问题标签 [jet-sql]
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sql - 什么是与 a.key IS NULL 和 b.key IS NULL 的 FULL OUTER JOIN 等效的 MS Access SQL
我想在 MS Access SQL 中执行的示例查询:
由于 MS Access SQL 不允许 FULL OUTER JOIN,我尝试使用下面的代码,但结果不正确。
有谁知道如何构建我试图执行的上面示例查询的 MS Access SQL 等效项?
sql - How to calculate the difference of two SELECTs in SQL (Access, JetSQL)
I need to get the difference of two SUM...WHERE
queries from the same table join:
I've tried using UNION
, but it returns two rows, not two columns I can make calculations on.
How do I go about doing it? I feel I am missing something trivial, so thanks in advance!