问题标签 [flowchart]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
asp.net - 在 Asp.net 中显示流程图
我想在 asp.net 中以流程图的形式显示一些数据关系(就此而言,来自 xml)。
编辑: 根据关系自动安排节点位置将是一个很大的优势。
private - 有哪些免费的在线流程图工具?
有人可以告诉我一个工具可以帮助在线绘制流程图(协作)但不公开。我确实看到了免费、廉价或开源的 UML 和类似 Visio 的工具,它谈论 gliffy,但它以免费模式公开图表。
.net - windows工作流流程图和异常句柄
cobol - 迁移 COBOL 代码
我的任务是将 COBOL 代码转换为 .NET。有没有可用的转换器?我试图从高层次上理解 COBOL 代码。我无法理解 COBOL 代码。有流程图生成器吗?我很感激任何帮助。
c# - 用于流程图设计器实现的 MVVM 模式
我是 WPF 新手,看了这篇文章后,
用于带有 WPF 的图表应用程序的 MVVM 模式 - 将枚举转换为 xxxViewModel
我想知道是否可以使用或鼓励将 MVVM 用于我喜欢尝试的简单应用程序:
- 这个简单的应用程序是一个 WPF 流程图设计器,它允许用户将图标添加到画布,以便它们彼此相关。
另外,我想知道开发人员如何实现代码隐藏,其中活动节点在 while 循环中的短时间后突出显示。
假设拖放后应用程序中有 3 个节点。
这是否适合 MVVM 模式使用?
workflow - 工作流和流程图之间有什么区别(如果有)?
.net - WPF / Silverlight 流程图设计器
有人知道基于 MS 堆栈的开源产品/框架,它允许建模工作流程(流程图)吗?
它应该允许: - 拖放不同的节点样式;- 定义这些节点的属性;- 连接节点;- 导出到 xml(非强制性)。
flowchart - 示例流程图
我需要创建一个流程图来显示开发人员计算机、开发服务器、开发数据库、QA 服务器、QA 数据库、暂存服务器、暂存数据库、生产服务器和生产数据库作为创建过程的一部分,以便开发人员在开发过程中遵循相同的进入生产开发周期。
您能否将我引导至正确的 URL 或资源。
javascript - Javascript Flowchart designer in style of CKeditor
I've learned here, on stack overflow, that what I need is called "flow-chart". I need to allow user to draw in a browser (using his mouse) a flow-chart that would represent a flow of a process or an algorithm. This flow-chart should contain decisions (yes/no diamonds), tasks (rectangles), arrows, labels etc.
Flow-chart editor should be a part of a Form on a web page, should be written in JavaScript and important is, that it must produce a text output (XML?) that will be storable in DB and when this page is opened again, chart will be rendered based on the previously save text.
No other outputs wil be necessary. Essentially, what I need is just a graphical XML editor/creator.
It would be perfect if it worked as same as CkEditor: http://ckeditor.com/demo
This CkEditor is a JS Html editor that covers a textarea (in a form) and when you write something in this editor, it is (on the background) converted into HTML and written into the textarea. When you send the whole form using a button, the content of textarea can be processed and saved.
I read following thread, but nothing was suitable for my purposes
Very close to my idea was this project, but it is a Java program that is run outside of browser and output can not be stored in DB.
Did anyone use something like I just described?
Update 1: This could be what i was loking for. Does anybody know something similar and/or free? origramy.com/origramy.html
javascript - 用于状态工作流演示的 javascript 库
我想知道一个用于工作流的优秀 javascript 库,我目前正在使用Joint JS,但我需要一些视觉上更令人印象深刻的东西(用户只喜欢这样)。