问题标签 [liferay-hook]

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liferay-7 - liferay-7 动态数据列表钩子

嗨,我想在 liferay 7 中的动态数据列表上创建挂钩。不幸的是,我无法实现 DDLRecordServiceWrapper,根据源代码,它应该可以在


在 Liferay 6.x 中,此服务可在

是否有可能以某种方式在 liferay-7 上创建 DDL 挂钩?

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jsp - 在 liferay 7.0 ga3 中覆盖我的配置文件 portlet

我试图在 Liferay 中覆盖我的配置文件 portlet,我读到我可以使用钩子来完成,但我找不到这个 portlet 的原始 .jsp。

在文档中:https ://dev.liferay.com/develop/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/7-0/overriding-a-modules-jsps 他们提到了Fragment-Host


但有人知道哪个是我个人资料的片段主机?在哪里可以找到.jsp 的原始代码?

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liferay-7 - 无法在 Liferay-7 GA5 的其他模块中导入服务包装器模块

我是 life-ray 的新手。我创建了一个服务包装器 UserLocalServiceWrapper 名称测试包装器。现在我尝试在不同的模块中使用测试包装器。但它给出了依赖性问题。奇怪的是我看不到错误。我为了更清晰,已附上此请求的屏幕截图。

测试包装器的 build.gradle



请让我知道我正在使用正确的依赖 jar 或者还有什么我忘记添加的

我在我的 jsp 页面中导入测试包装器包

当我在我的jsp中添加以上行时,我收到错误 请检查服务器部分

当我删除该行时,错误消失了 在此处输入图像描述

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liferay - Liferay 7登录片段错误

我已经为 login.jsp 创建了登录片段,它工作得很好。

现在我需要添加一些代码来从自定义表中获取一些数据,所以我使用 scriptlet 添加了 XYZLocalServiceUtil 调用。

现在服务调用正在工作,但问题是当我部署片段挂钩时,它会给出以下错误并且 portlet 变得不可用,但仅在部署后第一次出现。


我尝试在 gradle 文件中添加以下依赖项,但没有运气。编译组:'org.glassfish',名称:'javax.el',版本:'3.0.0'



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liferay - liferay dxp 7.0 钩子,新的 jsp 文件

我的 Liferay DXP 有问题,在 6.2 上,如果发生某些情况,我有一个可以在登录后显示的钩子,现在我想对 DXP 上的钩子做同样的事情。

在 6.2 上有这棵树: my-hook -> main -> webapp -> custom_jsps -> folder1 -> folder2 -> some jsps 和 liferay-hook :我有<struts-action-path><struts-action-path-imp>

在 DXP 上我可以使用事件 login.events.post,它被触发但无法显示我的 jsp。






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maven - liferay-maven-plugin + direct-deploy configuration for DXP

I'm currently on Liferay 6.2 (with Tomcat), and I can configure the liferay-maven-plugin in my Liferay hook project's maven pom.xml as below, in order to pre-process my hook WAR for hot deployment (using the direct-deploy goal of the plugin).

I'm now trying to migrate this hook to Liferay 7.2.1 CE. There is no plan to redesign this as an OSGI module at the moment i.e. it would continue to be packaged as a WAR. So how would my new direct-deploy configuration look like, with Liferay 7.2.1? Specifically:

a) Can I continue using the same Maven plugin? I see from this doc that the liferay-maven-plugin has been "removed", yet my understanding from other help pages is that this plugin should not be used only with the newer, OSGI-module style plugins (the latter makes more sense to me).

b) If I can continue using the same Maven plugin, which version of the plugin works with 7.2.1? Also, which liferayVersion value should I use here? I tried a bunch of combinations and none of them worked.

For instance, I first tried liferayVersion 7.2.1 but the build failed while running the direct-deploy goal, since Maven didn't find a com.liferay.portal:portal-web artifact with that version. So I tried the latest version of that artifact from Maven Central, which is 7.0.2, as my liferayVersion. But the build failed again, this time because it couldn't locate the corresponding version of com.liferay.portal:portal-service. There's no 7.x version of portal-service though, which makes sense because it's been replaced with the portal-kernel artifact. Not specifying liferayVersion doesn't work either.