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c# - 在 ListObject forloop 中打印和使用 Var

我目前有这个可以访问 table1 的 C# 代码。但是我遇到了 Var listRowsValue 和 var lr 的问题。如何打印这些并从 ListRowsValue 中减去 1,而不是将“System._ComObject”视为输出?如何调整 ListObject 的大小以在计数结束时不检查另一行?

我正在转换的旧 VBA 代码:

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c# - Deleting and inserting multiple rows from a Excel.Interop table

Is it possible to delete and insert multiple rows within a table? Let's say I wanted to delete a range of rows, for example 210-560, 10-11 etc. Is it possible to do it within one line as I have in the example below, or will I need to create a loop with a range of numbers in order to delete a range?


While using VBA one is able to use a simple method like this:

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c# - 使用 C# 计算表中的 ListRows


但是,我想获得当前填充的表大小。例如:我可能在 200 行表中有 20 行填充。我怎样才能得到 20 而不是 200 的计数?有没有一种快速的方法,或者我需要迭代包含内容的每一行?


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c# - VSTO:不包括列标题

我正在使用 VSTO 从数据库中获取一些数据并将其显示在工作表上



我最初设置ListObject.ShowHeaders = false;但后来它包含一个空单元格,我不想要一个空单元格。






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vba - 如何在没有任何数据行的 Excel 表/ListObject 中读取计算列的公式

我有一个带有外部查询的 ListObject 作为数据源,它返回 18 列。ListObject 之前添加了额外的 4 个计算列。

现在,ListObject 有 0 个数据行,但是,虽然有 0 个数据行,但我似乎无法读取计算列的预定义公式。

如果我刷新数据源,并且数据源至少返回 1 行,则计算列的公式变得可读。同样,如果我在其中一个未计算的列中手动输入数据,以便至少有一行,那么计算的列公式是可读的。


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excel - 跨工作表复制时,结构化引用更改为绝对引用

我有一个工作簿怪物,我试图让那些在我之后使用它的人更容易管理它。我有大量代码在按下按钮时运行,以使其对那些对 Excel 知之甚少的人更加用户友好。所以这里是我需要帮助的地方。





这会在 sheet1 上添加表的名称,即“All_List”。现在我希望它专门在新工作表上的新表中引用“收费类型”列,而我终生无法弄清楚如何。

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vba - Table Reference in Formula Changes When Worksheets Copied

I have two sheets in "Property" Workbook that I am copying to "UQP" Workbook.

PropertyCoverage - Houses formula =VLOOKUP("PF",tPremium,2,0) among other text and simple SUM formula.

xmlProperty - Houses table tPremium (among other tables; all tables mapped to XML Source)

When I copy these two sheets (simultaneously) into the UQP workbook the tPremium reference in the formula in the PropertyCoverage sheet automatically changes to tAutoForms, which is another table in the UQP workbook (that has nothing to do with the formula). UQP workbook has several other sheets and tables.

I don't know why this changes automatically, but I think it has something to do with the fact that Excel cannot copy multiples sheets when at least one sheet contains a table.

I have tried the solution below (referenced from here). However, the same issue happens. The issue does not happen if I copy to a new workbook. ... Bear with ActiveWorkbook, etc, I only used this as test to see if it would work

Here is my original copy code:

Lastly, I can work around this by doing a Replace after the sheets are copied, but since this will scale out to a need to bring a possible 7-10 other workbooks with potential formula references to tables and such, I would rather find a cleaner solution if it exists.

Lastly, I am using Excel 2010.

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excel - 绑定 Excel 表(ListObject)公式未计算

在绑定到 Excel ListObject 的 DataTable 上,如果将公式插入到这样的列中..



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angular - 在 Angular 2 中列出来自 AWS S3 的对象

问题是 bucketObject 没有从 listObject API 的 AWS S3 服务的响应中填充。





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vba - 使用VBA从满足条件的ListObject表行中删除

在 VBA 中是否可以从 Excel ListObject 表中删除所有符合条件的行?我正在寻找类似于 SQL 语句的东西:

DELETE FROM MyListObjectTable WHERE MyColumn='Some Condition'