问题标签 [java-ee-7]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - 在 Tomcat 7 中运行 Java EE 7 WebSockets

Java EE 7 已经发布,我喜欢的功能之一是标准 Websockets。目前我在 Tomcat 7 中工作,有没有办法将 Java EE 7 Websockets 集成到我的 Tomcat 7 中?我在 Tyrus Websocket 的文档中搜索它没有成功

更新:Tomcat 7.0.47 带有 Websocket 支持,是的,宝贝!

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19809 浏览

json - 使用 Jersey 2.0 (JAX-RS 2.0) 读取 JSON

我曾经使用Jersey 1.16JSON,但现在我很难使用 Jersey 2.0(实现 JAX-RS 2.0)来使用 JSON。

我有这样的 JSON 响应:



但是jSONObject 返回的是 null。我不明白我的错误,因为响应正常!

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2592 浏览

java - maven-archetype-webapp directory structure using Eclipse Kepler

Until now I was using Eclipse Indigo and m2eclipse. When wanted to create a new project I chose new maven project > skip archetype selection > gave names > finish.

This would result in a directory structure like : src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java src/test/resources

and with the directory src/main/webapp including META-INF --MANIFEST.MF WEB-INF --web.xml

Recently (yesterday) I switched to the Eclipse Kepler. Maven is integrated, thus I didn't download m2eclipse wtp.

When I tried new project > maven project > skip archetype > naming > war packaging > finish , I got the correct structure in the src directory src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java src/test/resources

But the directory webapp, was empty! META-INF and WEB-INF did not exist, no web.xml also. I read about using the maven-archetype-webapp, but i got the error: "Could not resolve artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:pom:RELEASE Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:pom:RELEASE: Could not find metadata org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp/maven-metadata.xml in local (C:\Users\stef.m2\repository)"

With this article Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes

I found out that I had to add the remote maven catalog. I did and was able to create a project using the maven-archetype-webapp version 1.0 . But then the problem was that the directory structure in the new project was:

Java Resources --src/main/resources

and src/main/webapp --index.jsp --WEB-INF |--web.xml

I expected(and wanted) the old directory structure which was , src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java src/test/resources

and with the directory src/main/webapp including META-INF --MANIFEST.MF WEB-INF --web.xml

Is there a step I am missinng? something changed in archetypes? Maybe it is a really stupid question, but my research returned very little results. Please feel free to any comment that can get me and other with the same issue, back in track


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1178 浏览

jsf-2.2 - Passing JSF URL parameters to CDI Bean

I am in the process of redesigning a project and I've come across what I think is a bug but Im confused as to where the bug is originating from.

Basically all I am trying to do is pass a URL parameter to the backing bean. Nothing magic and there are loads of different ways of achieving this. The following are the ones I use regularly;

  1. I can change the bean from @Named to @ManagedBean and then use the @ManagedProperty
  2. I can access the param using FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() and then get the desired param from the Map
  3. Or I can use: <f:metadata><f:viewParam name="id" value="#{backingBean.id}"/></f:metadata>

When I'm using JSF 2.1 with Glassfish 3+ all three of these work perfectly. The problem is that my current project is using JSF 2.2 and Glassfish 4 and none of these work! No matter what I do the parameter is never set and always just ends up as null.

I'm not sure how to track this down further. The obvious changes from the last project are that I am using Glassfish 4 instead of 3, JavaEE 7 instead of 6, and JSF 2.2 instead of 2.1. I don't get any errors or exceptions that I can post.

Is there anything else I can test or any alternative solutions I can try. Failing that is anybody aware of any reported bugs or changes that might cause this. Lastly can anybody reproduce this error?

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glassfish-4 - CDI / Weld Unsatisfied 依赖问题

我有一个奇怪的 CDI / Weld 问题,我无法找到解决方案。

我刚刚安装了 GlassFish 4,打算将我们的主要产品移到它上面,但是当我尝试部署它时,我在日志文件中得到了下面显示的堆栈跟踪(并且它无法部署)。

这是一个成熟的应用程序,用于多个位置的 GlassFish 3.1.x 生产,所以我知道代码很好(至少在 JEE6 上)。



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java - 如何在 Java web-Application 中提及目录路径

我构建了 java web 应用程序。

我在我的类中编写了 1 个带有 2 个参数的函数。如果您将目录路径(.txt保存文件的位置)和文件类型作为参数传递给该函数。它返回所有文件名,哪些文件具有指定的文件扩展名。







为什么我要尝试案例 2,如果我想在另一个系统中处理相同的应用程序,每次我都不需要更改directorypath

在部署时也case 2非常有用,因为我们不知道我们将在哪里部署应用程序。所以我试过case 2它不起作用。

它在工作,当我提到绝对路径时。如果我提到 realPath 它不起作用。



我希望,你明白我为什么要尝试案例 2。


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netbeans - Java EE7/Glassfish 更新工具不显示

我正在尝试在我的 Windows 7 笔记本电脑上完成 Java EE 7 教程。

要使用本教程,您必须运行更新工具。您可以通过右键单击 NetBeans 的“服务”部分的“服务器”下的 Glassfish 4 来运行更新工具。或者您可以使用开始>所有程序>Java EE 7 SDK>开始更新工具来获得它。我已经尝试了两种方法,并且得到了相同的结果,即使在经历了告诉 NetBeans 安装更新工具的过程之后: 光标显示计算机正在思考,然后......什么也没有。什么都没有发生。


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59028 浏览

websocket - 从 Web Socket @ServerEndpoint 中的 HttpServletRequest 访问 HttpSession

是否可以在@ServerEndpoint 中获取 HttpServletRequest?主要是我想得到它,所以我可以访问 HttpSession 对象。

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51559 浏览

linux - 如何在 ubuntu 12.04 机器上运行 .exe 文件?

.exe在我的组织中,C 开发人员开发了一个应用程序并作为一种格式提供给我们。

如果任何最终用户发送任何Http请求.exe。这将运行,为此我编写了Java代码(ProcessBuilder())并部署在。Application Server(Apache Tomcat)它工作正常。这些一切都在我的本地系统(Windows 7)中完成。

但是我们Ubuntu 12.04用作服务器。这里该.exe文件不起作用。


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java - 将数据发送到另一个应用程序的最佳方式是什么

我写道servlet,如果有人触发了这个servlet.exe文件将运行并进行一些计算,最后将.txt文件作为输出返回并触发另一个应用程序(Application 2)。

在触发时间时,我需要将.txt文件数据Application 2作为输入发送到。实际上Application 2没有向Application 1.


笔记 :

.txt文件有超过 3,00,000 个坐标点。

在开始这项工作之前,我需要知道哪种方式更好。最初我认为 web 服务很有用,但Application 2没有向Application 1. SOWebServices概念也没有用。



