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laravel - Laravel 调试器显示重复查询



这是控制器中的代码。与所有观点共享联盟。但是$league = $utility->checkDomainController();中只有一个查询


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laravel-5 - 相关模型的 Laravel 问题


在 Laravel 中,我定义了这些模型:


我目前正在使用以下 SQL 语句



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php - 在 laravel 上将数百万行数据从一个数据库复制到另一个数据库

使用 Laravel Eloquent,我从旧 Mysql 数据库的一个表中复制 700 万行数据,并将这些行放在新 Mysql 数据库的不同表中。问题是执行此操作需要将近一天的时间,我需要为近 80M 行重新执行此操作。我一次使用 1000 个数据块。有什么方法可以更有效地做到这一点??这是我的代码:

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laravel - Query a relationship that is NOT part of a scope in Laravel

For a model I have a complicated scope condition like so:

This complicated condition will select all the records in Foo that are considered active (the real scope is even more complicated than that).

I have another class like so:

Which means the Bar model has many Foo models.

Now if I wanted to get all the Bar models as well as all the active Foo models that belong to it, I can do the following:

However, how can I write a query that gives me all the Bar records that are NOT active.

Ideally I would want something like this:

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laravel - Laravel:转换为 JSON 时更改模型中碳日期的格式

目前,当我将模型转换为 JSON 时,所有 Carbon 日期字段都像这样转换:



将模型转换为 JSON 时,如何使模型以 atom 格式转换日期?

我知道可以像这样附加数据:https ://laravel.com/docs/5.3/eloquent-serialization#appending-values-to-json


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laravel - Laravel Datatables 显示来自相关表的数据





应该显示数据的 URL:projects/'.$website->id.'/edit(例如:projects/2/edit - (编辑是一个刀片))所以,在这个 Url 我想显示一个显示所有 kwName 的数据表对于某些 website_id(在本例中为 /2/)。


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php - Laravel 5.1 - Sub query parameter bindings applied in wrong order?

I have the following update query which consists of a sub-query join (I had to use DB:Raw as I was unable to find any documentation to accomplish via any other method - unless someone can show me some other way to achieve it).

However, because the table/model being updated uses timestamps, a value for updated_at is also being added and messes up the order of the parameter bindings?

Below is what I end up with when I die n dump the query log:

As you can see inside the bindings array a value for updated_at is automatically added by eloquent at index 0 and so it's ending up being bound to the first parameter placeholder inside the query which is incorrect.

So instead of WHERE t1.product_id = 1 it's ending up as WHERE t1.product_id = "2017-02-04 09:41:22" and the same for all the other parameters - all in wrong order.

Why is the value for the updated_at column being added first to the bindings array - shouldn't it be added to the end of the array?

How can I fix this?


When I check the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder for the decrement method I see the following:

Arr::add does the following:

So to exclude it from being added by the addUpdatedAtColumn method I've had to include the column within the update query as follows as a workaround:

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laravel - 如何在 Laravel 5.4 中从一对多多态关系中获取单个记录

我有两个具有One to Many多态关系的模型,例如:





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php - Eloquent - 多个 WHERE LIKE 条件




现在我需要这个东西,但会自动为可变数量的搜索查询部分生成,所以对于数组中的每个关键字,我需要添加一个 ['keywords', 'LIKE', '...']...

我怎样才能用 Laravel Eloquent 做到这一点?

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php - 使用分页向 Laravel 模型的结果添加键值对

在我的控制器中,我正在调用我的发票模型,该模型正在进行分页选择。在我得到结果之后,我需要遍历每个结果并将 key => value 对添加到原始结果中。我在 config/database.php 中设置了我的 laravel 以将结果作为数组获取:

'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,





间接修改 Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator 的重载元素没有效果