问题标签 [innerxml]

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.net - 获取 XElement 的 InnerXml 的最佳方法?

body在下面的代码中获取混合元素内容的最佳方法是什么?该元素可能包含 XHTML 或文本,但我只希望它的内容为字符串形式。该XmlElement类型具有InnerXml正是我所追求的属性。


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php - PHP SimpleXML 获取 innerXML

我需要answer在这段 XML 中获取 HTML 内容:


如果我有answeras a SimpleXMLElement,我可以调用asXML()获取“<answer>Who who,<strong>who who</strong>,<em>me</em></answer>”,但如何获取内部 XML没有元素本身包裹的元素?


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c# - 为 XmlDocument 设置 InnerXml 会导致缺少 End-Tag



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c# - XPathSelectElement("/root/title").ToString() 还选择周围的 xml 名称


我举个例子<title>this is an <strong>example</strong></title>。但我不想<title>绕过文本。




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c# - 递归访问 DataTable 并输入到 InnerXml 查询

我的应用程序中有 DataTable。它包含 DataColumns 和 Rows。我只想递归调用它并输入到 InnerXml 查询。这里字段名称应该是 DataColumns 值,Value 应该是 DataTable 的 Row 值。贝娄是我尝试过的代码。但我不知道迭代 DataTable 并填充 InnerXml。


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web-services - 批量更新(错误代码 0x81020016)

我已经使用网络服务来更新 Sharepoint 列表。我正在使用网络凭据访问 remort 服务器。

这是我的 innerXml 代码:




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php - 如何使用 DOMdocument 获取“innerContent”?

我需要一个类似InnerHTML节点的东西,它非常简单,也许我不知道如何使用childNodes......我需要一些函数来接收带有根的节点(DOMElement 或 DOMNode),并输出(DOM-XML 对象或 XML 字符串值)填充。所以,它是一个“DOMnode node-root remover”。

使用 PHP 和正则表达式的解决方法示例:

相关问题:如何使用 DomDocument 方法更改节点的根?

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c# - 如何在c#中使用xml节点的内部xml的值

我有一个xmlnode node2。

在这个 node2 中,node2.innerxml 包含以下内容。

现在我想使用 ContractID 的值。我该如何使用它?我在 c# 中做

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c# - 获取整个节点 XML 而不是 InnerXml

给定以下 XML:

假设我在 XmlDocument 对象中有这个 XML,然后有以下代码:

我可以很容易地获得每个节点的 InnerXml,对于第一个节点,它是:

但是我怎样才能获得包含包含标签及其属性的节点的 XML 例如:

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xml - XmlNode InnerXml vs OuterXml

I've come across a bizarre situation and I'm hoping that someone who understands better than I do can help me to resolve it.

I'm inserting an image into an Xml document such that it can be opened with Microsoft Word. As part of this, I need to add an Xml 'Relationship' which maps to the element containing the image. Straightforward enough.

I'm adding the node that should look like this:

However, in the final .doc file, the same line appears as this:

i.e. it now has an empty xmlns="" attribute.

This is sufficient for Word to believe that the document is corrupt and refuse to open. If I manually open the file and delete that attribute, the file opens.

Clearly, I want to remove it programmatically :-) So I found the parent node. This is where my understanding is a little hazy. I believed that the OuterXml element contains the node & the contents of all it's children, while the InnerXml simply contains the children.

Here's what I'm seeing (note that the escape characters are because I've cut from the text viewer in Visual Studio).



Note how the 6th and final element has the erroneous xmlns="" in the OuterXml, but not within the InnerXml. I can easily change the InnerXml, but not the OuterXml.

So, my ultimate question is "how do I get rid of this added attribute?", but I'm also hoping someone can explain why there is a difference between the Xml of the inner and outer (aside from the container).