问题标签 [javafx-tableview]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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checkbox - Working checkboxes in JavaFX table (CheckBoxTableCell)

(This is similar to a homework question.)

I recently made an example UI in Scenebuilder for something I later had to program with Java Swing. That more or less worked. Now it is my task, not for the actual development of the program, but for learning something in my job training, to make a similar UI with Scenebuilder, but this time an actually working one. The specifications are:

  • It's a window with a table in it.
  • At least two of the columns have radio boxes in them that look like checkboxes or checkboxes that act like radio boxes (because the company has weird standards).
  • It uses FXML files made with Scenebuilder for the layout.

Making the check boxes act as radio boxes should be easy, if I could just enable the editing. I found a lot of examples that do almost what I want, but are still all not really applicable to my situation. Here are some of them:

  • I started with this video and almost exactly copied the code to first have a working example. Then I adjusted it to my needs until I only had the check boxes to do (first working prototype had Booleans instead).
  • Then I took part of the full code of this answer to add the check boxes. That worked, but they don't react to clicks.
  • This, this and this seems to only apply to text fields, not checkboxes.
  • I then used the two lambda expressions from the second code block in this answer (actually I used the variant in the first answer and manually resolved some errors until suddenly Eclipse automatically converted it to lambda expressions). I also added the public ObservableValue<Boolean> getCompleted() method, Eclipse suggested some magic and then I had what you can see in the corresponding code below (without the console print).
  • I also added a listener to the boolean property, like this site (archive) apparently does (I think), but that doesn't seem like it helped much.

Here is a picture of how the dialog looks now, I still can't use the check boxes: enter image description here

My question: How can I make it so that the check boxes react to clicks? React can mean outputting something on the console, I don't need a given code that makes it automatically disable the other checkbox, I want to figure that part out myself.

My code:





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java - Javafx tableview 将 cellValueFactory 内的更改绑定到表 observablelist

我有 javafx 表,其中包括组织的成员每月费用。在此表中,我显示了一些带有默认金额的费用,以便在任何情况下用户都可以更新金额或按原样继续。我真正需要的是,如果用户更新任何值,这些值应该立即绑定到表 observablelist。



DisplaySubscriptionFactory 类





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java - 如何在表格结构的所有列中分配总宽度?”


我正在使用该行double widthAvailable = table.getWidth() - getScrollbarWidth(table);来尝试执行此操作(请参阅下面的完整代码)。

不幸的是,这个计算似乎返回4了太多。我的猜测是,我还应该从我缺少的表格宽度中减去一些其他的东西,在默认的 JavaFX 主题中恰好是 4 像素宽。




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java - 双击列标题的分隔符时未触发 CustomResizePolicy

我为 a 编写了一个自定义调整大小策略,TableView类似于TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY可见列的总宽度始终等于表格本身的宽度。






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javafx - java-fx treetableview 对常用树项进行分组



但是,我希望有如下所述的内容,即按部门分组的员工,并认为员工姓名和部门是同一对象 Employee.java 的一部分:


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java - How to select multiple values by using ComboBoxTableCell or ChoiceBoxTableCell in Table View javafx

I have a tableview where user can double click on a column row & Combo Box drop down will appear with list of items. Here problem is user can only select one value at a time instead I want to allow user to select multiple values.

Existing Implementation using ComboBoxTableCell

[enter image description here]

Existing Implementation using ChoiceBoxTableCell

enter image description here

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java - 如何在 JAVAFX TABLEVIEW 中选择特定的表索引

我想在我的例如 tableview.index(0).getSelectedItem(); 中选择特定索引 像这样的东西。我做到了,但我只能选择最后一行。类似 selectLast(); 安静类似于我想做的事情。如何在 javafx 中做到这一点,我是这种语言的安静初学者,希望我确实指出了我想说的。

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java - 复选框取消选中Javafx tableview,禁用同一行但不同列上的按钮

下图解释了我如何填充我的表格: 在此处输入图像描述





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java - 从数据库到 javafxtableview 的 id 和 name 如何相等?

这是 Consing.java这是我的表



book_ids 和 names 不等于表中的。

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java - JAVAFX:Tableview 行选择行为

我有以下代码来设置 a 的背景颜色TableRow


