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openresty - Openresty: Manually refreshing the id token without refreshing the session token?

I was looking at the readme at https://github.com/zmartzone/lua-resty-openidc and I saw that there was a refresh_session_interval option which supposedly "refreshes the users id_token after X seconds without requiring re-authentication".

This works for our situation but I was wondering if there was some config or option so that we could manually trigger that refresh ourselves instead of passively waiting.

Thanks in advance.

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refresh - 会话超时/会话以 Openresty 和 Keycloak 中的 lua-resty-openidc 结束

我正在尝试使用 OpenResty NGINX 服务器配置 lua-resty-openidc。对网站使用身份验证。


我通过在身份验证系统 Keycloak 中结束会话进行测试,没有任何反应,用户仍然可以访问,留在网站上,不需要重新身份验证。