问题标签 [haddock]

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haskell - Is it possible to hide specific functions from appearing in the documentation using haddock?

I use haddock and don't want all of my exported functions to be displayed in the documentation. Is it possible to hide specific functions? I found the prune attribute at http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/module-attributes.html, but this is not what I want since some functions which shall be exported don't have a documentation annotation.

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haskell - Haddock:用默认类文档替换怪癖的实例函数的文档


当通过 haddock 运行时,这些函数getput显示出来,但它们使用的是 MonadState 的默认文档。如何在我的模块中包含我自己的文档?

(你可以在这里cabal haddock运行repo来了解我的意思)

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haskell - Haddock link to functions in non-imported modules

In module B I have documentation with a link 'A.foo', linking to the foo member of module A. In module A I import module B. Haddock renders this as a link to A.html#t:foo, namely pointing at the type foo (which does not exist) not the function foo, which is at A.html#v:foo.

  • Why does Haddock link to t: for variables that start with a lower case letter? Is that a bug? For 'A.Foo' I can see that it could be a type or a constructor, so there are namespacing issues. For foo it seems a variable is at least most plausible.
  • Is there any way to fake a link? I am writing this in code samples, so I need it to be rendered as foo. I tried anchors, but they render as the module name, and for direct hyperlinks you have no control over the displayed text.
  • I considered a post processor (replacing t:[a-z] with v:), but that requires a custom Setup.hs which causes problems and is quite ugly.
  • I couldn't find any Haddock command line flags to obtain a more reasonable behavior, such as specifying that foo is a variable.
  • I can't add an import of A to B without introducing circular imports, which is vile to add purely for documentation.

I am running into this problem in the Shake documentation, where as an example removeFilesAfter does not get the right link.

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haskell - Haddock 找不到已安装软件包的文档

我正在尝试为我的包裹制作文档。当我运行cabal haddock --executable它时,它会给出以下输出:



我正在使用 Ubuntu 12.04 并haskell-platform通过apt-get.


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haskell - 可以标记黑线鳕中锚点的链接吗?

当链接到一个 URL 时,可以提供一个标签来指定读者将看到什么;例如,<http://www.haskell.org haskell>链接文本将具有“haskell”。不幸的是,该文档没有提供一种明显的方式来标记指向锚点的链接;链接“Data.FooBar#foo”的链接文本将包含“Data.FooBar”,因此读者看不到此链接将指向锚点。


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haskell - Haddock - 链接到外部模块中的功能(导入整个模块)

假设我有一个名为 Haskell 的模块MyModule,它导入一个像这样的外部模块:


我希望ModuleA.external_function在文档ModuleA中的注释中链接到一个名为my_function. 所以代码看起来像这样:

使用 haddock 2.10.0 并运行cabal haddock,生成的链接ModuleA.external_functiondist/doc/html/MyModule/ModuleA.html#v:external_function. 但是,问题是该dist/doc/html/MyModule/ModuleA.html文件不存在。

我如何生成指向文档的链接ModuleA,例如module-A-package/docs/ModuleA.html#v:external_function. 换句话说,类似于http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-类型链接(它们链接到http://hackage.html)。 haskell.org/package/base-请记住,我无法修改该import声明。


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haskell - 是否有任何工具/网站可以让我阅读带有 Haddock 渲染的 Haskell 源代码?

我想阅读一个库的源代码(示例),但 Haddock 注释呈现得非常漂亮(示例)。http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs有这两种观点,但没有将它们结合在一起。


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haskell - 如何将黑线鳕与 c2hs 一起使用?

我正在使用 c2hs 编写一些 haskell 绑定,并且我想使用 Haddock 来记录自动生成的构造函数和函数参数。但是,c2hs 忽略了注释;

如何在不编写太多 FFI 代码的情况下获得这些字段的 Haddock 文档?

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haskell - ghc-pkg 检查黑线鳕警告

全新安装haskell-platform(通过homebrew)(GHC x64 7.6.3OSX 10.9.2时,我在运行时收到以下警告ghc-pkg check(见下文)



该命令来自用户在 haskell 邮件列表中的一个类似问题。 http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/glasgow-haskell-users/2012-February/021780.html

如何安抚ghc-pkg check和消除这些警告?

警告:当我说“全新安装”时,我的意思是我已经从头开始安装 Haskell 平台,并在全局范围内安装cabal-并将 cabal 的 bin 目录添加到我的路径中。

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haskell - cabal: dist/doc/html/creatur/haddock-prolog27972.txt: invalid argument

When I run cabal haddock on my package, I don't get any errors. But I've uploaded the package to Hackage, and the build log includes this message:

I assume this is why the modules section in the documentation on Hackage isn't hyperlinked. The full build log is here. I guess the "prolog" it's referring to is the cabal file, but I can't see anything wrong with the syntax (below). Any ideas?