问题标签 [kindle-fire]
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android - Kindle Fire 的推送通知/C2DM?
AFAIK,推送通知需要 Google 帐户才能工作(它们搭载 GTalk),那么这是否意味着 Kindle Fire 的应用程序如果使用标准 C2DM 方法就注定失败?
我在Kindle Fire 常见问题解答或网络上的任何地方都找不到任何关于推送的信息。
android - android设备特定功能
不同的 Android 设备偶尔会有不同的屏幕功能(例如 kindle fire 应用中屏幕底部的按钮)。你如何改变这些按钮的行为?我找不到任何关于做这种事情的资源..
** 编辑 **
我发现我所说的“底部按钮”更合适地称为Options Bar
亚马逊的一些 Kindle Fire 文档
** 编辑 **
android - usb调试时kindle sdcard访问
当我在 Kindle Fire 上调试时,我的应用程序也没有对 /sdcard 和其他 Android 应用程序 (ASTRO) 的读/写访问权限。在其他 Android 设备上,我没有看到这个问题。当usb断开连接时,它似乎工作正常,但我该如何调试呢?
android - 有什么办法可以避免在 Kindle Fire 上加载视频时出现黑色背景?
我正在尝试构建一个 Kindle Fire 应用程序,该应用程序将用视频替换静态图像以响应用户操作。问题是一切都在白色背景上,视频播放器加载黑色背景。因此,对于用户来说,它看起来像是白色背景上的图像,然后是一个黑色的大矩形,然后是正在播放的视频。
css - 点燃火@media
我正在尝试设计一个在本机 Kindle Fire 电子邮件客户端中唯一呈现的电子邮件。我可以使用以下媒体查询获取初始水平视图:
android - 默认 Kindle 电子邮件应用程序不在 ACTION_SEND 和 ACTION_SENDTO 的选择列表中
我有工作的 Android 应用程序,允许用户通过标准意图范式共享内容,但我移植的代码在 Kindle Fire 上不起作用。在以下两个代码片段中,默认的 Kindle 电子邮件应用程序均未被识别为意图处理程序。
我在下面的另一个尝试只是将 Facebook 和 Lastpass 作为唯一可以处理文本/纯文本的应用程序。
android - Kindle Fire 和谷歌地图 API
在清单中。它在 Xoom 和 Galaxy Tab 以及几部手机上运行良好。它还在其中一个 Google API 模拟器中运行良好。安装到 Kindle Fire 时,我们得到
这篇文章:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/4509787/931277证实了我开始怀疑的内容,即设备中确实缺少所需的 api。
有没有办法将这个库包含在应用程序中,而不是依赖于它包含在设备上的 Android 构建中?
android - Kindle Fire:最小化屏幕底部的细长灰色条?
在 Kindle Fire 上运行的应用程序的底部,有一个带有主页按钮、返回按钮、菜单按钮和搜索按钮的细长灰色条。
我已经看到一些应用程序在 X 秒不使用后自动最小化这个灰色条(以这样的方式,它甚至更苗条,并且只有一个按钮可见:最大化按钮)。这是如何实现的?对于我的应用程序,灰色条在整个应用程序期间保持最大化。
android - Kindle Fire changes Screen Resolution at some point…
Disclaimer: this is a strange issue that only happens in a Kindle Fire (so far).
Technologies Involved: Android SDK, Eclipse, LibGDX.
I have a relatively simple app running with LibGDX. The way LibGDX works is by having an OpenGL thread that will call Create() (once) and then Render() as many times as possible (so you can do your render…).
So when you initialize the Device, your "Create()" method is called and then when the OpenGL surface is initialized (all this happens automagically), your Render() starts getting called.
If the OpenGL context is lost, destroyed, etc. your Resize(width,height) method is called by LibGDX.
So far. So good.
Now I came across a strange issue with a Kindle Fire where things looked a few pixels off or "cut". The Kindle Fire has a "softbar" at the bottom of the screen (20 pixels) that you can't hide or skip, which is "kind of ok" because the device doesn't have physical buttons. You're expected to touch this soft bar and get a bigger bar to go back, go home, etc. According to Amazon, this bar cannot be removed. (is not 100% clear but nobody has found a way -that is not breaking the Amazon rules). The only App I've seen that removes that is the Amazon Video Players for videos streamed from Amazon's Cloud only. So as you can see, there doesn't seem to be a way to "permanently" hide that bar.
So if the bar is there, your real screen state is not the hardware resolution 1024x600 (landscape) but 1024x580. So I added some logging to my methods to see what was going on, and was surprised with this… (remember the create(), render() and resize() methods):
So the screen has been "resized" by the Kindle Fire, "at some point".
Has anyone come across something like this?
This is a screenshot (notice the black bar on top, that's not added by me!). Forgive me for blurring the image but this is a client's project and I can't "disclose" anything.
The fun part begins when sometimes, the bar won't be there and the app will look like the next (again, sry for the blur). Notice how the top bar is not there…</p>
Upon a closer examination of both shots, you can tell that the bottom (which should be the same), is not. The kindle is doing strange things.
Any ideas?
The assets were originally packed as 1024x600 but we have changed that (580 now) and will assume that the viewport is now 1024x580 but I was wondering if anyone found a better way to deal with this nonsense? :)
note: we do have android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" in the manifest. Doesn't do anything.
Thanks in advance.
android - 有没有办法在 Kindle Fire 菜单栏上访问和放置按钮?
股票电子邮件客户端和 Silk 浏览器都包含放置在应用程序底部菜单栏/工具栏上的按钮。我想在我自己的应用程序中放置按钮,但是在四处搜索之后,我无法找到一种方法来访问菜单栏来放置 ui 组件。