问题标签 [gmsautocomplete]

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swift - 仅过滤要在 GMSAutocompleteViewController 中显示的健身房

Gym 存在于 Google 网站上提到的受支持类型中。




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swift - SWIFT limit google maps placeAPI autocomplete to certain country

I have implemented google maps place API GMSAutocomplete. It works fine. However, every time when I input a address number I see a lot of foreign addresses which are not relevant. I was wondering if it is possible to set a limit to the place API so the result only shows the addresses in a country? e.g. Canada?

In my button tapped func (to autocompleteViewController) I have:

My viewdidLoad I have:

My autocomplete function is:


Do I need something like "locationManager.distanceFilter = 500" or is there a recommended method?