问题标签 [include]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c++ - Headers Including Each Other in C++

I'm a C++ newbie, but I wasn't able to find the answer to this (most likely trivial) question online. I am having some trouble compiling some code where two classes include each other. To begin, should my #include statements go inside or outside of my macros? In practice, this hasn't seemed to matter. However, in this particular case, I am having trouble. Putting the #include statements outside of the macros causes the compiler to recurse and gives me "#include nested too deeply" errors. This seems to makes sense to me since neither class has been fully defined before #include has been invoked. However, strangely, when I try to put them inside, I am unable to declare a type of one of the classes, for it is not recognized. Here is, in essence, what I'm trying to compile:




If it makes a difference, I am using g++ 4.3.2.

And just to be clear, in general, where should #include statements go? I have always seen them go outside of the macros, but the scenario I described clearly seems to break this principle. Thanks to any helpers in advance! Please allow me to clarify my intent if I have made any silly mistakes!

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php - PHP - 查找包含当前文档的脚本的 URL

我制作了一个模板,它设置了很少更改的变量,调用我的标题,调用我的横幅和侧边栏,加载一个显示各个页面的变量,然后调用页脚。在我的一个标题中,我想要用户地址栏中的页面 URL。有没有办法做到这一点?


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php - 防止直接访问 php 包含文件

我有一个 php 文件,我将专门用作包含。因此,当通过键入 URL 而不是被包含在内直接访问它时,我想抛出一个错误而不是执行它。

基本上我需要在 php 文件中进行如下检查:


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c - "#include" C 程序中的文本文件作为 char[]

有没有办法在编译时将整个文本文件作为字符串包含在 C 程序中?


  • 文件.txt:

  • 主.c:



目前我使用了一个 hackish python 脚本,但它很丑陋,并且仅限于一个变量名,你能告诉我另一种方法吗?

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c++ - 如何在 MSVC++ 2005 或 2008 的大型解决方案中找到重复的标题?

在 Visual Studio (C++) 中,有没有办法轻松找到在 .cpp 文件中定义的重复标头?


  • A 包括 B 包括 C
  • A 包括 C
  • => A 不需要包含 C
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ant - 如何让 Ant INCLUDE 文件集优先于 EXCLUDE


排除优先于包含,我最终没有任何类。[因为对于这个假设的例子,zar.class 在类目录中] 我想包含 zar 文件,即使它在类目录中。



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objective-c - Objective-C 中的#import 和#include 有什么区别?

Objective-C 中的#import 和#include 之间有什么区别?在某些时候你应该使用其中一个而不是另一个?一个被弃用了吗?

我正在阅读以下教程:http : //www.otierney.net/objective-c.html#preamble 及其关于#import 和#include 的段落似乎自相矛盾,或者至少不清楚。

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c - 使 C 预处理器忽略某些 #include 指令


在每个生成的源文件的顶部。标题早已被重命名。虽然强制编译器(gcc)使用新的头文件没有问题-include new/header.h,但从每个生成的文件中删除上述指令会使构建过程复杂化。

有没有办法告诉 gcc 简单地忽略some/file.h

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c++ - 什么时候可以在#include 指令中省略文件扩展名?

我正在玩 gmock 并注意到它包含这一行:



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php - 如何从 PHP 中包含的类中获取文件名





神奇的 FILE 常量不正确,它返回 path/to/myClass.php