问题标签 [git-track]

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git - 如何将分支与故意未知的上游进行比较?



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git - 将文件添加到 .git 并且在推送到上游时不要删除它们

我正在考虑将一些文件添加到.gitrepo 目录,并将push它们添加到上游而不跟踪/提交它们。


在我做 a 之后commit,我将文本添加到information.txt,然后push。当我clone/fork 时,我仍希望将这个文件保存在.git.

我基本上想要的是拥有不被跟踪的文件,并且上游中的内容在git push发布时使用本地 repo 中的现有内容进行更新。

我想这样做的方法是破解git-init并添加我想要的任何内容,然后查看git push/ clone/fork 对.git文件夹的作用,并保留新文件并将它们发送到上游。但我在想也许还有另一种方法。


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git - “git remote show origin”:为什么所有分支都显示“已跟踪”,即使有些没有?

为什么“git remote show origin”将远程分支列为“已跟踪”,即使这些分支没有链接到本地​​分支以进行拉/推?在这种情况下,“跟踪”是否意味着其他东西?我认为这就是“跟踪”的全部含义:git docs on branch tracking

1) 克隆一个包含多个远程分支的仓库

2)运行git remote show origin- 说“testBranch”被跟踪。但git branch -vv正确地只显示了主跟踪源/主,并git branch -a正确地显示只有一个本地分支,主。

git remote show origin3) 那么:当它将 testBranch 列为“已跟踪”时是什么意思?需要明确的是:设置方式没有任何“错误”:一切正常。我只是不明白为什么远程 testBranch 被标记为“已跟踪”。这就是我想要的答案。

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git - 'git branch -u (or --set-upstream-to)' 是否会丢失所有现有远程跟踪分支的跟踪信息?





它也被 git pull 验证

我的问题是为什么当我切换到新的跟踪分支时,以前的跟踪分支会丢失其跟踪信息?这是默认和合理的行为吗?git branch -u每次切换到跟踪分支时都必须添加上游吗?

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git - Excluding certain files while 'git pull'

I am doing a complex PHP project with two other people. We had git setup for the project from the beginning. After working for two months, we wanted to remove certain folders (/dev/app) from git tracking ( git was already tracking them). So I deleted all the files from /dev/app and added a entry in the .gitignore file to exclude the PHP files in the /dev/app folder.

I made a commit to the master branch. I pushed them to the origin and it was working fine. But my colleagues were working on different branches. When I merged their branches with the master, git started to track the excluded files again.

In the local environment it is not a problem, but in the production environment it is a huge headache. I only need the client generated files in the /dev/app folder in the production server, and I need to preserve them without any modification.

can anyone help me to overcome the issue?

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git - 带有子模块的 Git 存储库不跟踪本地更改?

我有一个带有 3 个子模块的 git 存储库,如下所示:

git init在主存储库中执行后直接添加了子模块:

现在奇怪的是,如果我添加一个像foo/test/git 这样的新目录,它不会跟踪foo/test/. foo/仅跟踪直接内部的更改或对子模块的更改。这是为什么?


.gitignore 看起来像这样:

...它基本上只忽略隐藏的 IDE 项目相关目录。

.gitmodules 看起来像这样:

[子模块“bar2”] 路径 = bar2 url = https://github.com/ ... [子模块“bar3”] 路径 = bar3 url = https://github.com/ ...

我是否必须手动告诉 gitfoo/test/应该保留在主存储库中并且它不是子模块?

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git - When to use git branch --track (meaning of start "watching upstream")?

Until recently, I have not been aware of --track switch for git branch. I read the documentation and tried this command, but it has no sense to me.


When creating a new branch, set up branch.<name>.remote and branch.<name>.merge configuration entries to mark the start-point branch as "upstream" from the new branch. This configuration will tell git to show the relationship between the two branches in git status and git branch -v. Furthermore, it directs git pull without arguments to pull from the upstream when the new branch is checked out.

This behavior is the default when the start point is a remote-tracking branch. Set the branch.autoSetupMerge configuration variable to false if you want git checkout and git branch to always behave as if --no-track were given. Set it to always if you want this behavior when the start-point is either a local or remote-tracking branch.

I can see that people relate to this switch when they want to make branch track upstream branch

What does it mean? Is it me or this switch description is confusing. When I use term upstream, I refer to the another remote repo (fork) that I can push changes to.

What happens when I start tracking remote branch? How does it manifest locally?

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git - 如果在 repo 中发生更改,是否可以停止跟踪您*确实*想要下拉的文件的本地更改?

我们在 repo 中有一个配置文件,所有用户都根据他们的功能做出贡献。对于我的本地测试,我需要手动更改该配置文件中的两个值,但我不希望我的更改提交回服务器。

但是,如果 repo 中有更新的版本,我确实想拉取文件的更新,即使这意味着我的本地更改将被覆盖。没关系,我可以从我专门为做到这一点而创建的藏匿处再次制作它们。

我想知道的是我是否可以告诉 Git “嘿......我永远不会将我的本地更改推回服务器,所以不要向我显示它已更改,但如果有新的更改要给我,让我知道我拉的时候他们!”



那么可以将 Git 配置为执行此操作吗?

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git - 如何删除名为“--track”的git分支

当我用 git 检查一个新分支时,我犯了一个错误。git version 1.7.1

我跑了git branch -b --track origin/develop,我得到了一个名为--track. 我怎样才能删除它?


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2011 浏览

git - git 推送未跟踪的文件
