问题标签 [footable]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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bower - 如何安装最新的footable 版本?

我正在使用 bower 安装插件,但 bower 只下载Footable v2.0.1,而不是最新版本的 v2.0.1.5。


这两个都下载 v2.0.1,我想要最新的标记版本 v2 (v2.0.1.5)。

使用 #2.0.1.x 也会给出错误“ENORESTARGET:标签/分支 2.0.1.x 不存在”。

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footable - 使用 colspan 行进行Footable排序

在对Footable表进行排序时使用带有 colspans 的行时出现排序问题。


我有一个复选框可以打开/关闭 colspan 行,但是如果显示它们并且您按列排序,则所有 colspan 行都会组合在一起。

JSFiddle 演示

有没有一种方法可以正确地将 colspan(描述)行放置在正确的数据行下方?

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jquery - Footable jQuery plugin missing icons after adding event listener

I use the jQuery plugin 'Footable' to build a responsive table. Normally this plugin adds an icon to every first column of every row, when the row can expand and collapse. This worked fine, untill I added an event listener that checks for a button to be clicked inside the table.

My table is put together by jQuery after data is loaded with Ajax. My jQuery looks like this:

The code above builds me a nice table. But after I add the following event listener to my code (which works perfectly fine as well), Footable's icons no longer appear (expanding and collapsing still works):

The table itself is as mentioned loaded by an Ajax call, which on completion initializes the Footable plugin with the following code:

Not only don't I understand why the icons are missing, but I cannot even understand why adding an event listener messes with the plugins output to begin with. What do I miss?

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jquery - Footable:属性数据类在没有数据隐藏的情况下不起作用

我在使用footable 插件时遇到了问题,需要一个快速的解决方案。我已经在插件的 github 中打开了一个 bugticket,但也许我在这里得到了更快的答案。

我们有许多带有 footable 插件的产品表,它们工作得很好,但一个是由编辑器设置的,没有 data-hide-Attribute,因为它只有两列,不应该隐藏。然后数据类不起作用,并且所有其他类(footable-visible 等)都没有在 tbody 中设置。我生成了一个 JSFiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/xxemtkw9/2/





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jquery - 引导选项卡内的多个可脚初始化仅适用于一个表

我在引导选项卡的每个选项卡中有 2 个表,单击选项卡时隐藏的 div 处于活动状态。默认选项卡工作正常。但是选项卡的其余部分表现得很荒谬。我尝试了以下代码:-


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jquery-plugins - FooTable 断点?

从 FooTable 网站上的文档中,我的印象是表格“破坏”取决于屏幕分辨率(或浏览器窗口宽度)。因此,浏览器宽度。

但在实践中,它似乎会根据它们所在的容器元素的宽度来“破坏”表格,例如。一个 DIV 元素。


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sorting - Footable sortable - 复选框

是否可以对包含复选框的 Footable 中的列进行排序,以便选中的复选框位于表格的顶部或底部?谢谢

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insert - FooTable.js Insert Row(s) with input field... unique name for array

I have a fairly large form that has has a lot of basic form inputs, nothing fancy. But the users are in locations with spotty internet so the form has to be filled out all at once and then submitted.

I'm adding two sections to this form. One is a task manager type of widget. Another is a basic CRUD table without the ability to Delete.

Both the task manager and the CRUD table are using Footable and have rows foreach'd to pre-populate data.

Obviously I need to POST these as arrays. So using the Name attribute I am successfully doing so like this.

  • name="need[ Echo'ing ID ][id]"
  • name="need[ Echo'ing ID ][store_number]"

  • name="task[ Echo'ing ID ][id]"

  • name="task[ Echo'ing ID ][assigned]"}

This is successfully posting the array and working good.

Sorry for my long explintion. I know most like more info then less.

My issue.

When I insert a new row with footable I can not find where I can make a unique name key for each input field, where I have the echo'ing id above. There are roughly 8 rows on each insert. I can make the first insert populate unique but all others fail... Anyone have any help?

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javascript - 可脚印记忆插件





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javascript - 在footable中单击输入时显示隐藏的细节

我正在尝试将一些简单的功能应用于footable。我有一个脚手架,你可以在行中使用标签。在每一行,我希望能够单击 Enter 以展开当前选定行的隐藏内容/详细信息,但是我在定位单击功能和添加按键输入时遇到了一些麻烦。

这是目前我添加的一些 jquery,但这不会仅仅因为 HTML 是从 javascript 呈现的,这意味着在我用鼠标单击行之前隐藏的内容不会呈现: