问题标签 [keyset]

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java - 输出Java map的前几个key

我想打印出 Java 映射的前几个键(不是值,不是所有键)。例如,如何输出前 10 个键?

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java - Map 不支持的 add/addAll 操作.keySet()



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java - java.util.HashMap.KeySet 在 java.util.HashMap 中不公开;无法从外部包访问

在 REPL 中使用地图来测试功能并在尝试在地图上运行 .isEmpty() 函数时收到此消息。


知道是什么原因造成的吗?我只是想在 REPL 中对我的地图进行故障排除,而不是一个实际的程序,但我对此错误消息感到好奇,因为我认为 .isEmpty() 已内置于地图的功能中。


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java - 如何在 Junit (Java) 中测试集合





我尝试将字符串与 keySet 进行比较,但错误是应该是字符串,但方法 assertEquals 得到了 keySet。

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java - JSONObject keySet() function not there?

Very confused. New project, add this code:

.keys() method resolves as it should.

.keySet() method highlights red with AndroidStudio giving "Cannot resolve method keyset()" error.

If i go to keys() definition, here they both are public and all: http://goloskok.com/u/2015-07-01_16-41-08.jpg

What am I doing wrong?

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android - 如何在不迭代的情况下获取hashmap的单独键和值



我不想对 keyset() 使用迭代或循环。如何在没有迭代的情况下使用?

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java - 来自文本文件的 java hashmap 字数

我正在尝试编写代码以从文本文件中读取信息,我需要找出每个由空格分隔的单词出现了多少次。然后我需要按字母顺序输出每个单词的计数。我希望使用 TreeMap、keySet() 和 Iterator。我的代码非常不完整,我很困惑。


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android - Application stops when clicked on item in ExpandableListview Android

I'm trying to create an ExpandableListView, below is my code for creating data for the expandable list

When I'm debugging it, the hashDataChild has the values of what I'm expecting to have where each header has 3 child in it. But when trying on my phone it crashes and it doesn't show anything in logcat. The reference I'm using for creating an expandable listview is [this]:http://www.androidhive.info/2013/07/android-expandable-list-view-tutorial/

I was thinking that it might be because the ExpandableListview OnGroupClickListener is not working? How can I solve this? It goes inside my onGroupClick but doesn't show the list of child

Below is my code for my Expandable Adapter

Thank you so much for the help.


I have tried returning true in my onGroupClick() and hashDataChild.get( arrayList.get(groupPosition)) is null why is it like that even if when checking the arrayList it has value?

i think i found the reason why using this

my hashDataChild doesn't contain key i don't know why and how to solve it any ideas why it is like that? even if when I'm debugging it does shows its keys and value of my arrayList?

I've change the containsKey and used String.valueOf(arrayList.get(groupPosition)) as suggested. But my child data still doesn't show up and return false in onGroupClick() it still closes my application.

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java - 从 Map 获取不正确的值>

当我尝试从 Map 获取值时遇到问题。这是详细信息。


作为键,我使用了 , 等字符串2_5_13_5_121_4_2我填充result4时,我得到了这个结果填充结果4


key == 2_5_1words.size() == 14没有 9 时,它是真实的result4 这是一个错误




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java - 为什么 HashMap.keySet() 不返回空集

里面的钥匙keySet从哪里来?该类KeySet是 的内部类HashMap,它可以访问HashMap变量,但没有像 aSet<K>这样的直接变量,它只存储要引用的映射键。

,该方法是否会keySet()执行某些操作?new KeySet()可能是这样的:


源代码只显示一个new KeySet(),但为什么它不是空的,但有键?为了更清楚:

在每一行调试和断点,检查每一行并观察 map 的 keySet 变量会显示上面的结果,对吗?

一旦 keySet() 被调用,put 和 remove 对 keySet 的效果是一样的,对吧?我已经查看了 HashMap 的 put 和 remove 方法。

对于“put()”,如果调用 addEntry -> createEntry -> 在调用“table[bucketIndex] = new Entry<>(hash, key, value, e);”之后 keySet 将添加密钥,

for "remove()" ->removeEntryForKey -> 调用 table[i] = next; keySet中的key被删除了,所以我认为table[]和keySet之间一定有某种关联,然后我问了这个问题......