问题标签 [html4]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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html - 有效的 HTML 标记名称字符

我在找出 HTML 标记的有效字符时遇到问题。

在这个(符号 (@) 是一个有效的 HTML/XML 标记字符吗?)答案中说:



'<' 名称(S 属性)* S? '>' 名称包括:

NameStartChar (NameChar)* NameStartChar 包括:

“:” | [AZ] | "_" | [az] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF] NameChar 包括:

名称开始字符 | "-" | “。” | [0-9] | #xB7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] @ 符号是 U+0040

因此@ 符号在 NameChar 或 NameStartChar 中无效,因此在 Name 中无效。

但是在 HTML 语法页面(http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html#tag-name)上,它只说:

标签名称在元素开始标签和结束标签中使用,以给出元素的名称。HTML 元素的名称都只使用 0-9、a-z 和 A-Z 范围内的字符。

HTML 标记名称中的有效字符是什么?HTML4、XHTML 和 HTML5 之间有区别吗?

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javascript - 属性和属性在 JavaScript 中的含义相同吗?

IE 8 及以下版本对属性和属性的处理方式类似。


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html - 由于可访问性而从 HTML4 更改为 HTML5?


在进行一些更改时,我考虑过从 HTML4更改为HTML5,因为我听说它在可访问性方面有一些新的、更好的方面。


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html - 如何在 HTML 的表格中每行只允许 4 个单元格?

我想知道是否有办法在 HTML 中每行只允许 4 个单元格 .. 表中只允许 4 个单元格,如果超过 4 个 tds ,则创建另一行..

我怎么能在 HTML 中控制它?

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css - 选择框使用自定义字体创建未知间距

我正在使用在 IE8 中完美加载的自定义字体。但是,我所有的选择框都会在所选子元素的顶部产生随机(不必要的间距)。

我在一天的大部分时间里一直在做研究,但是,我无法找到原因和解决方法来解决为什么 IE 会产生这种导致选项被剪裁的多余间距。


请在 Internet Explorer 8 中查看: https ://give.massgeneral.org/bootstrap/sslpage.aspx?pid=2045

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javascript - 内联 SVG 与 embedded

I'm building an in-game browser RoR app for Eve Online. One of the requirements of my app is displaying an SVG graph generated by graphviz. I'm having some issues getting my requirements met within this environm

I'm building an in-game browser RoR app for Eve Online. One of the requirements of my app is displaying an SVG graph generated by graphviz. I'm having some issues getting my requirements met within this environment.

No official documentation is available for Eve's IGB, but the wiki indicates:

The new EVE Online in-game browser (code-named Moondoggie) is based on a technology stack combining two elements:

Awesomium: A middleware layer that delivers rendered webpages as data parseable by a 3D engine. Awesomium is developed by Khrona Software.

Chromium: A middleware layer that provides interprocess communication, webpage rendering, HTTP communications, and all the other basics needed for writing a web browser. It is, itself, based on Apple’s Webkit framework. Chromium is an open-source project championed primarily by Google.

Because of this, Moondoggie is able to pass the Acid3 test and thus can support the full HTML 4.01 and CSS3 specifications.

I need the links I'm including in the SVG to have access to my app's javascript. Embedding it with <embed> or <object> puts the SVG out of the scope of my JS files.

Using <embed> or <object> DOES render the svg properly within the in-game browser. When it is inline like I have it below, it displays one line of text containing JUST the text elements from the SVG.

Update Here's where I'm at. I'm pretty sure most of this is redundant, as I didn't notice a difference by just using the render file: inside my view on its own. I think the mime type registration is more for use with respond_to, but I'm not really sure how to use that in this scenario.

snippet of main view:

partial view file:


I don't understand why it renders fine inside an <object> tag but not when inline. How do I emulate the environment inside an <object> in my main view? Or, how can I give the <object> tag access to my javascript functions?

ODP.NET Connection Pooling Parameters

I am trying to configure connection pooling for my .NET application using ODP.NET version The database is Oracle 11.1.

I am using the following connection string in my .NET 2.0 application:

Data Source=prod; User Id=FAKE_USER; Password=FAKE_PASS; Pooling=true; Min Pool Size=2; Max Pool Size=5; Connection Timeout=30;"

According to the documentation the connection pool should initialize with 2 connections and and increment up to 5 connections as needed. It should never get higher than 5 connections.

What I am seeing is the the connections are growing 2 at a time and growing up to 10 connections. I am monitoring the connections in the Oracle database by querying the v$session table so I know the connections are from that specific application originating from my application.

If anyone can help me identify what might be happening in the connection pool inside this application that might be allowing for more than the Max number of connections I would appreciate it.

Sample C# Code

Here is a sample of the code making the calls to the database:

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html - 有什么区别
 HTML Tag?

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html - 视口、媒体查询,可在低于 html5 的环境下使用

视口是否可用于 html5 之前的 html 版本?有人可以告诉我如何使用视口和媒体查询吗?我正在尝试将一个网站变成一个响应式网站,同时“移动”它。但我不认为它是使用 html5 构建的。请问有什么见解吗?提前致谢。

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validation - Validator.w3.org 不理解我的 HTML 4.01+RDFa


如果我尝试使用 Validator.w3.org 验证此页面并使用自动文档类型检测来执行此操作,我会收到 174 个错误,并且文档类型显示为 -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01+RDFa 1.0//EN。这是验证结果

然后如果手动将doctype设置为HTML 4.01+RDFa 1.1并重新验证页面,则doctype显示为HTML 4.01 Transitional,有2个错误和2个警告:无法确定解析模式和DOCTYPE Override生效!验证器似乎不理解我的文档类型并写道:

检测到的 DOCTYPE 声明 >!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01+RDFa 1.0//EN" "hxxp://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/html401-rdfa-1.dtd"<已被抑制,而是插入了“HTML 4.01 + RDFa 1.1”的 DOCTYPE...




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php - 全高右 div

我希望我的 div 是 100% 的高度
