问题标签 [gcc4.6]
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c++ - 你能混合使用同一个编译器的不同版本编译的c++吗
例如,我可以混合使用 GCC-4.6 和 GCC-4.9 编译的一组库。
我知道不同的编译器“品种”(例如 VS)不能与 MinGW 一起使用,但不同代的同一编译器可以吗?有可能出现问题吗?如果是这样呢?
c++ - C++ reliance on argument to const reference not changing
Please consider the following code:
Compiled with g++ 4.6 with -O3, I can see that the compiled re-reads the value of "a" between the function calls. Changing a's definition to "const int", the compiler doesn't do that, and instead simply loads immediate value "12" into edi. The same is true if a is not const, but I change func1's signature to accept by value.
While not a bug in the code generation, this is still weird behavior. Being as it is that func1 made a commitment not to change a, why should the compiler's code change based on whether a is const or not?
Edit: Some skeptics claim that I might be reading the code wrong. The above code produces the following with -S compilation:
Changing a to const produces:
c - (C99)在不同的宏中展开宏
我的程序中有一个函数,它需要 3 个参数。有时在代码中有一个宏定义了其中的 2 个参数。
如果 X 和 Y 真的作为变量传递,这很好用。有没有办法让它也适用于宏 PAR?
我正在使用 GCC 4.6
debian - libgcc1 依赖 gcc-5-base 但它不可安装
我正在尝试通过使用在 Debian 7.8 上安装 fbi apt-get install fbi
提前致谢, 阿纳斯
linux - Unable to locate package gcc-4.6-base:i386
I'm having trouble with running a script to install prerequisite packages, which requires gcc-4.6-base:i386, and don't know how to install it with aptitude or something similar. For reference, I'm currently running Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2. The error messages I'm getting are:
It looks like the binary package can be found here. Furthermore, I've tried this out but to no avail. I've also done multiple rounds of sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get install
. For reference, this is an Ardupilot project and I'm following along here, getting stuck on running the script Tools/scripts/install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh -y
Any and all help appreciated, and I'd be happy to provide more info if need be. Thanks!
c++ - 如果参数具有成员变量,则专门化函数
编辑 2:我的 gcc (4.6.3) 版本似乎不支持完整的 C++11 标准,因此void_t
“重复”问题中提到的选项对我不起作用。我的编译器抱怨“'type'之前的预期嵌套名称说明符”等,甚至不让我定义void_t。因此,我从我的问题中删除了 C++11 标签。
llvm - macos10.14上如何搭建LLVM Dragonegg?
看了《LLVM Core Libraries入门》这本书,跟着书走,我想在我的mac上搭建一个dragonegg-3.3,所以我下载dragonegg-3.3源代码表格' http://llvm.org/releases/ 3.3/dragonegg-3.3.src.tar.gz ',然后我在书中构建dragonegg-3.3使用命令