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android - 使用 LocalServerSocket 时出现“IOException:再试一次”





[为清楚起见,删除了 try/catch 等]

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android - 在 Android 中使用 LocalSocket 发送和接收 UDP

我有一个本机应用程序,它使用此代码打开一个 UnixDomain 套接字。


现在我想从我用 Java 编写的 android 应用程序发送一个 UDP 数据包。我相信我需要使用 LocalSocket 类。问题是我不知道如何将 LocalSocket 类用于 UDP。我看到的所有教程都是针对 TCP(SOCK_STREAM) 的。


这给了我Connection refused错误

我也尝试绑定到同一个文件,但它显示Address already in use错误。

我可以将 LocalSocket 类用于 UDP 还是只为 TCP 设计?

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android - 在 Android 中使用本地套接字将实时视频录制保存到 sd 卡 - 视频无法播放

尝试捕获视频并使用本地套接字以 Mp4/3gp 格式将其保存到 sd 卡。能够逐字节将字节写入 sd 卡,但视频文件不可播放。我经历了很多例子:





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linux - 没有地址首先使用双向 unix 域套接字运行

我有两个通过 unix 域套接字(本地套接字)进行通信的守护进程(一个客户端和一个服务器)。我遇到的问题是服务器第一次使用recvfrom函数接收到数据报,然后recvfrom函数提供的客户端地址为空。但是,提供的客户地址的大小似乎是正确的。如果我增加客户端守护程序中的地址长度(更长的名称),这将反映在服务器地址大小的增加大小上。收到的数据也是正确的。






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c - 本地linux套接字接收旧数据









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android - 带有 LocalSocket 的 Android MediaPlayer 无法正常工作

我正在尝试使用 MediaPlayer 从 LocalSocket 播放媒体。流是 MPEG-TS 类型,在 LocalSocket 输入流中可用

以下代码尝试到setDataSourceof FileDescriptorLocalSocket但失败了。

setDataSource 失败,出现以下异常。

调试日志表明错误主要是由于这个fstatLocalSocket 的文件描述符将文件的大小返回为 0。

但是如果我尝试wsIns.getInputStream().available()这个 api 会提供非零的可用字节数。


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java - Problems with Android Debug Bridge sockets: IOException


Hello all, I've come across a very problematic issue/bug with ADB or Android Studio or both.

So I have my android phone connected via USB with USB Debugging enabled testing my app. I had added a few functions and wanted to test them (two problematic activities), so I went ahead and ran it. Upon clicking the navigation icon to start a new activity, the screen dimmed a bit, and after about 30 seconds, the entire screen was white with the exception of the native android dropdown menu at the top still visible.

I went ahead and tried to 'Stop' the app, at which point the android studio froze. By running a series of commands (as I later discovered) or by simply closing adb.exe in the task manager, android studio resumed operation but disconnected from the device of course. My device however, had to do a full reboot as it seems the entire system was bogged down with some issue and would take 10x the usual time to open another app.


Upon retesting I noticed a few things

  1. My logcat would print this over and over for about 30 times or more

Could not find class 'android.util.ArrayMap', referenced from method com.android.tools.fd.runtime.MonkeyPatcher.monkeyPatchExistingResources

Could not find class 'android.util.ArrayMap', referenced from method com.android.tools.fd.runtime.MonkeyPatcher.pruneResourceCache

IO Error creating local socket at church.rmhymnal

java.io.IOException: Address already in use

at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.bindLocal(Native Method)

at ........

  1. Upon running the command netstat -o -n -a | findstr 5037 in command prompt, I would see a massive list of TCP ports that had been apparantly opened repeatedly. (Some of those with TIME_WAIT would eventually be marked as ESTABLISHED TCP ports


I'm not sure what could be causing the issue but I'll drop the code for the activity I am calling, as well as the calling method below.

Calling function in Main Activity

IndexActivity.java (Activity to be called)


All the methods before I created listIndex() had worked perfectly. However after adding it as well as a few other methods in a different activity, it never worked since.

Final Thoughts

  1. Is it a problem related to my code or is it an issue with my adb or android studio?
  2. Could the issue be brought about by some error in another class that's not called in this particular method?

Any ideas leading to a possible solution would be highly appreciated, as my ability to develop and test is slowed greatly since I have to restart the testing device 9 times out of 10.

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android - android LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.filesystem 无法连接

我试图重新编译一个 2014 年左右编写的 android 应用程序。除了 LocalSocketAddress 问题之外,大多数东西都在工作。这是不起作用的代码示例

在 Logcat 中,我看到以下异常:

当前编译器安卓:2.2.3。我的 buid.gradle 文件我提到了 minSdkversion 是 23 以及 tagetSdkversion 是 23。还要设置清单文件的用户权限。


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android - Android localSocket 连接被拒绝~



我使用 FILESYSTEM 创建 localsocket,但运行 logcat 是:

我在touch文件下的/data/data/com./files目录下使用ADB shell,然后运行,结果是:


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java - 使用 SOCKET_SEQPACKET 套接字类型初始化 LocalServerSocket

有没有办法用SOCKET_SEQPACKET类型初始化 android LocalServerSocket以避免处理数据包边界?