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git - Bitbucket:自动使用 rerere 进行拉取请求

我是 Bitbucket 的新手,我正在尝试弄清楚如何将 rerere 用于拉取请求。

作为管理员,我想在有人真正尝试将它们与拉取请求合并之前尝试合并所有分支。如果我发现一个会导致合并冲突的分支,我可以提前解决它,并使用 rerere 保存解决方案。如果我可以将我的解决方案复制到 BitBucket 服务器,理论上它可以自动解决冲突。


  • 我不知道 BitBucket 在哪里进行合并
  • 即使我这样做了,也没有允许使用 rerere 自动提交的设置。(请参阅此答案,这将有助于命令行)

我想知道是否有某种方法可以将某种钩子添加到拉取请求中,以允许我执行必要的命令来应用 rerere。

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git - git rerere 仅手动解决

git rerere愉快地存储我的冲突解决方案,并在再次出现相同的冲突时自动应用它们。


有没有办法git rerere记住冲突解决方案,但需要显式调用git rerere才能应用它们?

需要明确的是,我不希望git rerere clearor git rerere forget,而是简单地说,除非明确指示,否则不会自动解决合并冲突(如果它可以在申请之前向我显示提议的解决方案,则奖励!)

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git - How can I audit git rerere's resolutions?


I am currently resolving a merge conflict with git rerere enabled. git status shows one unmerged path. When I view the file, there are no <<<<<<< HEAD or >>>>>>> <SHA> markers identifying the conflict, which tells me that rerere has done it's work and resolved the conflict according to how I have done it in the past.

I would like to confirm that rerere's resolutions are correct.

The merge process I am working on is very complex involving multiple remotes contributing to the Linux kernel. I did a test merge of several remotes yesterday with the goal of identifying conflicts, notifying maintainers, then discarding the resulting (surely broken) kernel. While doing so, I made a couple of careless conflict resolutions just to move on to the next remote, and called git rerere forget <pathspec> on all of the conflicting paths after I was done, including the one I'm dealing with now. Since I told rerere to forget this path, I don't know why it resolved anything on this run, and I'm concerned that it applied the fix that I made yesterday when I didn't care if the result was correct.

The Question

Is there any way to see what conflicts rerere resolved after it has already applied the resolution?

I would like to avoid restarting the merge because it's a long process that we don't have fully automated yet. Also, since I tried to tell rerere to forget this path yesterday and yet it still applied a resolution today, I think I would just end up in the same position if I don't find out why git rerere forget <pathspec> failed first.

Related Questions
Undo a git rerere resolution that was done in a rebase <-- solution requires restarting merge
Are there any downsides to enabling git rerere? <-- only discusses git rerere forget <pathspec>

Follow Up Note/Question
I just tried entering git rerere forget with no pathspec, which I'm aware is deprecated, but if I understand correctly, should make rerere forget all resolutions. I reran the merge and it still applied a resolution to the file. I also completely disabled rerere and ran the merge a third time so I could see the conflict, and rerere was indeed applying the half-hearted resolutions I did yesterday. Why is forget not correctly discarding resolution that I don't want to reuse?

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git - 手动修改合并提交的示例

git rebase --preserve-merges



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git - rerere:如何在“自动解决”后查看原始冲突?




man git rerere似乎没有这样的命令

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git - rerere 目录中的“thisimage”是什么?



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git - 覆盖非冲突文件的 Git rerere 和解决方案


我在与 . 合并时遇到了冲突git rerere enabled

所有触及的文件都已添加并提交。git rerere表示已记录该决议。

后来git pull --rebase=preserve重复合并冲突, git rerere 来救援。
快速浏览 rr-cache 表明这些其他更改尚未记录。

git rerere 是否仅记录直接冲突文件中的更改而没有其他内容?


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git - 有没有办法将rerere限制为某些目录?

我喜欢 rerere 的想法,但有一些可能的担忧,即它可能导致我不想启用此功能的其他目录出现一些问题。这似乎是一个全有或全无的事情。这是正确的,还是我可以只为某些目录设置它?

我正在考虑将 rerere 缓存与脚本给出的 repo 一起存储,因此需要进一步了解此功能。


如果没有,是否可以为我感兴趣的更改启用 rerere,然后再次将其关闭以限制使用它的位置?如果是这样,我会在流程的哪些部分执行此操作?

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git - 什么是 git-rerere,它是如何工作的?


我想为我的持续集成 (CI) 环境进行配置。是否建议这样做?

请不要用另一个问题标记重复:启用 git rerere 有什么缺点吗?. 因为我的怀疑与“那么启用 rerere 有什么缺点吗?它会导致哪些潜在问题不会发生?”

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git - 如何“修复” git rerere 解决方案

我的工作流程通常包括merge -> resolve conflicts -> commit -> debug during compilation -> fixup commit. 通过这种方式,我随后将脏合并与清除合并。如果启用rerere,我将始终记录脏分辨率。如何绕过这个问题?有没有办法rerere通过提交来解决问题?