问题标签 [gqlgen]
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go - gqlgen Resolver func 在生成的代码中缺少 OrderBy 参数
我是新来的。我正在使用 gqlgen 和 ent 构建一个项目。我有 schema.graphql 定义如下
成功生成代码后,我看到 AppQueryResolver.Response 和 IP.queries 的函数在生成的代码中缺少after: Cursor, first: Int, before: Cursor, last: Int ...的参数。我已经根据示例项目审查了架构,但看不到可能导致此问题的原因。在代码生成过程中也没有错误。有关在何处进一步寻找解决此问题的任何指示
go - Go and Grapqhl setup not working on mac in documents folder
I was following this tutorial https://www.howtographql.com/graphql-go/1-getting-started/ and had a hard time getting it to work.
First, i tried all this in a subfolder of my Documents
folder. However, after step
go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen init
only the schema was created.
However, if i execute the same steps in, e.g. a subfolder of Deskotp
, everything gets created correctly.
Should be structure:
Structure if executed in sub folder of Documents
Operating system: macOS Big Sur, 11.6 (MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)) Go version: go version go1.17.4 darwin/amd64
Can anyone help me out on why this does not work in the Documents
sub tree?
Thanks a lot.
edit: As suggested go env
go - 如何使用 Gorm 解决 Graphql 联合?
我想通过输入articoli来查询所有 Prodotto 和所有 ProdottoVariante但我不知道如何解决Articoli
如何正确解决与 gorm 的工会?
json - 无法在 gqlgen 中生成标量 JSON
我有一个 GQL 方案:
在图形/模型/model.go 中:
但是当我运行 go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen 生成错误:
我只需要获取名为 JSON 的 map[string]interface{}。我知道有标量 Map,但对于阿波罗联邦,该字段必须称为 JSON。
go - Golang:生成核心失败:无法加载 github.com
我安装了 golang 并开始使用本教程:https ://www.howtographql.com/graphql-go/1-getting-started/