问题标签 [kotlin-js]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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gradle - gradle recipe/archetype/generators for multi-modules kotlin nodejs backend and reactjs frontend

I'm missing or looking for is something similar to a maven archetype or a yoeman generator. I need a starter project with best practices with the basic plumbing and scaffolding in place which i can learn from and build upon.

I'm experimenting with kotlin-js. To be clear, i'm fairly new to Kotlin, i have a decent experience with nodejs on the server side and am a reactjs novice. i'm working on a trivial project that will require some rest services and a trivial android app. I was hoping to do all my coding in Kotlin to help with the learning process. Some of you will want to deter me from doing the JS part in Kotlin i'm sure but i very much want to give this a try as i have some time to figure these things out. I am willing to make some mistakes but i would love to standardize on Kotlin as my language for all of my work (if at all practical).

Since i want to try and use Kotlin for all of this, i thought it would be good to also use Kotlin DSL for gradle. I am struggling to find a good template to start with. i see a number of git projects that set up single or multi module vanilla JS or node JS apps but most don't go beyond hello world. More than the depth of the actual functional areas of code, what really bothers me is that the gradle configuration for each of these are so different from each other and i really don't know which one makes for a good template from a best practices point of view.

Here are my high level goals for setting up the overall project. Could even be more than one project eventually.

I use IntelliJ IDEA Community as my IDE

  • use Kotlin DSL in gradle scripts (.kts) to help further my knowledge on koltin. i prefer not to invest in Groovy right now. though i have some experience on groovy from the past

need multi module project setup that will be composed of

  • some common modules, say to make some part of my code re-usable and the project modular in general
  • one of the common modules would be an api module (express perhaps) that would be consumed by
  • an android app
  • a react front end

Any advise in this area would be appreciated.

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kotlin - 如何获取 Kotlin/JS 依赖文件

从 Kotlin 1.3.41 开始,kotlin js 编译器将为依赖项生成 js 文件(例如,标准库 kotlin.js)。在 Kotlin 1.3.50 和 1.3.60 中,不再生成这些依赖项。

应该如何单独获取这些文件或让 kotlin 编译器再次生成它们?

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android - 在 Kotlin 的列表或数组中更改项目的数据类型

如何在 kotlin 的数组或列表中更改项目的数据类型?我找到了一种常用的方法,但我需要一种更简单、更快、更好的方法来更改数组的数据类型:)

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kotlin - 是否可以使用插值字符串模板调用 kotlin 的 js 函数?

现在,IntellJ 显示了一条红色波浪线:Argument must be a string constant


由@alexey-romanov 解决



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node.js - Kotlin 多平台 node.js 项目由于“错误:找不到模块'...'”而失败

我已经构建了一个 Kotlin 多平台库并将其发布到 bintray。当尝试将它包含在示例 node.js 应用程序中时,它将能够找到依赖项,但编译将失败,并出现以下异常:

看起来好像依赖项本身已正确下载并在编译期间进行了处理(因为它在构建目录中以 js 文件的形式提供)。但即使事情似乎已经到位,问题仍然存在。

整个示例项目在此分支发布:https ://github.com/mikepenz/storyblok-mp-SDK/tree/feature/nodejssample/nodejsapp



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kotlin-js - 在 Kotlin JS 中,在日期上调用 getHours 会给出 TypeError: date.getHours is not a function

希望这是一个常见问题,有人可以帮助我吗?我有一个带有 kotlin,js.Date 的数据类。如果我通过 console.log 打印出它的值,我会得到:


我在浏览器中收到“TypeError: date.getHours is not a function”作为运行时错误。我不太明白这一点;我的日期对象不包含日期或其他内容吗?

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gradle - Kotlin js 没有从 gradle 实现中获取依赖项(构建文件中的 npm 部分

我有一个 Kotlin JS 项目,我正在尝试通过 Gradle 添加一些 npm 依赖项。我的理解是我必须将 npm deps 添加到此源集的依赖项中,如下所示:



我可以看到所有 npm 模块都已下载到 build/js/node_modules


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kotlin - Kotlin JS 和镜头

对于 JavaScript 目标,我需要 Kotlin 中嵌套数据类的镜头。

由于 Arrow 不适用于 KotlinJS:是否有可用的库、示例、要点?或者至少有人知道如何实现这一目标?

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kotlin - 如何创建类型的 lambda ((KeyboardEvent) -> dynamic)?在科特林

我想听键盘事件。所以我将 lambda 设置为document.onkeypress,它的类型应该是:


Lambda 应该返回动态类型,我确实返回它,不明白这种构造有什么问题。

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kotlin-js - 如何更改 KotlinJS 的默认端口号

我有一个非常简单的 kotlinJS 项目。

我有引用我的 hello world 脚本的 HTML 文件等等......

它运行,一切正常。但我的问题是如何更改默认端口号?我可以以某种方式配置为端口 3000 吗?这在 nodejs 上很容易,但我没有找到一个很好的例子来说明如何使用 kotlinJS 来做到这一点。

我认为它与 gradle 或某些配置文件有关……但我在这里需要帮助,因为我无法找到如何做到这一点的方法。