问题标签 [flexdashboard]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
r - 部署高图表flexdashboard
我目前有一个带有高图表和 flexdashboard 的 rmd 页面。与数据库连接以向图表提供数据。
如何将此 rmd 页面部署到例如。HTML 同时保持闪亮。目前我已经尝试过 rmarkdown::render() 但由于某些原因它没有连接到 dB 并且所有图表都保持为空。
r - Dynamicly increasing amount of tabs and pages in flexdashboards
So I just started using flexdashboard to visualize my results and i have a critical question. In my procedure i have a dataset with 10 columns which updates everyday. In the end of the day I am reporting only the columns that are in a way significant.
The thing is that in some days I need to report 2 columns, and in some other 10 columns. So i was thinking to automate this in flexdashboard.
To define a new row with tabs we do (e.g for 2 tabs)
Which creates a row with two tabs.
My question is: Is there any way to produce as many tabs as say a variable c
indicates? (say c=4
, i would want 4 tabs!)
Sorry if this has been answered before! Thanks in advance!
r - How to execute base R function on Shiny reactive table subset?
I'm trying to create a Shiny/flexdashboard Markdown file, and I've stuck the following in a R code chunk. Basically, it subsets the input dataframe using two inputs - the second input depends on the first:
Now, this works fine to subset the data frame (Sector, then FA), and the subsetted data frame is visible in the dashboard via renderDataTable
What I'd like to do is to perform things like table
on the reactive data subset, to create a contingency table on factor levels:
and then further use this new table, for example:
When I try this, the new table doesn't render.
Is there a way of running this successfully?
r - 更改 flexdashboard 中单个文本部分的字体大小
我正在使用 flexdashboard 创建报告,我只想更改页面一部分的字体大小。
在我看来,我可以通过添加 CSS 类来做到这一点,但我找不到如何在 R 降价代码中指定类名。
shiny - 当我发布到 shinyapps.io 时,Flexdashboard Gauge 未呈现
这是我用来在 flexdashboard 中呈现仪表的代码runtime: shiny
但是在发布到 shinyapps.io 之后,我只能看到 0、%age 和 100,没有仪表:
dt - R垂直滚动不起作用
我正在尝试垂直滚动,但这不起作用,有人可以解释为什么吗?我还想默认一次显示 20 行。
css - 滚动长数据透视表(包 rpivottable 和 knitr)
我想从带有垂直滚动条的 rpivotTable 库生成一个数据透视表的数据透视表,以允许查看长输出。
在 RStudio 中使用 knitr 生成数据透视表,并嵌入到flexdashboard中模板中。
我没有使用闪亮的仪表板,问题已经解决,我的只是一个用 knitr 生成的 html 仪表板。
在你给我减分之前......我真的试过了,认为可能是一个设置没有记录:我的 Rmd 代码部分如下所示(在两种情况下滚动都没有结果):
我将非常感谢任何指示如何实现 rpivottable 的垂直滚动。
r - 如何在 flexdashboard 中渲染 googlevis
我正在尝试将 GoogleVis 与新包FlexDashboard一起使用,这就像基本 .Rd 和 shinyDashboards 之间的交集。它基本上是一个不发光的仪表板。
无论如何,我正在尝试嵌入一个 googleVis 对象,默认情况下似乎不支持,但我可以让 html 显示在输出中,所以一定有办法!我们能想出一些技巧吗?也许结合plot()
结合某种黑客?Ormessing 与设置op <- options(gvis.plot.tag='chart')