问题标签 [landscape.io]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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python-3.x - Are there any tools like landscape.io which work with Mercurial/BitBucket?

I want to use a tool like landscape.io to keep track of technical debt that people might be accidentally introducing into an open-source project. Unfortunately that tool only seems to work with GitHub.

Is there a similar tool that offers static code analysis as a hosted service that's also compatible with BitBucket and Mercurial?

I'm certain that I could get most of this using a hand-rolled linter running under Jenkins but I'd rather not have to maintain this. It's a nice thing to have not really a core part of the project I want to spend too much time on. In other words I want a ready to roll solution.

My project is in Python 3.x

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python - 使用未使用元素的 Python 元组分解

我有一个带有元组分解表达式的 for 循环。也许它被称为元组解包。



我怎样才能满足 Landscape.io 和其他跳棋?



  • 无用,但很短的标识符或
  • 某种通配符?
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python - 如何在 Landscape.io 中禁用 McCabe 测试 MC0001

Landscape.io提供了很好的 Python 代码测试,并且基于 PEP8、PyLint、McCabe 等。

我的一些解析器方法包含大开关块,所以我想为选定的方法禁用 McCabe 测试 MC0001。我怎样才能做到这一点?

我为 PyLint 找到了这个语法:

来源:https ://docs.landscape.io/suppressing.html

...但没有显示语法mccabe。根据我的谷歌研究,可以为项目中的所有文件禁用 McCabe 规则,但这不是我的目标。这是一个全局禁用 MC0001 的 yaml 文件:

来源:https ://0x7df.wordpress.com/tag/mccabe/