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php - 无法在 Laravel 中生成 Cashier PDF

我正在使用 Laravel 5 从Cashier生成的订阅生成 PDF 。文档说这就像调用一样简单:



文档让我假设 PDF 是自动生成的。然后我假设我可以覆盖 PDF 布局,如果我选择的话。

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laravel-5 - laravel 5条纹错误

我使用 laravel 5 和收银员。除了向客户添加卡片外,一切正常。所以我错过了一些东西,我只是不知道是什么。





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php - 在 Laravel 中,我如何知道客户当前的账单金额?

我将 Laravel 5 与 Cashier 包一起使用。我设置了一些简单的订阅(“标准”和“专业”)。

我需要显示当前每年向用户收费多少 - 订阅都是每年一次。



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php - Laravel 未使用 Billing/Cashier 应用优惠券



我检查了价值,$request->coupon它包含我的优惠券。优惠券存在并且在 Stripe 中(这是通过程序验证的,所以我知道优惠券没问题)。

订阅是在 Stripe 中创建的,但按全额计费,不考虑优惠券。


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laravel - 通过 laravel 在条带上创建计划


我正在使用laravel 5并使用"laravel/cashier": "~5.0"

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php - Laravel Cashier Webhook: Get current user

I'm using the following to override the default handleCustomerSubscriptionDeleted method by placing the following in app/Http/Controllers/WebHookController.php:

In order for this to actually override the default, should I be updating my route to my extended controller, or still reference the default? I don't think that leaving it at the defaults would even let Laravel know my controller exists, but wanted to confirm as well.


The other part of this is within handleCustomerSubscriptionDeleted I'd also like to be able to grab the current user this is referencing and perform other actions; in this case, automatically setting records to unpublished. What would be the best way to go about retrieving the user? It looks like $payload['data']['object']['customer'] could potentially hold and relate to the stripe_id column in the users table, but would like to confirm. Thanks for any help!


I believe (based on the docs), it should be more like this:

I then updated my route to the following:

But it's still not firing. BUT, what I'm also wondering is if handleCustomerSubscriptionDeleted is called "when they cancel" or after their grace period is over and the actual subscription is cancelled. Is there a more reliable way for me to test this than to play the waiting game locally?

Update #2

I have updated my override class to the following:

The part I changed was changing $billable to search for the user by, as that's what the response returns -- not the user ID as I once thought. I did end up trying localtunnel.me as @Shaz mentioned which did allow me to send a request to it, BUT without being able to pass in the customer ID I'd like impact, I'm not sure how I can verify everything is actually working. I may try to dig in to see if I can manually run an event through Cashier, but still seems a bit odd.

Update #3

Tried doing something a little simpler as far as listening to customer.subscription.created (since that fires immediately):

I used localtunnel.me to setup the webhook, but it doesn't appear that it is correctly responding to the webhook, as I see 500 errors in the Stripe response logs even though my "Test Webhooks" event fired from the Stripe dashboard (with no customer ID set obviously) is fine. The response I'm getting about the 500 error is unfortunately lost/cut-off in the jumbled mess of source code that Laravel is spitting out:

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laravel - Laravel 收银员数量增量更新不起作用

我正在尝试使用使用 Stripe 的 Laravel Cashier 来实现数量增量。当我创建这样的新订阅时,我可以设置数量:


当我转到 Stripe 的付款页面时,它仍然是 1 个数量并且没有显示那里增加的数量。我做错了什么?即使在更新时,我是否应该获取令牌并再次传递令牌?我阅读了 Laravel 文档并按照它的说明进行操作:http: //laravel.com/docs/5.1/billing#subscription-quantity

我有 laravel 5.1

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laravel-5 - 使用 Laravel Cashier 指定 Stripe 订阅开始日期

我正在开发一个使用 Stripe 的应用程序,通过 Laravel Cashier 来处理用户订阅。创建用户帐户后,必须手动验证(由于业务逻辑必须这样做),但订阅会立即开始。有没有办法暂停订阅,只有在每个帐户都经过验证后才开始订阅?我正在使用 Laravel 5。

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laravel - 使用 Laravel 5 的 Cashier 需要新的变量 stripe_subscription

我正在从 Laravel 4.2 升级到 Laravel 5.1。我有一个可以在我的 Laravel 4.2 版本中使用 Cashier 的 Stripe 帐户,我在 Stripe 和 Cashier 上观看了 Laracast。但是,在 Laravel 5.1 中,需要一个名为“stripe_subscription”的新表列。我尝试研究 Stripe 文档、Cashier 文档和 Laravel 文档,但找不到关于这个变量是什么或做什么的任何信息。

在通过新的迁移将其添加到我的数据库后,看起来 Stripe 在我的 Laravel 5.1 版本中使用 Cashier 再次启动并运行。但是,我想知道是否有人知道这个变量的作用,或者我可以在哪里了解更多关于它的信息。我只是猜测它应该是一个字符串,我真的很不高兴不得不猜测,但它似乎有效。



从出纳文件 Billable.php 中:

我只是注意到它确实说 stripe_subscription 是 php 文件中的一个字符串,但我宁愿在正式文档中看到一些关于它的东西。此外,据我所知,这个变量是不必要的,因为还有一个“stripe_plan”变量。“stripe_subscription”变量包含一个随机字符串,而“stripe_plan”变量是计划的名称,如“monthly”或“yearly”。


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laravel - Laravel Cashier - 如何检查 Stripe 支付是否成功

我在 Laravel 5.1 中使用 Cashier 进行条带支付。我想检查如何仅在条带支付成功时创建新的数据库条目。我正在做这样的事情:

我认为条带订阅将返回 true 或 false,因此我可以检查最后一次付款是否成功并继续。但是$subscribe是空的。

