问题标签 [immediate-window]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - 以编程方式立即输出窗口

我有一个应用程序正在实现它自己的 C# 控制台(通过 Roslyn 的脚本引擎)。我已经获得了执行语句的代码并获得了可能的返回值,现在我想向控制台输出一个“不错”的字符串。调用“ToString()”的简单方法通常会产生非常人类不可读的输出。

对我来说最好的解决方案是拥有与 Visual Studio 的“立即窗口”使用的相同类型的检查输出。

例如,如果我的语句计算为一个新的字符串 []{“asd”},那么只需调用 ToString() 就会给我



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visual-studio-2012 - Cannot use WinDbg and SOS in Visual Studio Immediate window

I'm following this tutorial: link. At step 8, when I say .load sos in the Immediate Window, it just pukes expected expression.

System: Win 7 x64, Visual Studio 2012 Premium. I have an installed Debugging Tools for Windows (x64) 11/14/2012, Now I installed X64 Debuggers And Tools. I have Windows SDK for Windows 7 (7.1). WinDbg.exe is in c:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\ and I can start it from start menu. However I cannot find sos.dll, which supposed to come with the Debugging Tools for Windows (x64).

How can I make this happen?

Bonus question: {,,kernel32}_LoadLibraryExW@12 in Step 4 doesn't work, I use {,,kernel32}LoadLibraryExW, but then I cannot figure out where is the loaded dll name. I was poking around with the registers.

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c# - How can I find the type of a datasource?

I am trying to debug the following line of code

and want to find out more information about binding.DataSource

In the immediate window the query ? binding.DataSource returns

I want to cast the binding.DataSource to something I can query with intellisense? What should I cast it to ?

[Update] The binding source was created as follows;

[Update] I tried the following in the debugger

but get

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c# - 打破手表或即时窗口的无限循环

我编写了使用 while 循环的应用程序。在我的代码中,我忘记了break一个特定的条件。我正在从调试器运行应用程序。现在我需要退出循环。有些人可能会说停止它并放入断线,但我现在不能。更改代码并再次运行需要很长时间。有没有办法从监视窗口或立即窗口阻止这个?



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c# - 一段代码仅在 VS 2010 的即时窗口中执行




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visual-c++ - 如何从 Visual C++ 的调试器更改向量中元素的值

我习惯于能够从 Visual Studio 的即时窗口修改 C# 中的集合元素。但是,在 C++ 中,当我尝试使用向量执行此操作时,会出现一个奇怪的错误。首先,这是我的收藏:



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c# - How to evaluate unhandled exception properties in immediate window

I have an unhandled exception that causes the Exception Assistant dialog box to appear.

When I click on View Detail..., the exception itself has some values in it's custom object model that will not evaluate in the property grid, but I know I can evaluate it in the immediate window. (In this case the property grid won't let me drill down into a collection, but there can be other cases)

Without altering the code to add a try block, how can I go to the immediate window and evaluate expressions on the unhanded exception?

The answer will probably be some magic that I just don't know yet, like ?this.CurrentException or

something involving System.Diagnostics.StackFrame or who knows. Something clever.

There is a way to navigate to it using the debugger thread, but that's quite complicated. If you can take that and make it simple with a wrapper that might be a solution.

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vb.net - 为什么:System.Windows.Forms.dll 中出现了“System.ArgumentException”类型的第一次机会异常?

我在调试时在即时窗口中得到了这个: System.Windows.Forms.dll 中发生了“System.ArgumentException”类型的第一次机会异常


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c# - 在即时窗口中将int数组转换为双数组?

是否可以在即时窗口中将 int 数组转换为双数组?我试图投射,但不知何故它不起作用。我想知道这是否可能?

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vba - 如何将即时窗口的内容写入文本文件

我对VBA很陌生。我在 <header> 上搜索了很多,但我仍然不明白。


如何将即时窗口的输出写入文本文件,或者如果有任何错误写入 errorlog.txt 文件?
