的主选项B,因此第二行的子选项的选择是B.1、B.2和B.3
- 但是现在您想(直接)更改第一行中的子选项;你会期望得到选项 A.1、A.2 和 A.3;但你没有。您将获得 B.1、B.2 和 B.3;- 因为您选择的最后一个主要选项是 B(尽管在不同的行中)。
这是不可能的,您不能根据需要为某行设置子选项 modify ColumnFormat
matlab - uimenu 按钮保持按下状态,只需在其他菜单上滑动即可触发其他菜单:所需的按钮行为
Matlab Central 也描述了这种行为,但没有解决方案。
matlab - 未选中 MATLAB 合适的逻辑复选框
我在 MATLAB R2012b 中使用 GUIDE,并且有一个uitable
了更新的值),但是 GUI 中的实际复选框并未在视觉上被选中。如果我再次单击它,变量将再次更新,但复选框保持未选中状态。
所以数据正在更新,但 GUI 没有。这里出了什么问题?
注意:逻辑复选框在 GUIDE 中设置为可编辑,所以这不是问题。
matlab - How to deselect cells in uitable / how to disable cell selection highlighting?
I created the following uitable
actually every single row is an indpendent uitable
, so the figure shown contains 5 uitables besides the header. Why I'm doing that was the issue of my last question, resulting in the shown table. Fully executable code you can find in the answer here (or a minimal example below). Solutions using a general GUI are also there, but it would blow up the code too much, and actually it just seems to be a kind of bug.
It can be seen that everytime I jump to the next row, therefore to another uitable, the last selection remains highlighted, which looks stupid, though it doesn't matter for the functionality.
There is the 'SelectionHighlight'
property for uitables, sounds like a solution, but it is not changing anything. I used it as following:
at various places: at the end of a 'CellSelectionCallback'
, at the end of a 'CellEditCallback'
and as global property. But everytime the last cell remains selected. Actually I don't need selection at all.
How can I disable the whole selection or selection highlighting property for all my uitables?
How do I have to use this property, that it has an effect?
Alternatively: how can I change the "highlighting" color (and therefore text-color) so the highlighting is just not visible anymore?
Apparently this issue appears also in other contexts.
I created a minimum executable example, where one can select a number between 1 and 3 in every row.
results in:
matlab - 只能在双击时编辑的表格单元格
matlab - 如何删除uitable中的选定行?
我想删除 uitable 的选定行。我考虑过为每一行使用一个复选框来选择我要删除的那个。
但是我不能将复选框设置为 false 的列添加到表中。
matlab - Matlab将子表中的选定行数据添加到父表
我在我的第一个图形 GUI1 中有一个表格和一个按钮,它将打开一个带有表格 GUI2 的新窗口。在 matalab 中,如何在表 GUI1 中添加表 2 中所选行的行数据。
我首先尝试使用 tihis 方法选择行号:
matlab - 在matlab中使用弹出菜单
我创建了一个由四列组成的 uitable。
我现在想要做的是,当代码运行时,我在第一个单元格的弹出窗口中选择'Sweet',单元格(1,4)显示dat(1,1),或者当我选择' Beautiful' 在第一列的第二个单元格中,单元格 (2,4) 显示 dat(2,1)。与 uitable 外部的弹出菜单不同,我无法使用 get(popup,"value')。