问题标签 [listobject]
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c# - 在 ListObject forloop 中打印和使用 Var
我目前有这个可以访问 table1 的 C# 代码。但是我遇到了 Var listRowsValue 和 var lr 的问题。如何打印这些并从 ListRowsValue 中减去 1,而不是将“System._ComObject”视为输出?如何调整 ListObject 的大小以在计数结束时不检查另一行?
我正在转换的旧 VBA 代码:
c# - Deleting and inserting multiple rows from a Excel.Interop table
Is it possible to delete and insert multiple rows within a table? Let's say I wanted to delete a range of rows, for example 210-560, 10-11 etc. Is it possible to do it within one line as I have in the example below, or will I need to create a loop with a range of numbers in order to delete a range?
While using VBA one is able to use a simple method like this:
c# - 使用 C# 计算表中的 ListRows
但是,我想获得当前填充的表大小。例如:我可能在 200 行表中有 20 行填充。我怎样才能得到 20 而不是 200 的计数?有没有一种快速的方法,或者我需要迭代包含内容的每一行?
vba - 如何在没有任何数据行的 Excel 表/ListObject 中读取计算列的公式
我有一个带有外部查询的 ListObject 作为数据源,它返回 18 列。ListObject 之前添加了额外的 4 个计算列。
现在,ListObject 有 0 个数据行,但是,虽然有 0 个数据行,但我似乎无法读取计算列的预定义公式。
如果我刷新数据源,并且数据源至少返回 1 行,则计算列的公式变得可读。同样,如果我在其中一个未计算的列中手动输入数据,以便至少有一行,那么计算的列公式是可读的。
excel - 跨工作表复制时,结构化引用更改为绝对引用
我有一个工作簿怪物,我试图让那些在我之后使用它的人更容易管理它。我有大量代码在按下按钮时运行,以使其对那些对 Excel 知之甚少的人更加用户友好。所以这里是我需要帮助的地方。
这会在 sheet1 上添加表的名称,即“All_List”。现在我希望它专门在新工作表上的新表中引用“收费类型”列,而我终生无法弄清楚如何。
vba - Table Reference in Formula Changes When Worksheets Copied
I have two sheets in "Property" Workbook that I am copying to "UQP" Workbook.
PropertyCoverage - Houses formula
among other text and simple SUM formula.xmlProperty - Houses table
(among other tables; all tables mapped to XML Source)
When I copy these two sheets (simultaneously) into the UQP workbook the tPremium
reference in the formula in the PropertyCoverage sheet automatically changes to tAutoForms
, which is another table in the UQP workbook (that has nothing to do with the formula). UQP workbook has several other sheets and tables.
I don't know why this changes automatically, but I think it has something to do with the fact that Excel cannot copy multiples sheets when at least one sheet contains a table.
I have tried the solution below (referenced from here). However, the same issue happens. The issue does not happen if I copy to a new workbook. ... Bear with ActiveWorkbook, etc, I only used this as test to see if it would work
Here is my original copy code:
Lastly, I can work around this by doing a Replace after the sheets are copied, but since this will scale out to a need to bring a possible 7-10 other workbooks with potential formula references to tables and such, I would rather find a cleaner solution if it exists.
Lastly, I am using Excel 2010.
excel - 绑定 Excel 表(ListObject)公式未计算
在绑定到 Excel ListObject 的 DataTable 上,如果将公式插入到这样的列中..
angular - 在 Angular 2 中列出来自 AWS S3 的对象
问题是 bucketObject 没有从 listObject API 的 AWS S3 服务的响应中填充。
vba - 使用VBA从满足条件的ListObject表行中删除
在 VBA 中是否可以从 Excel ListObject 表中删除所有符合条件的行?我正在寻找类似于 SQL 语句的东西:
DELETE FROM MyListObjectTable WHERE MyColumn='Some Condition'