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openshift - 如何使用 let's encrypt (letsencrypt) 设置 Openshift
如何设置 Openshift 应用程序以使用 let's encrypt ?
NB Openshift 不适用于简单的 python webserver 方法来连接服务器,您需要使用正确的端口并绑定到正确的 IP 地址。app/gear 也不需要有 html 根目录。
.net - 使用 LetsEncrypt.org SSL 证书对 Visual Studio 应用程序进行签名
我对数字签名很陌生,我试图让我的 .NET 应用程序在人们在不同的计算机上运行它时显得安全。我已经为自己生成了一个Let's Encrypt证书,它在我的网页上按预期工作。根据各种资源,我将证书转换为 PFX并尝试将其用于数字签名,但随后 VS 大喊“所选证书文件对代码签名无效”。当我在我的 EXE 文件上运行 SignTool 时,我收到一个错误“没有找到符合所有给定条件的证书”并且调试显示我的证书没有通过 EKU 过滤器。
regex - Letsencrypt Renewal + Nginx + owncloud config = 由于正则表达式而失败
我在 Debian 8 上使用 ngnix 运行 owncloud-server。我使用来自letsencrypt的域的ssl-certificate。
现在我想使用自动更新脚本,定期运行并更新我的证书。这适用于所有域,除了 owncloud。
实际上,在 nginx-owncloud-config 中有一个 location 块,可以防止letsencrypt进入子文件夹domain.org/.well-known/acme-challenge:
在该块下方,我包含了一个用于 Letecrypt 更新的位置块:
rest - LetsEncrypt - ACMESharp client challenge in pending state for over an hour
Decided to try the Letsencrypt service recently. I'm using the Windows Powershell client found here - https://github.com/ebekker/ACMESharp
Following the quickstart instructions here - https://github.com/ebekker/ACMESharp/wiki/Quick-Start - I managed to get to Step 6b of the manual http authentication process, but when I check the status of the request with the Update-ACMEIdentifier dns1 -ChallengeType http-01
command, the challenge request remains in a pending state:
I've been checking on the status every 10 minutes for the past hour, but it's still pending. The quickstart instructions suggest that the process should take between a few seconds, and a few minutes.
Is this an ACME server issue, or an uninformative error response?
ssl - 续订让我们在多个 NGINX 反向代理实例中加密证书
我将 NGINX 配置为反向代理,并通过 Let's Encrypt 使用它来处理 HTTPS。好吧,Let's Encrypt 证书即将在 3 个月内到期,管理员需要配置在生产环境中自动更新它。
此方案适用于单个实例。但是,如果我想在 Amazon ELB 或 Route 53 后面扩展 NGINX 实例呢?在每个实例中续订证书没有意义。
node.js - Letencrypt-express 与 Socket.IO
我不明白,如何使用 socket.io配置LEX 。这是我现在拥有的:
看看 api.js 中的注释行:当我使用它而不是:
使用 LEX 我在尝试运行服务器时收到此错误:
我想,我的代码中有一个非常简单的错误,因为我之前没有使用 SSL 配置 Socket.io。
linux - letencrypt-auto 无法正确创建证书
我确实按照教程中所示拉了 git repo,当我运行命令./letsencrypt-auto --apache -d example.com -d www.example.com
时,example.com 是我的实际站点,它确实要求我提供联系人的电子邮件地址,但是它没有弹出剩余的操作,而是弹出此错误消息:
An unexpected error occurred:
NameError: free variable 'addrs' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope
但它创建了证书。我尝试了网站 ssllabs,但它说服务器正在侦听端口 443,但没有提供安全传输,而且https://example.com也没有实际工作(没有加载)。
我尝试再次运行它多次,甚至重新拉动 git repo,但总是出现相同的错误消息。
日志文件的完整内容(代表错误的最后 38 行,用 $USER 替换了已登录的用户):
apache - 更新让我们在 Apache 上加密配置
嗨,我在 Debian 中设置了 Let's Encrypt。
我使用了以下命令./letsencrypt-auto --apache -d example.com
而不是./letsencrypt-auto --apache -d example.com -d www.example.com
c# - Convert Certificate and Private Key to .PFX programmatically in C#
I have a .cer file output from a successful LetsEncrypt certificate request.
I have the original Private Key used to create the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for LetsEncrypt.
Now we need to programmatically combine these two files into a PFX bundle for IIS using .NET
Since we are trying to to do this programmatically pvk2pfx is not practical, and we would like to avoid openssl if possible.
To demonstrate though, we are trying to replicate this function but using CS .NET instead of pvk2pfx: pvk2pfx.exe -pvk Server.pvk -spc Server.cer -pfx Server.pfx
I have researched exhaustively and here are the possibilities I see:
One method seems to be using X509Certificate2 something like:
Here are some other methods but all of them seem to omit the part about the Private Key or they require pvk2pfx.exe
Conversion from cert file to pfx file https://stackoverflow.com/a/4797392/3693688
How to create a X509Certificate2 programmatically? http://www.wiktorzychla.com/2012/12/how-to-create-x509certificate2.html
Select, Create and Find X509 Certificates: http://www.wou.edu/~rvitolo06/WATK/Demos/HPCImageRendering/code/ImageRendering/AppConfigure/CertHelper.cs
Cannot export generated certificate with private key to byte array Cannot export generated certificate with a private key to byte array in .NET 4.0/4.5
How to programmatically import a pfx with a chain of certificates into the certificate store. https://stackoverflow.com/a/9152838/3693688
Import .cer and .pvk certificate files programmatically in C# for use with netsh http add sslcert
Method to convert cer to pfx cert https://gist.github.com/domgreen/988684
CryptoGuy suggested we need this link: https://gist.github.com/BrandonLWhite/235fa12247f6dc827051
Does that mean something like this would be good?
Are the CSP parts necessary?
php - Apache Rewrite !-f !-d 但允许文件在虚线文件夹中
我有一个将所有非文件夹和文件重定向到 index.php 脚本的网站,如下所示:
当我尝试访问该路径时,它被重定向到 index.php 脚本并且不显示ReGasdfq8is_ogwLaQzd42QH49qZJwgasdfVEnoOJSk
那是因为 .well-known 文件夹是点缀的吗?我可以允许访问虚线文件夹吗?