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python - Error in SQL INSERT INTO statement in Python script
I'm an Mechanical Engineer with a little experience in C and C++ languages and no experience in Python or SQL labguages.
Recently, I started to work on stock prices analyses in order to optimise my portfolio. I started with an Excel file and several VBA macros. It works quite good but is very slow. So, I'm now trying to step up and set up a proper "stock prices" database on my server (based on this post).
In the "stock_prices" database, there is an 'exchange' table that stores all the markets identification codes (MIC) and related information. In order to update the exchange table, a python script will be launched once a month and it includes the below Python / SQL statements.
Unfortunately, the "Insert INTO" statement returns an error : 1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1"
I have read several posts on this error (which seems quite common) and have tried the following modifications that all returned the same error:
I have also tried this modification :
with a slightly different result : 1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''country', 'iso_country_code', 'mic', 'operating_mic', 'mic_type', 'name', 'acro' at line 1"
However, I don't see anything special near 'country'.
Could anybody suggest modifications to the "INSERT INTO" statement that I could try ?
Best Regards,
Edit 31/03/2020 : Statement after correction
mariadb - 我如何解决这个问题“systemctl start mariadb”
root@localhost:~# systemctl start mariadb 用于 mariadb.service 的作业失败,因为控制进程以错误代码退出。
有关详细信息,请参阅“systemctl status mariadb.service”和“journalctl -xe”。
sql - 具有多个列和 LIMIT 2 的 GROUP BY?
我的 mysql 数据库中有以下数据结构:
我想收到每种颜色和每种品牌一个大尺寸和一个小尺寸行 - 像这样:
我的 SQL:
每种颜色都有一个小品牌和一个大品牌,我的 SQL 看起来像什么?
python - Error "'Timestamp' object has no attribute 'translate'"
Recently, I started to work on stock prices analyses in order to optimise my portfolio. I started with an Excel file and several VBA macros. It works quite well but is very slow. So, I'm now trying to step up and set up a proper "stock prices" database on my server (based on this post).
In the "stock_prices" database, there is a "daily_price" table that stores the daily stock prices for some tickers. In order to update the "daily price" table, a python script will be launched every day and it includes the below Python / SQL statements.
Unfortunately, the "cursor.execute..." line returns the below error : "AttributeError: 'Timestamp' object has no attribute 'translate'"
The print out of the "values" tuple is : [1, 2, Timestamp('2004-08-19 00:00:00'), 49.81328582763672, 51.83570861816406, 47.80083084106445, 49.9826545715332, 49.9826545715332, 44871300]
Based on what I could read in another similar post, I checked the type of the date index to make sure that it is not an object :
This returns "datetime64[ns]" which seems good.
Finally, in the database, I have tried to change the data type from "Date" to "Datetime", but this doesn't solve the error.
Could anybody share some hints about how to resolve this error ?
Best Regards,
Edit on 25/04/2020 : Final solution
exception - 如何使用 JDBC 区分不正确的登录凭据和服务器不可用
我正在编写一个程序来通过 JDBC 连接到 MariaDB 数据库。使用正确的凭据(用户名/密码),它可以正常连接。但是我试图在它没有连接时产生适当的错误消息,这就是我遇到问题的地方。无论问题是服务器不可用(停止)还是凭据不正确,我都会遇到相同的异常。
因此,我无法向我的用户解释他们是否需要重新输入密码或联系 IT,因为服务器已关闭,因为我无法区分这两者。
SQL 状态告诉我它可能是语法错误或访问规则违规。我在“-1”的错误代码上找不到任何内容。
这是一个 JavaFX FXML 项目,这是登录屏幕的控制器。您会看到我在哪里测试凭据和底部的连接,此外我还评论了catch
hibernate - Hibernate 无法实例化 ID 生成器
环境:Spring Boot 2.2.6 启动
其他依赖:mariadb-java-client 2.6.0、spring-boot- devtools (MANAGED), lombok (MANAGED)
DB MariaDB: 10.4
Hibernate Dialect: MARIADB103
Using Internal Container for testing vs. Tomcat
关键错误是 Hibernate 无法实例化 id 生成器,这是控制台日志:
说 Maria 不支持序列的明显重复已经过时,因为 MariaDB103 方言的声明更改之一是序列支持。
我还看到一些类似的问题询问自定义生成器,但我无法从他们那里收集到问题。我能够使用 IDENTITY 和自动编号使其工作,但我想尝试 SEQUENCE,但无法弄清楚秘密咒语。这里缺少什么?
sql - 反向Mysql查询
我想用 idUser、idClient、idSubclient 创建反向递归查询,如果元素的父级是运动则返回。
在我的情况下,具有 id 的 User2004
元素是 sport,但也被分配给 element 9
。带有 id 的元素9
是一个挂在带有 id 的类别上的团队,7
| id元素 | |-----------| | 2 | | 4 |
java - 使用 MariaDB 10.4 和 eclipselink 的 java @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 问题
我正在使用 Java EE 开发 REST Web 服务:Glassfish 5.0 (build 25)、MariaDB 10.4 和 eclipselink (JPA 2.1) 这是我的代码:
commande_line 表
问题是当我使用 Postman 测试我的 Web 服务并尝试使用 POST 请求插入记录时,我收到的错误消息是:
当我使用@GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 时,我不明白为什么 SEQUANCE 会出现问题。当我使用 @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) 进行更改并使用以下脚本创建表时:
通过应用中所示的解决方案:表'customerjpa.sequence'不存在JPA 但同样的问题
mamp - 登录无效,请安装boost学习主题后在moodle E-learning重试
在 Moodle 中安装了 boost 学习主题后,我遇到了无效的登录,请重试