问题标签 [listbox]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 当我在列表框中移动时,为什么我的选中项变为未选中?



moveListboxItem 的代码如下:

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wpf - ListBox.SelectedItems 的双向手动绑定实现?

我一直在尝试查看是否有一种简单/聪明的方法来实现与 ListBox.SelectedItems 的绑定。如果您自己尝试过,您就会知道,使用 BindingExtension 的标记绑定将不起作用——该属性不支持它。因此,您需要为 SelectionChanged 连接一个处理程序并尝试该路线。我得到的最接近的是这篇文章:


更新:上面提到的博客不再可用,该作者当前的博客在这里,我能找到的最接近引用的博客文章的是这个 StackOverflow 答案

它在一个方便的附加属性中实现了所有必要的 C#。但它将“绑定”实现为单向、目标到源。我想要双向绑定。


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sql - 使用 SQL Server 过滤多选框

我需要根据多选列表框中的选择过滤来自 sql server 的结果集。我已经考虑过使用 instring 来确定所选过滤器值中是否存在行值,但这很容易出现部分匹配(例如 Car 匹配 Carpet)。


鉴于这是一项看似常见的任务,我正在向 Stack Overflow 社区寻求一些反馈,并可能就解决此问题的最常用方法提出一些建议。

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c# - C#如何为列表框中的选定项目运行一些代码?



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c# - How to filter the following listboxes in asp.net?

I have 4 listboxes (lstStates, lstCounties, lstCities, and lstZipcodes). Here are a few constraints:

  • None of the listboxes are disabled.

  • Any listbox can be selected at anytime, meaning there is no specific order the user has to choose.

  • Filtering is forward and backwards. By this, I mean if a user selects a state from lstStates, it will filter lstCounties, lstCities, and lstZipcodes. If a user selects a zipcode from lstZipcodes, it will filter lstCities, lstCounties, and lstStates.

  • The listboxes allow multiple selections.

Each listbox is bound to a datatable to get its initial data. The datatable is retrieved from a sqlserver stored procedure. Each listbox has its own stored procedure, for example, lstStates has one called GetStates which returns one column (State) and the ListBoxes DataValueField and DataTextField are both set to State. Similar to lstStates, lstCities is bound to a datatable which gets one column from a GetCities stored proc which is city.

Another thing I want to point out is that I am connecting an ObjectDataSource to get the datatable.

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wpf - 如何在 ListBoxItem 中居中 WPF CheckBox

我有一个使用 ItemContainerStyle 的 ListBox。我已经尝试了所有我能想到的让 CheckBox 控件垂直和水平居中。有任何想法吗?

CheckBoxes 得到这种风格:



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wpf - 如何将自定义值绑定到 ListBox DataTemplate 内 TextBlock 的 Text 属性?

我希望我的ListBox使用其索引 + 1对每个ListItem进行编号。


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linq - C# 从列表中排除相关值 (LINQ)

在 linQ to SQL中“加入”是否有完全相反的动作?我只想显示不满足查询内部连接约束的结果。我只想在一个查询中完成。这是它的使用示例(http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4940/liststj3.jpg)。

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.net - WPF - 实现一个允许上下移动项目的列表框





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winforms - 线程列表框 C# SharpDevelop

我正在尝试在简单的 winform 中使用线程。我有一个 ListBox,我想在表单的加载方法中填充数字。我不想等到它被填满。我正在使用这样的东西:

然后在 Load 方法中我这样做:


