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phabricator - 将 Phabricator(Maniphest)任务字段的查看访问权限限制为仅特定用户组?
例如,在我们公司的 Phabricator 网站上,我有一个审批者选择(下拉)字段,这是我创建新任务时表单的一部分。当有人创建新任务或编辑任务时,我希望只有特定的一组人能够看到此审批者字段。有没有办法做到这一点?
phabricator - How to keep indexed a Maniphest task after editing its title
After a new Maniphest task has been created, chances are that you may need to change the task title to a new one with different keywords. However, upon editing the title, the task cannot be found by its new keywords but only by the old ones.
After manually reindexing the database the edited tasks can be found again but further changes in title will fail again until a new reindexation is issued.
I suppose the normal behavior is that tasks should be found anytime searching by their title without reindexing the database. Should I expect a different behavior from Maniphest?
Phabricator Version: phabricator cb033673b6eb3dc8330d2ddea0fd358eae3b939a (Nov 16 2018)
phabricator - 如何使用 Phabricator “maniphest.edit” API 向列添加票证,同时还使用其“beforePHIDs”参数?
根据 maniphest.edit "Transaction Type: Column"文档,beforePHIDs
参数应该是一个 PHID 数组。我认为这将如下所示:
Exception when processing transaction of type "column": Error while reading "value[0]": Expected string, got something else.
我的 curl 语句需要如何更改才能使其正常工作?我已经尝试了所有我能想到的排列方式。或者这可能是一个错误?
旁注 - 这工作正常,但它不允许控制票插入点: