问题标签 [jwplayer7]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - 未捕获的 ReferenceError:未定义 jwplayer

我正在尝试在我的 WordPress 网站上嵌入 JW Player 7。我已经在另一个没有问题的 WP 站点和我的旧站点上完成了此操作。我不确定这是否与我正在使用的主题有关。该页面是http://www.stream.mesquiteweather.net/由于某种原因,当我将它直接添加到未显示的模板的 header.php 文件中时,我通过插件在头部有 js 文件的路径。当我查看源代码时使用插件,我可以看到它已添加。我在两个不同的地方两次收到“未捕获的 ReferenceError:jwplayer 未定义”,我不确定如何解决它,因为我不擅长 javascript,而且我的搜索结果为空。实际播放器位于一个单独的 PHP 文件中,为简单起见,我将其调用到模板中。以以太网方式将其直接添加到模板或在包含中使用它,它不会加载。我认为它与模板有关,但是我不经常使用 WP,所以不熟悉可能导致它的原因。




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java - Java添加外部视频url

我们如何使用 Java 通过 API 将视频 url 外部添加到 Jw 播放器。



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jwplayer7 - 滚动到 JWPlayer 的播放模式

需要帮助来为 JWPlayer 设置滚动播放模式。任何人都可以帮忙吗?基本上,只有当用户向下滚动嵌入视频播放器的页面时,我才需要开始播放视频。自动播放或点击播放功能在这里不适合我。不幸的是,JWPlayer 的 CMS 中没有用于滚动播放设置的内置功能。对此的任何建议都会对我有很大帮助!提前致谢!

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jwplayer - 我可以通过 API 将自己的媒体 ID 分配给 jwplayer

我有一个小的“Java”程序,它通过 API 将视频上传到 Jw 播放器。

有没有办法将媒体 ID 与视频一起发送?

我的意思是我可以使用我的媒体 ID 代替生成的媒体 ID 吗?或者有什么方法可以让我通过 API 将我的媒体 ID 分配给 jwplaye?

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jwplayer - 带有谷歌分析的 Jw 播放器

我正在使用 Jwplayer 6.9




[ https://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1417179-integration-with-google-analytics#fndtn-code][1]

但是,我无法在我的 jw 播放器的仪表板中看到分析,也无法在我的谷歌分析仪表板中看到它。

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angularjs - JWPlayer7 not loading the skin colors

I have a weird error with jwplayer.

I configure it from a Angular JS Controller and load it with a simple preview button which loads the jwplayer with the requested conf.

As simple as this.


I have a skin and the skin colors (active, inactive, background) configured.

The issue happens when I click the preview button. Sometimes the player loads with the correct colors and sometimes the player loads with the default skin colors.

Every other jwplayer property get loaded correctly. If I change the skin model it will always load that model but will have the same issue with the colors.

I ran a jwplayer(attribute_id).getConfig() to check which conf has been loaded in both cases and they are exactly the same.

So how is it possible the jwplayer has the skin colors loaded but they don't work in some cases?

Skin related conf obtained from the js api:


The player's version I am using is the 7.4.3


I figured out the issue. I have a function to random generate (number and characters) jwplayer id's in case I have a couple of jwplayers in the same page they have different ids.

Every time I generated a new jwplayer it would use a different id. So I noticed the colors weren't working when the jwplayer id was starting with a number.

ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").

So for some reason although the JQuery selector was wrong, just the colors weren't working, the rest of the setup was working fine.

I assume the CSS couldn't work with a wrong id selector and that's why the colors wouldn't show up...

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jwplayer - JWplayer 7 - 如何使视频背景透明

我正在使用 JWplayer 7.4.3 版本。我花了很多时间使视频背景透明但没有运气。有人可以帮忙吗?

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jwplayer - iPhone 上的 JWPlayer 7 播放列表未播放(正在播放)

播放列表播放正常,实际上在 iPad 上可以播放,但现在它只播放 youtube 视频并保持全屏,而上周它播放然后转到原始播放器大小并继续(当然不是没有点击),这里是编码:


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jwplayer - JWPlayer:删除事件的侦听器

我写了一段代码从 JWPlayer 事件中注销

jwPlayer().on('remove', function(e){ // taking the lisenters off jwplayer().off('error'); jwplayer().off('levelsChanged'); });

问题是这些“关闭”调用有效,如果在播放器调用 remove 之前调用它们但在调用 remove 之后,执行停止。


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jwplayer7 - 升级到 JWplayer 7.4.4

我正在将 jwplayer 升级到 7.4.4,使用 hlshtml 和默认模式作为 html5 设置。我的播放器在 Firefox 中运行良好。但在 chrome 中,它给出的错误是:无法加载 m3u8 跨域访问被拒绝。