问题标签 [imacros]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
javascript - imacros点击页面的flash元素
我想知道如何使用 imacros 单击 Flash 中的页面元素
imacros 也可以选择页面元素并单击该元素上的坐标吗?
我需要所有这些,因为我需要找到一种方法使鼠标悬停在 Flash 上并单击该页面上 Flash 上的某个位置。我也在 imacros 中尝试了 DS 命令,但由于某种原因它们不起作用。
jquery - iMacro Firefox 插件和 JQuery 自动完成
尝试使用 iMacro Firefox 插件为站点记录脚本,如下所示:
问题是当我在录制脚本后尝试播放脚本时,JQuery AutoComplete 字段在脚本执行期间不起作用。
javascript - PowerShell - 等待 Firefox 启动,运行 imacro 并等待它完成,关闭 Firefox
以及使用,和一个组合键来启动 jscript 的各种尝试-Wait
最终,我要做的是启动 Firefox,运行一个 imacros jscript,等待它完成,然后关闭 Firefox。
javascript - how to get the contents of
ok i am very new to this. and iv been trying to figure out how to get the value of title with pure javascript and i believe xpath might work best speed wise.
this is the full xpath expression
what i will want to do is use imacros and this script to get the number in quotes to determine rather to click a button. so if the number is to high it will wait until it is smaller then continue. but right now i just need to figure out how to get the value of title.
this is the link to the page i want to run it on. http://www.tagged.com/apps/pets.html#cashruns/3646/
Generally speaking, float
is a relative positioning statement, since it specifies the position of the element relative to its parent container (floating to the right or left). This means it's incompatible with the position:absolute
property, because position:absolute
is an absolute positioning statement. You can either float an element and allow the browser to position it relative to its parent container, or you can specify an absolute position and force the element to appear in a certain location. Specifically, an element with position:absolute
will be placed at whatever offset you specify (with left
, right
, top
, or bottom
) from the position of its nearest ancestor (containing element) with a position
property, regardless of whether it has a float
property or not. If it doesn't have any ancestors with a position
property, it will be placed at your specified offset from the edge of the screen.
If you want an absolutely-positioned element to appear on the right side of its parent div
, you can use position: absolute; right: 0;
-- as long as the parent div
has a position property such as position:relative
. If the parent div
doesn't have a position property, though, this won't work, and you'll need to stick to float:right
javascript - 将 jQuery 包含到 javascript 中并在 imacros 中使用它?
我想知道如何将 jQuery 库包含到 javascript 中并在 iMacros 中使用它?
它是这样的。在 .js 文件中,我将 iMacros 代码声明为变量
代码实际上更大,这只是一个小例子。声明变量后,我使用 iimPlay、iimSet 等命令来播放宏并在宏中设置变量。
现在如何将 jQuery 库包含在其中,以便我可以在 .js 文件中使用 jQuery 并增强我的脚本?
PS我在他们的论坛上找到了这个,但它对我没有多大帮助,因为我不明白如何使用它。这是链接到关于 jQuery 的 iopus 论坛的链接
php - Linux 下我的 PHP 脚本中的 iMacros
我制作了一个宏并让它正常工作。到目前为止,我可以使用命令行从我的 PHP 脚本中播放宏:
现在我想通过使用脚本界面来改进我的程序。我已经阅读了我需要 COM 类的文档,该类在 Linux 版本的 PHP 上不可用。那么您知道如何使用 PHP 来运行我的脚本吗?实际上,我不希望每次启动脚本时都显示 Firefox,所以我真正想要的是一种“隐藏”它的方法。
firefox - Firefox iMacros 循环直到找不到值
我正在为 Firefox 使用 iMacros,我想循环直到找不到值,因为每个页面都不同。我怎样才能做到这一点?
python - 将 iMacros 脚本集成到 python 中
我正在尝试使用 GUI 编写 Python 脚本,当我按下按钮时,它将执行 iMacros 脚本。字面意思就是这样,经过大量的谷歌搜索和搜索,我找不到它。我不需要 gui 或任何东西的帮助,只是如何让 iMacros 在 python 函数内/因为 python 函数运行?
testing - iMacros 和返回命令?
我正在使用 imacros 制作我的第一个(当然是糟糕的)宏,并且遇到了一个反复出现的问题,即 BACK 命令无法正常工作。
问题是有时 BACK 命令会失败(没有明显的原因),然后宏将停止工作,因为它找不到下一个标签。我必须手动导航回页面(暂停并按回不起作用),然后恢复宏。
xml - iMacros can fill out a web form and submit it, but can the data come from a (local) XML source?
iMacros works great to record a macro of the actions required to fill out a web form for later automation. However, I'd like to get the data for the form's fields from an XML source on my hard drive. iMacros doesn't seem to provide features for XML parsing (that I could find). Is it possible?
My motivation is that I want to import/convert (possibly using Chrome) HotPotatoes JQuiz files (stored in XML on my local drive) for use on Mentimeter. I realize I could write a Java program to output the iMacro file (a sort of programmatic hard-coding), but want to avoid this solution.