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castle-windsor - 代理被创建,拦截器在__interceptors数组中,但是拦截器从来没有被调用过
这是我第一次使用具有流畅注册的拦截器,但我遗漏了一些东西。通过以下注册,我可以解析一个 IProcessingStep,它是一个代理类,拦截器在 __interceptors 数组中,但由于某种原因,没有调用拦截器。有什么我想念的想法吗?
castle-windsor - 使用 Castle Windsor IInterceptor 拦截属性
有人对使用 Castle DynamicProxy 拦截属性的更好方法有建议吗?
具体来说,我需要我正在拦截的 PropertyInfo,但它不是直接在 IInvocation 上,所以我要做的是:
然后在我的 IInterceptor 中:
nhibernate - NHibernate inteceptor not called for changes in many-to-many set/list
I have an application that uses NHibrenate and I'm using an interceptor based solution for logging/auditing.
Basically I have a class inheriting from EmptyInterceptor and overriding OnFlushDirty, OnSave and OnDelete.
Everything works perfectly - except - when I add or remove from a set or list that is mapped using many-to-many without changing any other properties none of the interceptor methods are called.
How can I hook into NHibrenate and detect those changes?
The class looks like:
With this hbm mapping:
I'm using NHibrenate 2.0.1 (if that makes any difference), this is not a good time in the project life cycle to upgrade NHibrenate - but I will upgrade if I absolutely have to.
spring - How to do URL authentication in struts2
I am using struts2.1.6 + Spring 2.5 I have four modules in my application.
- Registration Module
- Admin Module
- Quote Module
- Location Module.
In registration module the customer can register himself and only after registering he is supposed to have access of the remaining three modules.
I want to implement something like if the action being called belongs to the registration module it will work as normal but if the action being called belongs to the rest of those three modules it first should check if the user is logged-in and session has not timed-out. if yes it should proceed normally otherwise it should redirect to the login page.
Through research I have found out that interceptors could be used for this purpose but before proceeding I thought its better to get some feedback on it from experts.
Please suggest how it should be done and If possible put some code suggestions.
Here is my struts.xml file(The struts.xml contains four different config files belonging to each module):
The sample registration_config.xml file is:
The sample admin_config.xml file is:
Same code is there in the rest of two struts2 xml config files. I have used the same namespace in all the four config files with the different package names(As you can see)
castle-windsor - Castle.Core.InterceptorAttribute 不注入拦截器
根据Castle.Core.InterceptorAttribute 的文档,我试图通过这个简单的测试,但没有运气:
虚拟,但这样做只是为了确定。我觉得我在这里遗漏了一些明显和基本的东西,比如是否需要在这里注册一个设施才能让容器知道 Interceptor 属性?我找不到任何相关的文件。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么吗?
我正在使用 Castle 2.5 版和 .Net Framework 4.0 版。
struts2 - 是否可以在任何拦截器中获取任何文本字段的标签?
c# - DynamicProxy2:CreateClassProxyWithTarget + IInterceptor
如果我在另一个问题中错过了这一点,我深表歉意;在决定我有一个独特的问题之前,我找了好久......我想使用 DynamicProxy2 为 WPF 应用程序的模型类提供拦截。这样我就不必在任何地方完全实现 INotifyPropertyChanged。例如,一旦被代理和拦截,下面的类应该完全参与双向数据绑定:
我发现我可以通过调用 CreateClassProxy 方法创建模型类的新实例并拦截对它的调用:
类型实现了这一点。, Before
spring-mvc - Spring拦截器的json格式的错误响应
我正在编写一个基于 REST 的 Web 服务。我需要以 JSON 格式返回所有响应。我有一个拦截器来验证我的身份验证参数。在身份验证失败的情况下,我必须以 JSON 格式返回错误响应。
response.setHeader("Content-Type","application/json"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "{\"error\":\"缺少身份验证参数\"}");
JBoss Web/2.1.3.GA - 错误报告
HTTP 状态 401 - {"error":"Missing Authentication Parameters"}
描述此请求需要 HTTP 身份验证 ({"error":"Missing Authentication Parameters"})。
JBoss Web/2.1.3.GA
我只需要 JSON 字符串作为响应。请帮我。
autofac - Autofac 使用带有 WcfIntegration 的 DynamicProxy2 拦截
我正在努力使用带有 IInterceptor 的 WcfIntegration 连接服务接口。
autofac 文档中每个都有示例,但没有将两者结合起来。
这是WcfIntegration的文档并在此处查找DynamicProxy2 文档。
有没有人使用 Autofac 成功地将拦截器与 WcfIntegration 连接起来?
似乎在autofac 网站上记录了一个错误。有什么解决方法吗?
castle-windsor - Castle Windsor Logging Interceptor Example 是否有任何源代码?
这是一篇很棒的 wiki 文章:http ://docs.castleproject.org/Windsor.Introduction-to-AOP-With-Castle.ashx
但是,它缺少 DataContractSerialize 的代码。我很确定这种方法相当简单,但为了完整起见,最好有一个例子。