问题标签 [logoff]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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siteminder - 间歇性退出应用程序

我有一个受站点管理员保护的门户,其中包含指向许多应用程序的链接,这些应用程序也受站点管理员保护。SSO 在门户和应用程序之间实现。

问题是当我们登录到门户网站并浏览应用程序时,有时我们会突然无缘无故地从门户网站注销(没有超时,甚至可能发生不到 1 分钟)。

为一小部分用户报告了问题,它发生在 IE 和 Firefox 浏览器上,并且随机发生。

1. 策略服务器、代理服务器和用户机器上的本地系统时间是同步的 2. 另外,当我检查 Fiddler 时,cookie 仍然存在,但我们仍然从门户中注销。


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asp.net-mvc-4 - MVC 4 用户快速注销

我有一个 MVC 4 Web 应用程序,可以快速注销一些用户。身份验证 cookie 似乎设置正确(我还将超时设置为 720(12 小时))。我还在配置文件和 IIS 中设置了会话超时。这个问题似乎发生在 IE 上,大部分时间用户在 10 分钟后注销。和往常一样,我无法重现这个问题。

我想知道ajax调用是否会导致问题?还是http头?我对这个问题进行了很多搜索,但除了基本的 web.config 设置之外什么也没找到。


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batch-file - Batch Log Off Countdown

I am trying to create a batch file that will countdown when activated and logoff of the system. This is for when the user is no longer at the computer. I have come across multiple forums where people are doing this but they log off any time the user is idle for x minutes or seconds. What I have does count down and does log off or cancel and I have it set in the task scheduler to start when the computer has been idle. That part is working fine. What I cannot seem to get to work right is to only perform the countdown if the time is after 6:30 PM (18:30). It has worked once for me but I cannot get it to work anymore.

So what I need in a more specific sequence.

  • Needs to check the time to make sure it is after 6:30 pm
  • Needs to exit if time is not yet 6:30 pm without user interaction.
  • begin log off sequence if time is after 6:30 pm

The stuff below seems to be working perfectly as of right now.

  • press any letter key to cancel the sequence
  • force log off if the sequence is not canceled

Here is my code right now which works, it just doesn't care about what time it is.

I have played with it to test the time using different times but it still does not work.

I have also tried using a second IF statement but that did not work.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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windows - Windows 7 注销脚本

我需要在 Windows 上添加注销脚本。我可以通过 gpedit.msc 来完成,但我需要通过脚本来自动化它。


例如:http ://www.jhouseconsulting.com/2008/08/26/scripting-updates-to-the-gptini-for-the-local-group-policy-39 或https://social.technet.microsoft。 com/Forums/windows/en-US/5c0d7e87-6dec-4f87-8ef2-f43b4064d4d5/execution-of-a-script-at-every-logoff-of-any-user?forum=w7itprosecurity




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c# - C# How do I log off a Citrix XenApp User Session?

Since there is absolutely zero documentation by Citrix on their SDK, I am documenting this here.

Using C#, how do I programmatically log a user session off?

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asp.net-mvc - MVC 注销浏览器历史记录

我有一个带有 MVC 4 + WebAPI 的 .net 4.5 应用程序,我面临着一个我不知道如何解释/解决的情况。




它似乎仍然有效,但是,如果用户点击 chrome(或退格)上的后退导航按钮,他会返回登录页面!

  1. 为什么会这样?
  2. 有没有其他方法可以将参数传递给 Redirect 调用?
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c# - MVC 4 帖子自动重定向到我不想要的操作

我对 ASP.NET MVC 4 应用程序有疑问。我对闲置代码有部分看法:

在我点击“注销”后,我被重定向到:/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%f2Account%f2LogOff 并开始行动:



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shell - SAPUI5 logOff() 与外壳

我将如何在具有此 API 示例的 Shell 控件中实现注销功能:https ://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/docs/api/symbols/sap.ui.commons.ApplicationHeader.html#event:logoff

--> 似乎是对的,但这最终导致错误“堆栈内存不足”..有人帮忙吗?


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windows - Windows 7 注销操作

当用户注销系统(Windows 7 操作系统)时,我有需要识别的应用程序。因此,当用户从系统注销时,我需要从应用程序中注销用户。我尝试使用批处理文件(将其放在“GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Logoff”中)并使用注销 url 运行浏览器。批处理文件启动(我插入了用于 Windows 警报的命令,并且在注销期间出现了警报),但似乎浏览器没有启动。当我运行这个批处理文件而不记录系统时,我想要的所有操作都会被执行。那么有人对我的问题有任何解决方案吗?


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oauth-2.0 - WSO2 身份服务器 - Oauth 2.0 - Java 的签核示例

我为 Oauth2 身份验证流程编写了一个基于 Java 的签核例程(令牌撤销)。请参阅下面描述的手册中的 cURL 协议说明的代码实现 [此处]。程序代码编译并运行,没有错误消息,但在注销后,用户帐户在 WSO2 仪表板查询下仍保持连接状态。

请参见下面触发注销功能的 Servlet 类:


欢迎提供有关更改 Java 代码以激活 Oauth 2.0 签核功能的建议。

感谢您详细解释 Oauth2 中授权和身份验证的区别。请参阅下面能够撤销有效 Oauth2 令牌的代码:
