问题标签 [graph-layout]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
javascript - 带有固定节点的 Javascript cytoscape.js 自动布局
我正在用 cytoscape.js 制作图形布局。我希望一些节点有固定的位置。因此,在我当前的解决方案中,我使用 cytoscape 的 cos 布局并为这些节点设置位置。它可以工作,但我的布局中有一些节点重叠。我认为无论固定节点如何,cos布局都会定位节点。有谁知道我该如何解决这个问题?谢谢
graph - MSAGL:更新可见图(添加边)
我正在构建一个简单的示例应用程序来测试 MSAGL,但是如果我在显示图表后添加一条边,则会收到 KeyNotFoundException。
我想这与我需要以某种方式刷新一些数据有关 - 或者可能使用另一种方法,但不知道如何。
javascript - 力导向图布局的性能和复杂性?
我有数千个节点和边的图表,我注意到 Cytoscape.js 的性能缺乏强制导向的 JavaScript 布局算法(cose 和 cola)。
我的目标是在典型的用户机器上在 10 秒内布局图表。
- 无向图的快速自适应布局算法 (1995)估计 O(|V|^3)
- 图形绘图的伽罗瓦复杂性:为什么数值解在力导向、光谱和圆包装绘图中无处不在说很难精确计算(?,我不是图论者)
- A Multi-dimensional Approach to Force-Directed Layouts of Large Graphs “在亚二次时间和空间中生成二维、三维和更高维的图形”,我将尝试找到该图形的 JavaScript 实现。
cytoscape.js - cytoscape.js 布局,允许在复合内定位子级(例如点的等级)
我正在尝试使用 cytoscape 来替换我的dot
。在点中,我尝试通过将左侧 ( ) 和右侧 ( )rankdir=LR;
定位来在系统 ( )中添加某种形式的流。其他元素没有,因此可以自由定位。然后我指定了包含所有递归组件的子图。inputs
我还没有找到完全支持在复合内定位节点的布局。我研究了使用具有以下选项的 cytoscape.js-cola 布局:
参数添加一些函数,但据我了解,我只能指定绝对坐标(例如return {'x': 0};
这是我的示例的 CodePen:https ://codepen.io/anon/pen/GEaOQQ 在 Javascript 中,您可以看到以下注释
python - Getting layout coordinates of graph vertices using python, networkx, pygraphviz
I want to create a graph using NetworkX, layout the graph using Graphviz(via pygraphviz). I have successfully ran all the examples in the NetworkX pygraphviz examples documentation
The question I have is - how do I get the coordinates (x, y) and dimensions (width, height) of the vertices back into the NetworkX graph. That is the goal. I want only Graphviz' layout capabilities, not drawing capabilities. Is that possible using this stack (NetworkX, pygraphviz, graphviz)? Any other way?
The background motivation is this. Graphviz outputs png, or ps, or svg and many other formats. But I don't want to be constrained by the formats Graphviz handles. And I want to be able to post-process the layout results, even if I end up outputting the popular formats like Graphviz does support.
Update: I have rewritten the question for clarity. The advice on Graphviz output formats miss the point. It is the layout data that I need
Update2: One suggestion was to make Graphviz ouptput in some format that I can then parse the layout data back from. The suggestion was for SVG. I had had considered that possibility. Graphviz outputs json (according to Graphviz output formats documentation page). I failed to make it work on my windows installation - for some reason not all the output formats were present). However it is the approach that makes me uneasy. Parsing formatted output for data that was used to create that output seems backwards. The data itself should have been made available, I think.
Update 3 - There is a similar question - How to get the coordinates from layout from graphviz?. One of the answers suggests using NetworkX. However the answer uses layout made by NetworkX and not Graphviz. The author of the answer did not know how to get the Graphviz layout data. So my question remains relevant, and yet to be answered
Update 4 - it is 07-2019 and I still did not find a way to solve this. I marked one answer as accepted - but with a caveat - I still am in the dark despite the good advice found in that answer
graphviz - 图形渲染软件,尊重节点和边的相对顺序
我正在为给定的一组节点和边生成一个(GraphViz)“点”文件。节点在 y 维度上排序,rank=same,在等级内的 x 维度上。边缘按照它们应该被绘制的顺序排序。不幸的是,“点”不尊重 x 维度的顺序。如果可以,我将实现平面有向图的无交叉布局。不管它们是循环的还是非循环的。
- 如何告诉“点”尊重节点和边的相对顺序
- 是否有“点”的替代方案,它尊重相对顺序,即接受布局,并进行物理渲染。
抱歉,无法上传点文件。示例.dot 文件
algorithm - “堆叠”与“悬挂”分层图形绘制算法的标准名称?
Edit2:如果它对任何人都有用,带有预先计算的节点层(y 轴约束)的 hacky(和缓慢)强制导向方法似乎可以正常工作。这是它的样子。该示例使用 cytoscape.js 和 cola.js,而且它是颠倒的。这根本不是这个问题的解决方案,所以我只是把它放在这里作为编辑。
visualization - NetworkX - 连接的列
我正在尝试创建数据可视化,也许 NetworkX 不是最好的工具,但我希望拥有相互连接的并行节点列(2 个单独的组)。我不知道如何在这个布局中放置两组节点。我尝试过的不同选项总是默认为更“类似网络”的布局。我正在尝试创建一个可视化,其中客户/公司(字典中的键)将边缘绘制到产品节点(同一字典中的值)。
从字典 'd' 中,我们将有一列节点 ["A", "B", "C"] 和第二列 [1, 2, 3] 并在两条边之间绘制。