问题标签 [flyout]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jquery - jquery弹出菜单:当光标移动到其兄弟时,使父li保持相同的颜色

我有这个弹出菜单,其中“第二级菜单 3 ”是一个弹出菜单。菜单由 CMS 系统生成,因此直接向特定菜单项添加新类是有限制的。

默认情况下,第一级菜单有一个用于锚标记的“顶级”类,而第二级和第三级没有。我想要实现的是针对“顶级”找到“二级菜单3”添加一个“当前”类,这样当弹出菜单展开时,光标移动到第三级,“二级菜单”菜单 3" 具有与悬停相同的白色背景颜色。

代码是 jQuery('#nav ul').find('> a.level-top').parent('li').addClass('current')}); 但它不起作用,我根本无法找到我做错了什么。

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wpf - 如何防止由于对话框和下拉列表而过早关闭 wpf 弹出面板?




1) 用户打开一个ContextMenu

2) 用户选择ComboBox面板下方的项目(如上图所示)





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javascript - 如何使用 jQuery 一次只显示一个弹出窗口?

有人可以告诉我如何更新我的代码,以便每当我将鼠标悬停在另一个 LI 上时,为不同的主导航链接显示的弹出框会立即消失,而另一个会出现?(我只希望在任何给定时间出现一个浮出控件)

这是关于 jsfiddle 的一个工作示例:


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delphi - 如何制作像 Windows 7 通知弹出窗口这样的窗口,(WS_THICKFRAME 但不可调整)

我刚刚在 Delphi 7 中制作了一个小应用程序,它模拟了默认系统图标,如音量、电池、时钟、网络。

我正在尝试在此处遵循所有 Microsoft 建议http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511448.aspx#flyouts



我的问题是 WS_THICKFRAME 允许用户调整窗口大小。我怎样才能解决这个问题?


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comments - Can the like button (with comments prompts) exist inside a carousel?

I have a sliding carousel of items, each of which includes its own like button. I want the like buttons to have comments; that is, when the user clicks Like, he should be presented with a prompt to leave a comment (http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/397/). I'm starting to doubt that these goals are compatible and would like to hear if anyone has already achieved it.

The comments on the Like buttons are wider than the items in the carousel, and correctly overflow onto other carousel items. However, some of these items are outside the clipping box, since the carousel items are necessarily inside a div with overflow: hidden (otherwise we wouldn't achieve the effect of the items scrolling into existence upon paging). Because of this, if I click Like on the rightmost item currently visible, the comments prompt that appears will be partially outside the clipping box and thus partially visible.

It appears to me the only possible hope of allowing the comments prompt to overflow the carousel container is to place the prompt outside the container in the dom. This way, assuming we can visually position the prompt next to its Like button where it belongs, it's no longer constrained by the container. This seems within possible, since at the time of this writing the comment prompt is implemented as a separate iframe from the button itself; i.e., this XFBML:

yields (approximately) this HTML:

But if I try to move the comments iframe in the dom, it instantly and permanently becomes empty. Even if I could find a way to detach certain events and prevent this, it shows that an intricate solution is called for, and one which Facebook can break at any time in the future with changes to their implementation. Thus, I can't move the comments in the dom, and thus, the prompt is always in danger of being clipped. Facebook says this on the subject:

If the Like button is placed near the edge of an HTML element with the overflow property set to hidden, the flyout may be clipped or completely hidden when the button is clicked. This can be remedied by setting setting the overflow property to a value other than hidden, such as visible, scroll, or auto.

Clearly in the case of a carousel it's not possible to remove overflow: hidden. Has anyone found a way around this, or should I give up and spend my time elsewhere?


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event-handling - Facebook 发送弹出剪辑问题

Facebook 发送按钮生成的浮出控件有问题。单击“发送”按钮后,会生成弹出窗口并显示在某些元素后面。遮挡弹出按钮中的按钮。



FB.Event.subscribe("message.send", function(response) { //去掉溢出:这里隐藏的样式 });


谁能告诉我如何将 onclick 事件绑定到“发送”按钮或如何完全重新定位弹出窗口。或者也许还有一个我还没有考虑过的替代解决方案。


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jquery - 弹出菜单示例?





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jquery - 寻找 jQuery 插件 - 弹出块

我正在寻找一个 jQuery 插件,它可以在某些事件(onClick 或 onMouseOver)上从页面的左侧或右侧创建容器的弹出窗口。

该示例可以在 http://www.nationalgeographic.com/找到 - 当页面加载一些购物广告时,从浏览器屏幕左侧滑动(它只自动显示一次,要再次看到它,您需要删除该网站cookie 并重新加载页面 - 如果插件具有此基于 cookie 的功能,那就太好了)。

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facebook - Facebook Like and Send 插件弹出剪辑

我正在实现一个 Facebook 应用程序,该应用程序在粉丝页面中显示为选项卡。


问题是当单击发送和喜欢按钮时,弹出对话框(单击按钮后弹出的窗口)被 iframe 的左边缘剪裁(应用程序是从右到左的语言)。

从图形设计的角度来看,按钮的位置不能改变,也不允许滚动条。应用程序必须是 520px 宽,不多也不少。



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dynamics-crm - Dynamics CRM 2011:CommandProperties CrmParameter 在传递给 FlyoutAnchor JavaScript 函数时设置不正确

我正在尝试根据以下 SO 答案创建三个动态填充的 FlyoutAnchor 功能区按钮:将下拉菜单添加到 CRM 2011 功能区

所有三个 FlyoutAnchor 按钮都使用相同的PopulateQueryCommand。链接到命令的 JavaScript 函数(参见下面的代码块)获取作为第一个参数传递的CommandProperties CrmParameter,以便能够识别被单击的弹出按钮(并且应该填充动态添加的下拉菜单项)。

该函数被很好地调用并传递了“CommandProperties”参数(它不是null和不是undefined),但是当我尝试设置 PopulationXML 时出现错误,因为这个属性是undefined. 下面列出的其他三个预期属性也是undefined

  • SourceControlId:启动事件的 Ribbon 控件的 Id 值。
  • CommandValueId:单击按钮时与命令事件一起发送的字符串。
  • MenuItemId:从控件到菜单项的 Id 的引用。

当我传入第二个不同的 CrmParameter 时,例如PrimaryEntityTypeName,此参数已正确填充/设置。


2012 年 2 月 21 日更新:为了完整起见,我还尝试了单按钮方法,例如将下拉菜单添加到 CRM 2011 功能区中所述,但这给了我相同的结果(没有可用的 Commandproperties 对象)。我的 CRM 服务器正在运行 Rollup 6,这可能与它有关吗?有没有不同的方法来获得这种弹出式功能区菜单?也许是纯 JavaScript 的东西?它也应该在 Outlook CRM 客户端中工作......