问题标签 [grinder]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - 如何在 jython 脚本中随机运行函数?

如何在 jython 中随机执行用户以在磨床工具中运行?

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soap - 如何在 The Grinder 中提交 SOAP 请求

研磨机使用 jython 作为它的主要脚本语言。


我一直无法找到一种方法来让它发挥作用。我是 The Grinder 的新手,虽然他们有一个示例脚本显示 XmlRpcClient 的使用,但即使这个示例错误指出“导入错误:没有名为 apache 的模块”

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testing - Grinder 3 - 将汇总结果记录到文件中

研磨机 3 在 GUI 控制台中显示汇总结果。有没有办法在日志文件中获取这些结果。

我希望能够自动启动控制台,然后在 excel 中加载它的图表。



我希望稍后能够通过 csv 在 excel 中重新创建此图: 磨床统计

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java - The Grinder agent fails to communicate with Console with more than a few workers

I've just started playing with the Grinder (love it!) but have encountered some curious behavior, as follows:

I had been using 5 workers to parse tweet text and send them to the URL I am load testing. Grinder was working without a hitch but I noticed that Python urlencode was failing on some of the unicode or latin encoded stuff (i.e. some threads were dying an untimely death as a result).

I thought, since Jython is really Java under the hood, that I would try using java.net.URLEncoder on suspect strings and see how it behaved.

So at the top of my Jython script I added

and wrapped the python urlencode in a try/catch which fell back on UrlEncoder.encode(myString,'UTF-8')

And it seemed to work flawlessly when I tested it using one worker. But once I upped the number of workers above 2 or 3, the workers would start, but then fail to communicate with Console, throwing the following error after an unreasonably long load time:

This looks essentially like a timeout to me (broken pipe, implying I guess that either Console got tired of listening or Agent got tired of trying to connect). But I'm not sure why. (Nor am I sure how I feel about seeing the word "whilst" in an exception. Strewth, Hacker! Didst thou ne'er see sinister leaks of memory? )

As far as the code problem at hand, I can do better then the (currently implemented) default behavior of Python urlencode - I do know a few tricks for improving on this but they tend to get messy and I'm kind of guessing that some of them are not going to work in Jython.

But I'm curious on a general level here. Java URLEncode works just fine - on 3 workers or fewer -- so why should it fail given more workers?


Am I running out of system resources?

  • Horrors - is each worker creating its own JVM?

    Well, checked, and yes, it is, as it turns out. but this didn't stop things previously. why now? I have 2 processors in my mac - I would think if this were the problem, we should fail at 3 workers, but, nope. 4 or 5, yep.

Is using native Java libraries in Jython, for some reason, NOT a good idea?

Insights appreciated.

Thanks JB

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python - 如何使用 The Grinder 从请求中获取 html 源代码


该脚本是使用Grinder Proxy录制的。谢谢你。

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gwt - PHPUnit Selenium 与 Grinder 和 GWT

我已经使用 Selenium 的PHPUnit 扩展设置了一个 Selenium 测试用例。我已经执行了测试用例,它运行良好。

现在我想用The Grinder做一些性能测试。换句话说,我想使用 Grinder 框架提供的 TCPProxy 进程,并多次并行执行我的 Selenium 测试。我可以使用 Grinder TCPProxy 记录整个 Selenium 测试。但是当我想从 Grinder 控制台运行生成的 python 脚本时,我注意到一些 GET 或 POST 请求总是会引发错误。

我的 Web 应用程序是使用 GWT(Google Web Toolkit)开发的。所以显然有很多异步请求。这可能是问题的来源吗?有人已经体验过 The Grinder 和 GWT 吗?


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grinder - Linux 上的 Grinder 2 控制台

我在 Window 上运行 Grinder2 控制台。我想知道如何在 Linux 上运行 Grinder 2 控制台。

运行 net.grinder.Console 正在抛出如下的执行

线程“主”java.awt.HeadlessException 中的异常:未设置 X11 DISPLAY 变量,但此程序


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python - 使用 Grinder 时未定义名称“磨床”

Grinder 对我来说是新的,我试图弄清楚如何摆脱这个错误:

我的 test.py 脚本:



看起来我必须为这个“grinder.logger.info”包含一些 Grinder 模块,但我不知道我应该导入什么......



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python - Grinder - 访问主机 ID




当我去运行脚本时,它告诉我它无法找到 hostID。我是否缺少 hostID 的基本功能?如何在我的脚本中访问属性文件的 hostID?


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multithreading - 循环(迭代)之间的延迟,如 Grinder

在 Grinder 中,我将负载测试参数设置为

这意味着我有 4 个进程,每个进程有 30 个线程,每个进程以 45 秒的间隔开始并重复 2 次。

我想在 JMeter 中实现同样的目标,但我无法做到。如果我设置loop count = 2, threads = 30, ramp-up = 45 secs,则不。线程数乘以该计数和线程数增加。

我希望首先启动 30 个线程(完成与否 - 无关紧要),然后在 45 秒后,接下来的 30 个线程开始并继续。JMeter 中没有进程的概念。所以我不确定如何模拟同样的情况。