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c# - Gepsio 验证 Xbrl 文档
但是当我针对 XmlSPy 验证同一个文档时,它是无效的。
设为 public,以便我可以验证我的 Xbrl 片段,仍然没有例外。
有人对 gepsio 有一些经验,还是我应该寻找另一种实现,因为库不支持这种实现?
xml - 在 Gepsio 中存储 XBRL 模式以进行验证
我正在将@JeffFerguson 的Gepsio集成到我的项目中。
我正在使用 Banca d'Italia 的 SARA XBRL 方言。
我需要将所有模式与 XBRL 文件放在同一目录中。实际上,示例文件包含一个指向 SARA XSD 模式的链接
问题是我需要构建一个将接受用户上传的 SARA 文件 (.xml) 的应用程序,并且我可以t-SARA-2016-03-23.xsd
有没有办法告诉 Gepsio 加载需要来自其他地方的 XSD,而不是 XBRL (.xml) 文件所在的目录?我可以看到有一个构造函数System.IO.Stream
c# - Get specific value from XBRL document
I've been using Gepsio to try and churn my way through standard SEC XBRL filings through their EDGAR system, and despite my numerous attempts to figure this out, it seems I'm at a loss.
When you extract the facts from any document, and you're interested in retrieving "revenues," per the specific US-GAAP standards, there might be as many as 200 facts with the revenues tag associated with it. While the ID of each one is unique, figuring out which ID equates to the particular type of revenue you want doesn't seem to be very straightforward. The Revenue I'm interested in getting is the same one that appears in the consolidated statement of operations--i.e. Net Revenue, and not some obscure other type of revenue in the document. However, XBRL viewers like Arelle get it right every time, and despite trolling through the source code of Arelle I can't figure out the logic they are using either.
Anyone who can throw me in the right direction to understanding this would be greatly appreciated.