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language-agnostic - 如何构建无锁队列?
我今天花了很多时间研究无锁队列。我有多个生产者,多个消费者的情况。为了测试,我实现了一个在 Win32 下使用 Interlocked SList 的系统,它使我基于重线程任务的代码的性能提高了一倍。但不幸的是,我希望支持多个平台。在多个平台上互锁本身不是问题,我可以放心地假设我可以毫无问题地互锁。然而,实际的实施让我失望了。
除此之外,我很想知道是否可以实现无锁向量。这对我有很大的用处:) 干杯!
编辑:阅读herb 的DDJ 文章后,我可以看到一个减少的锁定队列,与我已经拥有的非常相似。但是我注意到最后有一些论文可以使用双重比较和交换(DCAS)操作进行真正的无锁队列。有没有人使用 cmpxchg8b (或 cmpxchg16b )实现队列?
c++ - Win32 C++ 中的无锁双端队列
c - 无锁队列实现最终会在压力下产生循环
我有以 C 语言编写的无锁队列,以链表的形式包含来自多个线程的请求,这些请求发布到单个线程并在单个线程中处理。经过几个小时的压力,我最终让最后一个请求的下一个指针指向自身,这会创建一个无限循环并锁定处理线程。
该应用程序在 Linux 和 Windows 上都运行(并且失败)。我在 Windows 上调试,我COMPARE_EXCHANGE_PTR
. 但是我怀疑问题可能出在我找到列表末尾的方式上。
标记位置循环。我有一个或多个请求的有效列表,最后一个的 next 指针指向它自己。请求队列通常很短,我从未见过超过 10 个,只有 1 和 3 次我可以在调试器中查看此故障。
我尽可能多地考虑了这一点,得出的结论是,除非我两次推送相同的请求,否则我永远无法在列表中出现循环。我很确定这永远不会发生。我也相当确定(尽管不完全)这不是ABA 问题。
最终我会解决这个问题(也许通过使用尾指针或其他解决方案 - 锁定将是一个问题,因为发布的线程不应该被锁定,但我手头确实有一个 RW 锁)但我想确保更改列表实际上解决了我的问题(而不是因为时间不同而不太可能)。
multithreading - 是否存在用于多个读取或写入线程的无锁队列之类的东西?
c++ - 无锁读写器
- - - 编辑 - - -
multithreading - What is the fastest race free method for polling a lockless queue?
Say we have a single-producer-thread single-consumer-thread lockless queue, and that the producer may go long periods without producing any data. It would be beneficial to let the consumer thread sleep when there is nothing in the queue (for the power savings and freeing up the CPU for other processes/threads). If the queue were not lockless, the straightforward way to solve this problem is to have the producing thread lock a mutex, do its work, signal a condition variable and unlock, and for the reading thread to lock the mutex, wait on the condition variable, do its reading, then unlock. But if we're using a lockless queue, using a mutex the exact same way would eliminate the performance we gain from using a lockless queue in the first place.
The naive solution is to have the producer after each insertion into the queue lock the mutex, signal the condition variable, then unlock the mutex, keeping the actual work (the insertion into the queue) completely outside the lock, and to have the consumer do the same, locking the mutex, waiting on the condition variable, unlocking it, pulling everything off the queue, then repeat, keeping the reading of the queue outside the lock. There's a race condition here though: between the reader pulling off the queue and going to sleep, the producer may have inserted an item into the queue. Now the reader will go to sleep, and may stay so indefinitely until the producer inserts another item and signals the condition variable again. This means you can occasionally end up with particular items seeming to take a very long time to travel through the queue. If your queue is always constantly active this may not be a problem, but if it were always active you could probably forget the condition variable entirely.
AFAICT the solution is for the producer to behave the same as if it were working with a regular needs-locking queue. It should lock the mutex, insert into the lockless queue, signal the condition variable, unlock. However, the consumer should behave differently. When it wakes, it should unlock the mutex immediately instead of waiting until it's read the queue. Then it should pull as much of the queue as it can and process it. Finally, only when the consumer is thinking of going to sleep, should it lock the mutex, check if there's any data, then if so unlock and process it or if not then wait on the condition variable. This way the mutex is contended less often than it would be with a lockfull queue, but there's no risk of going to sleep with data still left on the queue.
Is this the best way to do it? Are there alternatives?
Note: By 'fastest' I really mean 'fastest without dedicating a core to checking the queue over and over,' but that wouldn't fit in the title ;p
One alternative: Go with the naive solution, but have the consumer wait on the condition variable with a timeout corresponding to the maximum latency you are willing to tolerate for an item traveling through the queue. If the desired timeout is fairly short though, it may be below the minimum wait time for your OS or still consume too much CPU.
c - 带 pthread 的无锁循环队列。有什么要注意的吗?
我想在两个 pthread 之间实现一个无锁的单生产者、单消费者循环队列;在 C 语言中,在 ARM Linux 上。
队列将保存字节,生产者将 memcpy() 放入,消费者将写入() 到文件中。
c++ - 是否有原子 |= 操作?
c++ - 多线程应用程序中的无锁队列访问冲突
我根据下面 msdn 文章中概述的原则以及下面的 DXUT 无锁管道代码编写了一个简单的无锁队列:
所以,我有一个生产者/消费者模型设置,我的主线程提供渲染指令,渲染线程使用可用消息并发出相应的 opengl 调用。如果我在每个循环/迭代中让主线程睡眠足够长的时间,一切都会正常工作,但如果我睡眠时间不够长(或根本没有),我会收到访问冲突异常:
我很难调试它,因为从监视窗口看读/写偏移量和缓冲区指针看起来很好。不幸的是,当应用程序中断时,我无法从 BeginRead 函数中查看自动/局部变量。如果有人有使用无锁编程的经验,那么对于这个问题的任何帮助或一般的建议都会非常感激。
c++ - 忙循环与 Sleep(0) 和 pause 指令有什么不同?
我看不到以下程序的 cpu 利用率有任何差异。我的问题不是关于省电的考虑。